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Chapter 1518 Sensation In The Heavenly Palace

Chapter 1518 Sensation in the Heavenly Palace

When the entire Huaxian Mansion fell into a carnival atmosphere again, Ling Hou also quickly learned the news of Jiang Cheng's return.


"He actually killed 120,000 evil immortals including Kun You and Yan Qi?"

He stood up suddenly, the blood on his face almost faded.

And the other six Tianhuang nobles were even a little unstable.

This news is really shocking.

"Kunyou and Yanqi are so powerful, how could they be killed by him?"

"This kind of thing, even the top powerhouses among the gods such as King Yun and King Sha, would be difficult to do?"

Faintly, they felt that they might have provoked an extremely terrifying target.

Ling Hou took a deep breath and managed to calm down.

"This person had already beheaded two Taoist saints during the Tongshen Conference."

"It's just that no one thought at that time that that wasn't his full strength!"

"Then what do we do next?"

Some people are starting to back off.

"Or, let's not fight against him, shall we?"

"This person looks a little scary, not to be messed with."

Ling Hou's eyes became sharp instantly, and he slowly looked around at the few people present.

Seeing them all the time, they were a little hairy, and then they laughed.

"No matter how strong he is, what can he do?"

"The only one who dares to touch us is the Heavenly Emperor, is he the Heavenly Emperor?"

"Emperor Xiu ordered him to be destroyed a long time ago, you and I will continue to give it a go!"

If Jiang Cheng heard about their plot, he might pat him on the shoulder approvingly, young man, do it well.

It took only two battles for us to destroy the evil spirits on the opposite side, thanks to your silent dedication behind the scenes, and a small half of your military medals.

If Ling Hou hadn't secretly told Xie Xian that Jiang Cheng was vulnerable to a single blow, and he had sowed dissension, causing Xie Xian to underestimate the enemy, then Brother Cheng really wouldn't have had the chance to complete his feats.

After all, the evil immortal is one on the left and one on the right, and he is extremely cunning.

If he goes out normally, the opponent will run away even if he can't win, and won't go all out.

The achievements of Huaxian Mansion's side spread quickly.

When Tiangong learned that the Tianle army had killed two Taoist saints and wiped out more than 200,000 evil immortals, one can imagine the degree of sensation.

The most attention-grabbing event in the Immortal World recently was originally the competition for the upper star masters.

In the last spiritual meeting, Brother Cheng killed two high-ranking star masters, and there were vacancies in those two master stars.

Now the competition has entered a white-hot stage, attracting the attention of countless people.

But as soon as Coach Jiang's heaven-defying record came out, he immediately suppressed the heat of the star master competition, and forcibly grabbed the headlines.

Since Tiangong was established, it has fought against the evil Immortal World and the evil immortals of the four directions for so many years, and has never had such a brilliant victory.

Heavenly Emperor is even more powerful.

Problem Once the Heavenly Emperor appeared, the evil spirits would have long since disappeared.

"This is too incredible!"

"In just a few days, he achieved such a brilliant record, it's like being possessed by God of War!"

"A while ago, many people were still not convinced."

When Jiang Cheng went to Tianle Army to be the head coach, many immortal officials in Tiangong were not optimistic.

He felt that his qualifications were far from enough, and the position of coach was too important for him to handle at all.

Now, they just think that kind of thinking is really superfluous.

"It is impossible to measure Jiang Yinhuang with common sense."

"That's right, we should have seen it during the Tongshen Conference."

"At that time, there were four competitions, and he was creating miracles in each of them."

"He became the coach, that is the luck of Tianjun, and also the blessing of Tiangong."

Emperor Kong and Xiudi Yuandi in Zi Xiaodian could naturally hear these discussions.

"Unexpectedly, he actually used this method to conquer the Tianle Army."

Emperor Kong's mood is a bit complicated.

"According to the battle report sent back, this son's strength is stronger than that of the Tongshen Assembly."

Under the bombardment of the eighth-order Taoist formation, forcibly killing two Taoist saints and 120,000 evil immortals, this kind of thing could not be done by King Yun and King Jing, and neither could Taoist Yunting.

Based on this alone, Jiang Cheng has already compared the other thirty-two commanders of the Heavenly Army.

This kind of person doesn't need any qualifications, basic contacts, or tricks.

When the strength exceeds a certain limit, everything else is just floating clouds.

The so-called unworthiness before has long since become a joke.

Emperor Xiu gritted his teeth angrily.

"This kid won't live long!"

"In addition to the evil immortals, there is also the Sect of the Land of Absolute Dao, and the primordial turbid demons."

"This black sheep is in full swing now, but it will soon be over the top!"

Emperor Yuan on the side couldn't help frowning.

"Jiang Cheng's extermination of the evil immortals has done a great service to our Tiangong no matter what."

"I think it's better to let go of your prejudices and treat him as one of your own."

At the end of the last Tongshen Conference, his attitude towards Jiang Cheng changed a lot.

Now I am even more convinced of this.

If Jiang Cheng is not regarded as an enemy, then his existence is simply a blessing in heaven.

"This child is extremely evil, and his luck is strange, and he is full of mysterious aura. It is far better to be friends with such a person than to be enemies..."


Emperor Xiu interrupted him sharply.

"He has no heart!"

"He is Heavenly Dao's enemy!"

"Heavenly Dao wants us to kill him, how can you betray Heavenly Dao's will?"

As soon as he said this, Emperor Yuan could only sigh.

And Kongdi on the side remained silent.

A few days later, a commendation order from Tiangong arrived at Huaxian Mansion.

Reward Jiang Cheng and the "all soldiers" of the Eighth Army, and encourage them to make new achievements in the future.

"It's just a few words of verbal praise, and there is no substantive reward at all."

Brother Cheng threw the commendation order to Mengchun Chiling, while complaining without any scruples.

"This Zi Xiaodian is too stingy."

"There is no pattern at all."

Meng Chun Chiling didn't dare to agree with this topic.

I said in my heart that you should take it easy, you dare to arrange Heavenly Emperor behind your back, if it gets out, the consequences will be very serious.

They are very precious to this commendation order.

Because the praise from Zi Xiaogong is actually very rare.

In the next evaluation of the immortal officials, this thing will be their major capital, absolute hard currency.

The most elite third and fourth legions of the Tianle Army have fought on the front line for so many years, and they have only received awards from Zhan Tiansi.

The specifications are not as high as this time.

And the Eighth Legion just traveled with Brother Cheng for two laps...

While the three of them were chatting, a notification came from outside.

"The First Immortal General Huan Chang is begging to see you!"

"Huan Chang?"

Meng Chun and Chi Ling's expressions changed, and they faintly felt something was wrong.

"Why is he here?"

Jiang Cheng didn't think much about it.

As an immortal general under his command, isn't it normal to come to see him.

He vaguely remembered Yin Ping's introduction last time, this Huan Chang was an ambitious man, right?

"Let him in."

After a while, Huan Chang appeared in the middle of the palace gate in heavy armor.

Behind him were the middle-aged counselor and two commanders.

To the surprise of Jiang Cheng and others, the leader of the first and second legions bent his tall body as soon as he entered the door.

(end of this chapter)

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