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Chapter 1543 Can't Steal The Limelight

Chapter 1543 Can't steal the limelight

"It's a piece of cake!"

Jiang Cheng didn't even draw his sword, and rushed forward without turning back.

Anyway, the legal realm is ineffective against the turbid demon.

Although the kendo attack can tear the muddy demons apart, they can be reassembled immediately.

So why waste your energy?

From the perspective of the Eighth Army, this is normal.

But in the eyes of the other three legions, this is simply absurd.

Isn't this going up to die?

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Cheng was once again surrounded and submerged by layers of turbid demons.

The five, six, and seven legions immediately experienced violent commotion.

"It's over!"

"Boss Jiang is dead?"

"No way……"

Ling Hou was also taken aback.

Can't it?

Even if he was really killed by the turbid demon, it shouldn't be such a nonsensical way of suicide!

He quietly mentioned Xianli, looked at the black shadows of turbid demons piled up over there with surprise and suspicion, and was ready to run away with oil on his feet at any time.

Immediately afterwards, a figure fell down from that giant mountain.

It's a muddy demon.

That's right, Jiang Cheng repeated his old tricks this time.

When the turbidity of the turbid demon invaded his body, the Enlightenment Immortal Tree lit up again, exuding a halo of radiance.

As a result, the intruding turbid air was drawn out again.

Jiang Cheng didn't hurt a single hair.

These turbid demons also stepped into the cycle of suicide.


The Eighth Army was elated.

"Sure enough, Coach Jiang has begun to show his might again."

"This is Coach Jiang's special melee style of play, the only one!"

They even raised their eyebrows proudly at the other three.

"You all learn a little bit, don't yell about nothing!"

Ling Hou felt that his own cognition had been subverted a bit.

Still bring this?

Didn't it mean that you can't get close to the turbid demons, you should try to fly a kite to consume their turbid energy, and finally think of a way to kill them?

What is this?

Looking at the turbid demon that was falling down like dumplings, he felt that the front-line common sense he had heard before was bullshit.

Isn't this easy to deal with?

Listening to the cheers and cheers of the Eighth Army next to it.

Looking at the shocked and admiring gazes of many immortals from the fifth, sixth, and seventh legions next to him, he felt a little upset.

You are my subordinates, and you are about to take the surname Jiang Cheng?

It just doesn't make sense!

And what is the purpose of their coming to the front line this time?

Watching Jiang Cheng pretend, by the way, flatter him and give him gifts?

What is he trying to figure out?

He gritted his teeth, feeling that he couldn't go on like this.

This time, the plan to kill Jiang Cheng was bankrupt, but he followed Teacher Lao's expedition, so he couldn't come in vain!

Aren't you amazing, then I want to grab the credit too!

Thinking of this, he gave an order to a confidant commander under his command.

"Next, use the Immortal Camera to record my heroic appearance in battle."

The commander was still a little puzzled.

My heart said that with your strength, how can you have any heroic posture in battle?

Could it be that you are going to fight the turbid demon?

Isn't that sending you to death?

But in a flash, he figured it out.

At present, all the turbid demons are attacking Jiang Cheng inexplicably, completely ignoring the others.

Ling Houfei swung his sword and posed nearby, there was no danger.

And if the 'shooting angle' is better, outsiders will only regard the turbid demons falling from the sky as Ling Hou beheading them from the air.

As for Jiang Cheng...

He was submerged in it, and no one could see him.

As long as the mouths of the four legions are sealed, who would know who did it?

What's more, even if it gets out, it can be said that Linghou and Jiang Cheng worked together to kill thousands of turbid demons!


The commander set up the Immortal Camera with understanding, and the 'lens' locked onto Ling Hou firmly.

The latter adjusted his expression, and raised his long sword to the tens of thousands of people here.

"Boss Jiang is trapped by the turbid demon!"

"His situation is precarious!"

"As Linghou, I am an immortal general of the Tianle Army, how can I just sit idly by?"

The sword in his hand pointed directly at the layers of turbid demons in the distant void, and his tone was generous and tragic.

"You all hold your positions here!"

"I'm going to rescue Coach Jiang alone!"

Seeing his heroic figure flying towards the group of turbid demons without hesitation, everyone present almost vomited.

What the hell, do you think we are blind?

Commander Jiang was having a great time killing there, and the corpse of the turbid demon was like dumpling, what do you need to worry about?

Also save him?

Where is the face?

He obviously wanted to grab the credit, but he still said it so grandiosely.

However, they can only slander in their hearts.

Seeing Ling Hou swinging his sword at the Chaomo from the air, he didn't show any strength, and let it output to the air, and there was a 'camera' to follow the whole process.

The other six second generation ancestors couldn't sit still anymore.

Linghou can take credit for his achievements, why can't we?

Who would think too much credit?

So these six people also shouted loudly.

"Brother Ling, you alone may not be enough, I will help you!"

"Rescue Commander Jiang, how could I be missing?"

"Even if I sacrifice my life, I can't watch the head coach of the Tianle Army get killed!"

Many people in the Eighth Army really spit it out on the spot.

These guys are not disgusting at acting.

That's all for Ling Hou, he is still a Daoist anyway.

Some of you are just Supreme.

Is that small body enough for the lowest first-order muddy demon to digest?

No matter what they thought, the six Second Generation Ancestors rushed up impatiently.

Following Linghou's example, output air in the direction of the turbid demon.

This scene was not only seen by people outside, but Jiang Cheng inside actually saw it too.

Although he was overwhelmed by the turbid demon, he was busy with the Enlightenment Immortal Tree.

He himself is doing nothing, just providing a place for the muddy demon to commit suicide.

Watching the performance of the seven second-generation ancestors, Brother Cheng felt that it was time to send them to the west.

He didn't have any feelings for Ling Hou and the others.

After all, he didn't have any idea about the three legions of 567.

But I couldn't stand Linghou and others posting it again and again.

It's okay to repeatedly reveal the intention to murder him, anyway, Brother Cheng wanted to die one more time.

The problem is that these guys are actually stealing his limelight.

Trying to put his record on his head in vain.

This is Jiang Cheng's Nei Lin.

He clicked on the system, intending to make a wave of invisibility.

Although the nearby turbid demons can still hit him after being invisible, the surrounding turbid demons will lose their targets at that moment.

At this time, they will automatically lock on to the nearest target.

And the ones closest to them are Ling Hou and others.

At that time, Ling Hou and others will be torn apart by the turbid demon without any suspense.

It's a worthy death!

And he showed up again, showing off his supernatural power, and avenging General Ling Xian and others...

It's exciting to think about.

He was about to start implementing this perfect plan, when there was a sudden shock in his body!

A large piece of turbid air and gray mist that was drawn out suddenly fell down.

(end of this chapter)

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