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Chapter 1599 The Catastrophe Has Arrived

Chapter 1599 The Catastrophe Has Arrived

"At that time, the evil Immortal World couldn't hold back our offensive at all, and it would collapse at the first touch, and we were retreating every day."

"The only twist in the middle was that the evil god personally attacked the Tianwei army, which caused us some losses."

"But soon Emperor Lin and Emperor Yuan arrived, not only driving him away, but also wounding him."

The blood emperor nodded.

Hearing this, the battle situation was within his expectations.

"Don't dare to confront the same rank master head-on, it is indeed the style of the evil god, what happened next?"

"Later, the evil immortals retreated again and again, and the entire evil Immortal World fell completely."

"Even their Sacred Land Tianxie Mountain was destroyed by Emperor Kong himself!"

When he said this, he had a rare look of excitement on his face.

It is conceivable how joyful Tiangong was when they heard the news back then.

Jiang Cheng was surprised and said: "Then you have already won, haven't you?"

The enemy's crystal has been pushed away, clean up the battlefield, and accept the spoils to triumph!

Tang Zhong actually recognized him.

After all, Jiang Cheng was still very famous in Tiangong, and he had even watched this brother's heroic appearance in the Tongshen Assembly with his own eyes.

But, didn't Zi Xiaogong announce that this person had fallen three thousand years ago?

There was also a grand memorial service at that time.

How is he still alive?

With the blood emperor present, he didn't dare to ask anything.

Can only nod.

"Yeah, at that time we also felt that we had won."

"But then there was a major change."

The blood emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, and quickly asked: "What happened?"

"Although we flattened the evil Immortal World and wiped out many evil immortals, their peak masters did not suffer much damage."

"The evil god was only slightly injured, and the other seventeen Taoist saints are still alive."

"Emperor Kong thought that the task of eradicating evil was done, so he led a heavenly army with Emperor Yuan, Emperor Soul, and Emperor Lin to continue hunting, and only paid attention to the emperor's presence in the middle army."

"After this chase, I finally chased into the land of absolute dao."

Hearing the words "Land of Absolute Dao", Jiang Cheng vaguely understood something.

"Did Power from the Land of Absolute Intervention intervene?"

Stepping into the absolute land, the home field advantage of the Heavenly Emperors is gone.

Because that is the boundary that Heavenly Dao never shines on.

Although it doesn't even have a source like the Lonely God Realm, the Heavenly Emperors went there, that is, ordinary Taoist gods.


Tang nodded emphatically: "After the four Heavenly Emperors went deep, more than a dozen Taoist gods were dispatched from the land of absolute Taoism!"

"This is a game against Tiangong!"

"We don't know what kind of world-shattering battle happened at that time. We only know the last four Heavenly Emperors... Only Emperor Lin came back with his wounded body."

"The other three are still missing."

The blood emperor didn't roar or interrupt, but the divine light in his eyes was a little scattered.

Obviously, the news hit him hard.

So much so that he was a little out of his mind.

Ten Heavenly Emperor's relationship is not just a combination of the same interests.

Although after becoming Heavenly Emperor, the mentality of some of them has changed.

But the experience of going out together and growing from weak to strong all the way back then is not so easy to forget.

Tang Zhong's narration did not end.

Because this is just the beginning.

"When the four Heavenly Emperors were besieged in the Land of Absolute Dao, the Xin Emperors and sixteen heavenly armies who stayed on the side of the evil Immortal World were also attacked, and those who attacked were also in the Land of Absolute Dao."

"In that battle, four Taoist gods were dispatched on the opposite side, and countless Taoist saints and Taoist priests... the sixteen heavenly armies suffered heavy losses."

"Xindi supported it all by himself, but thanks to his old man's efforts to turn the tide, he even repelled the four Taoist gods alone!"

The Blood Emperor gritted his teeth tightly, but tried his best to lift the corners of his mouth, a mixture of grief, anger and pride were all intertwined in that smile.

"Of course!"

"Where Heavenly Dao reaches, no matter how many Taoist gods come, we will not be afraid!"

All the immortal officials present nodded heavily.

"and then?"

Jiang Cheng asked again.

"It stands to reason that you still have six Heavenly Emperors, sitting on the side of Tiangong, they should still be impenetrable!"

In his mind, if Land of Absolute Dao and Immortal World join forces to counterattack Tiangong, the final result will be bloodshed.

After all, Ten Heavenly Emperor's home field advantage is too great.

"They didn't immediately attack Tiangong."

Tang Zhong looked at Gao Tian in the distance: "After the war in the Land of Absolute Dao ended, those Taoist gods killed Heavenly Dao."


This time, the blood emperor almost jumped up on the spot.

"Attack Heavenly Dao?"

"Yes, not only the fourteen Taoist gods, but it is said that there are other powerhouses as well."

In this monstrous upheaval, Tang Zhong's status was too low, and he was unable to find out a lot of inside information.

He only knows that Heavenly Dao has become precarious, and the foundation of Tiangong's survival has been shaken.

"In order to defend Heavenly Dao, Emperor Xiu, Emperor Xuan, and the injured Emperor Lin can only be thrown into another battle, and only the emperor sits in the Heavenly Palace."

"Until then, the Land of Absolute Dao finally came out in full force and launched an attack on Tiangong."

"Fortunately, we still have Emperor Xin in charge, and the main star array, so we can barely maintain it."

"However, during the Tongshen Conference, several high-ranking star masters fell, and no new star masters appeared, and the power of the main star formation has also decreased a lot..."

He couldn't help but glance at Jiang Cheng, the deaths of those high-ranking star masters were all thanks to your brother!

Blood Emperor took a deep breath, and asked in a deep voice: "So now only Emperor Xin is in charge of the overall situation in Tiangong?"


Tang Zhong sighed.

"If it weren't for his old man, we wouldn't be able to survive the three thousand years."

"I'm afraid that in the first three years, Tiangong has already been destroyed."

"Now the structure of Yuan Immortal World has changed drastically, and it is no longer the same as before..."

The Blood Emperor shook his head.

"I have a question."

"Such a big change happened..."

He stared at Tang Zhong, paused each word, and asked slowly: "Where did the War Great Emperor go?"

Jiang Cheng was also quite curious about this question.

This brother still doesn't know that the War Great Emperor is Ling.

But he has also heard that the War Great Emperor is the most powerful among the ten Heavenly Emperors.

If 'he' was there, the situation would have changed a lot, right?

The Blood Emperor gritted his teeth, and said fiercely: "She is the head of Zhan Tiansi, and all the thirty-three heavenly armies are her subordinates!"

"The expedition to the evil Immortal World should have been led by her!"

"Why didn't she show up?"

Although the Ten Heavenly Emperors are all Dao gods, all of them are powerful, but not all of their Heavenly Dao treasures are fighting type.

What's more, everyone's combat talent is different.

During their journey together to form the Tiangong, the most difficult battles were all fought by the War Great Emperor to deal with the opponent's strongest main force.

She is the biggest deterrent to Tiangong.

If the War Great Emperor personally leads this expedition, then chasing into the land of absolute Taoism and facing the siege of ten Taoist gods, maybe he can fight back and kill one or two, right?

No matter how bad it was, the four Heavenly Emperors should be able to escape unscathed.

Tang Zhong said in a low voice: "Three thousand years ago, she hid Zhanji Palace and closed the death gate..."

(end of this chapter)

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