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Chapter 1608 Ji Linghan's Legal Realm

Chapter 1608 Ji Linghan's Legal Realm

Daoist You Chang on the opposite side was very happy.

The more excited Mo Chen was, the happier he was.

"Why? You still ask why we want to destroy Feixianmen?"

He had a smug expression on his face that it's too late for you to regret it now.

"The last time you dared to snatch something from our Luo Quanzong, did you ever think that it would be today?"

"Do you think we Luo Quanzong are easy to provoke?"

"Do you think there is a Daoist who can do whatever he wants?"

It seems that Feixianmen will have today, all because of disrespect to Luoquanzong.

Mo Chen is still acting there.

"We didn't do whatever we wanted..."

"Didn't do whatever you wanted?"

The head of the Heve sect also jumped out.

"Are you a newcomer recently?"

"Back then, when we were in the land of the dead, we kindly came to visit, but Ji Linghan didn't give face at all."

He coldly mocked: "She is so arrogant, she dared not to put us in one's eyes, is Taoist amazing?"

"You tell her to get out, I want to see how she is now."

Mo Chen said in his heart that you used to be considered a kind visit?

Don't you see that Feixianmen is sparsely populated, so it looks easy to squeeze?

If it wasn't for Master Ji not wanting to make things big, you would have died eight hundred times.

Other Sects and families around also clamored.

"Yes, let her get out!"

"We want to see what's so great about her as a Daoist!"

"Today is the end of your Feixianmen!"

"You guys who have joined recently have suffered an unwarranted disaster, so you can't blame us."

Mo Chen's expression darkened on purpose, and he said solemnly: "Everyone, you should know that not everyone can insult Daoist saints."

He arched his cupped hands towards the rear nave.

"Although you are led by Taoist Tong Xiao, our head Ji is not easy to mess with."

"If you really want to fight, then weigh the consequences yourself!"

This old man is also bad.

Aside from Tang Ru, Duan He and others who were scattered outside, Feixianmen also had Jiang Cheng, Ji Linghan, Lin Ning, Luo Yuan and himself at the scene, a total of five Taoist saints.

But he just didn't talk, he just played!

At this point, he is still showing weakness.

Sure enough, the top ten Sects on the opposite side all burst into laughter after a brief moment of astonishment.

"Hahahaha, do you think you can fool us?"

"Ji Linghan was seriously injured, right?"

"Think we don't know?"

They have made no secret of their fine tradition of taking advantage of others, and are even proud of it.

"Now is the weakest time for your Feixianmen, otherwise why would we come?"

"What Taoist, is it a sick cat now?"

Tong Xiao Dao Sheng even gave the order with one hand.

"I've wanted to meet Ji Linghan for a long time, why don't you let her come out and die soon?"

"You're talking nonsense!"

Seeing Mo Chen performing a one-man show there alone, Wei Miao in the back was so itchy that he couldn't help but jumped out too.

"How could our Master Ji be injured? Who can injure her?"

"She's obviously fine."

"It's just that I've been doing Closed Door Training recently, practicing a heaven-shocking divine technique, which is several times stronger than before!"

"I warn you to recede, so that you can protect yourself. If you offend her old man, the consequences will be disastrous..."

The people on the opposite side roared with laughter again.

"Hahaha, your bluff is pathetic."

"Still Closed Door Training?"

"Did she have a fierce battle with foreign enemies just now?"


Wei Miao's pupils dilated suddenly, and then his face tightened.

"How do you know?"

The corners of Taoist You Chang's mouth were slightly raised, with a profound expression that we have seen through everything for a long time.

"And he's a Daoist from the Heavenly Palace, right?"

"How do you know that he is from Tiangong?"

Wei Miao completely lost her composure and shook her head in disbelief.

"No, you can't possibly know."

His acting skills are obviously much better than Mo Chen's just now.

The top ten Sect masters on the opposite side were all happy, and they were in a mess.

Daoist Youchang triumphantly pulled out Baiwu Supreme.

"Then we have to ask Baiwu Elder of our Luoquan sect."

The latter had long since lost the fearful and cowering look he had when he was in front of Brother Cheng, and he was also beaming at this time.

"Haha, to be honest, I personally brought that Tiangong Taoist here."

"If it weren't for me, how would you have endured such a battle?"

He also raised his eyebrows with a flat face.

"Who cares about you Taoist saints, don't you want to be played by me in the palm of your hand?"

"After you get to the underground, remember that the one who destroyed your Feixianmen is our Luoquanzong!"

Mo Chen and Wei Miao still want to continue acting.

Yin Xueer and the others in the rear couldn't stand it any longer.

"Okay, okay, what are you dawdling about?"

"It's just a bunch of jumping clowns. You two don't bother me, but we don't feel tired standing up."

What they said made the people opposite them furious.

"What courage!"

"Who gave you the confidence of Feixianmen?"

"How dare you be so arrogant at this point, don't you To put us in one's eyes?"

"Kill them all!"

Mo Chen saw that the performance could not go on, so he arched his cupped hands again towards the main hall behind.

"Isn't this old man implementing the spirit of the famous sect advocated by the head of Jiang?"

"For every major sect, one must pay attention to one's teacher and be famous in one's actions."

"You juniors are still too young to understand the painstaking efforts of Sect Leader Jiang."

This old guy, at this time, he still needs to get a good impression of Brother Cheng.

Head Jiang, have you seen that I am your most caring and confidant minister.

Forgot that he wasn't a decent guy at all when he first appeared, but a Devil Cultivator.

"Okay, since you want to see Master Ji so much, then invite her to come forward."

As soon as the words fell, Ji Linghan, who was dressed in a plain palace dress, floated into the arena, and stood in front of Taoist Tong Xiao.

"You want to fight me?"

A seven-level Dao sword rippled out of her palm like a ripple in water.

Until the end, it quietly condensed into layers of ice crystals.

Just like the chilling frost in her eyes, how could she have the gentle and gentle appearance in front of Brother Cheng before?

Before she finished speaking, her legal space had already been covered.

But seeing in the dharma realm, the phantoms of the nine original sources complement each other, and the six original totems go straight to the sky, exuding the light of the Sacred, which makes people dare not look directly at them!

With such a scale, even Jiang Cheng behind couldn't help but look sideways.

Many Taoist saints he met before generally had only three or four giant pillars of the original source totem, and five or six original phantoms.

Those who can reach the scale of Ji Linghan are the veteran gods of the Heavenly Palace like King Shi Wanglu.

It seems that in these years, she has also had a special encounter with herself.

No matter the Daoist Tong Xiao on the opposite side, or Mo Chen Lin Ning and others behind him, they were all startled.

Because they suddenly discovered that the origin of ice that Ji Linghan majored in is very different from other origins.

(end of this chapter)

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