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Chapter 1634 Order Of The Hidden Emperor

Chapter 1634 Order of the Hidden Emperor

The official rank of the median star master is equivalent to a second rank immortal official.

And Jiang Cheng's position as the hidden emperor is on an equal footing with the Heavenly Emperor.

Aside from the title of Emperor Yin, his position as a god is beyond ordinary first rank immortal officials.

So Takichi Star Lord called himself Xiaoxian in front of him, which is quite appropriate.

Brother Cheng intentionally smiled and said: "But, I am standing on the side of Feixianmen now."

"The Feixianmen is the Sect of Xiaomangyu, your enemy."

"I, the Yin Emperor, you can completely ignore it and continue to attack me..."

"Jiang Yinhuang, what's your name!"

A Daoist from Tiangong interrupted him loudly.

"Your title of hidden emperor has not been revoked by the Heavenly Emperors, that means you are still our superior!"

"How can the rules of Tiangong be abandoned?"

"How dare we disrespect you?"

He said sternly: "Don't say such outrageous and outrageous things as not taking Emperor Yin seriously!"


Star Master Takiike nodded with a serious face.

"You are still the wise and mighty, highly respected Emperor Yin in our hearts!"

"Give Xiaoxian 10,000 guts, and she will never attack you!"

A moment ago, they were still shouting at the picture of Chuanying Immortal Artifact.

The sudden change of mouth now is naturally for survival.

You see, we respect you so much, we are all our own people!

Do you have the nerve to kill us?

Brother Cheng was also defeated by this group of treasures.

In fact, he was close to the end of his battle.

Using the power of turbidity is like burning gasoline. The last time he dealt with Tong Xiao Daosheng and others, he used up 30% of it.

These days, only 10% of them are automatically replied.

Just beheaded the three Taoist saints and fought two consecutive battles. He tried his best to save it.

The immortal power is the main one, and the turbid power is only used on the blade.

But still removed 30% again.

And in order to resist the attack of star power, the turbidity barrier was turned on and consumed all the time, and the last 50% was almost consumed.

If Takichi Daozun and the others prodded the main star's star power for a while longer, Jiang Cheng might really be killed.


Seeing that his desire to be killed was not satisfied, Brother Cheng could only settle for the next best thing.

"Since I am your superior, surely you will listen to my orders?"

"That's natural!"

Daozun Takichi saw that his tone had softened, and quickly expressed his opinion loudly.

"Jiang Yinhuang's order, to Xiaoxian, is a jade decree!"

"Is there any reason for us not to follow?"

"it is good!"

Jiang Cheng nodded in satisfaction.

"Then you all should quickly mobilize this emerald star and exit the Moheng Galaxy Cluster."

Since the task is to recover the Moheng Galaxy Cluster, of course it must be done properly.

Even if the legion below voted, what's the matter with the main star of the Heavenly Palace hanging above their heads?

The reason why Jiang Cheng worked so hard on this task was of course not because he was afraid of the Jingzhu Immortal Mansion.

but for myself.

In his eyes, Feixian Sect will sooner or later be the largest faction in Xiaomang Domain, and in the future Xiaomang Domain will be its own territory.

Of course, the surrounding threats must be cleaned up.

"Ah, huh?"

Everyone who originally thought that this wave of crisis had passed was dumbfounded.

"Exit Moheng Galaxy Cluster?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Star Master Takichi's face turned bitter, "This is not a question of whether it is difficult or not, but..."

"But what?"

Everyone looked constipated.

Do you really don't know or you don't know?

How important is it that the main star withdraws from the front line?

To mobilize an army, there is an order from Zhan Tiansi.

As for mobilizing the main star, it is absolutely impossible without Zi Xiaodian's will, and Zhan Tiansi does not have that authority.

What's more, losing the frontline position and retreating is an act of desertion.

"This really won't work!"

"Why can't it work?"

Jiang Cheng frowned slightly, and said displeasedly: "You are the star master of this star, moving the master star is only a matter of one thought, a piece of cake."

This brother said it as if the entire main star was withdrawn, and it was as simple as moving a salute.

"The problem is not here, but Zi Xiaodian above..."


Brother Cheng stared, "Zi Xiaodian is on the top, so I'm not on the top?"

You really are not, you are the enemy.

We are just helpless.

Everyone was slandering in their hearts, but naturally they didn't dare to show it on their faces.

Daozun Longchi bargained with a bitter face, "Of course you are the top, but Xiaoxian over at Zi Xiaodian can't explain it!"

He is not a high-ranking star master.

The median main star, in fact, still has half of the control over Tiangong.

If it really messed up, Zi Xiaodian might really bring him down and punish him, and replace him with a middle star master.

"No buts."

Jiang Cheng put away his smile, and looked around the crowd with a cold face.

"I can tell that you didn't take me, Yin Huang, as a senior cadre."

Everyone shook their heads in denial.

"No no."

"How dare we, it's just that this matter is too difficult."

"Don't you dare?"

With a straight face, Jiang Cheng said indifferently: "Didn't you just say that you would obey orders from my superior? So it was all lies and deception to me?"

Seeing him slowly draw out the Ji Que sword again, everyone was about to cry from fright.

"We listen, we listen!"

"Yeah, let's withdraw now!"

Compared to being killed immediately, it is still acceptable to go back and be punished by Zi Xiaodian.

They even helped Brother Cheng do the work of Takiike Daozun.

"Star Master Takichi, you should listen to Emperor Jiang Yin."

"This is the order of the Yin Emperor, you just obey it!"

"Don't go against Jiang Yinhuang..."

Looking at the cold edge of the Ji Que Sword, Takichi Daozun tried his best to pay back the price one last time.

"Well, you ordered me to retreat as the hidden emperor, at least you have to give me a warrant, let me go back to the business!"

He also figured it out.

Anyway, after going back, he took the Yinhuang's warrant and said that he acted according to the order.

Zi Xiaodian questioned, saying that he didn't know that Jiang Cheng had become an enemy.

In this way, there is nothing to say from above, after all, you did not announce the removal of the Yinhuang position, how can you rely on me, the little star master?


Brother Cheng was taken aback for a moment, this really made him a little bit troubled.

Yinhuang is just a false title, and Tiangong didn't create any exclusive seal for him.

He was going to say, daddy is here to attack you, why are there so many troubles, if he doesn't go away, he will kill you.

But in a flash, he changed his mind again.

It's the first time to order with the hidden emperor's identity, ah!

This brother rolled his eyes, and out of thin air, a purple seal similar to the Tianle Army commander's seal appeared on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, another piece of Emperor Talisman was taken out.

A line of words was quickly engraved on it.

‘Order Jinwei Lord to withdraw from Moheng Galaxy Cluster immediately, there must be no mistake! '

After writing the year of the Tiangong, he took out the 'Hidden Emperor's Great Seal' and stamped it on.

In order to emphasize the point, this brother also deliberately attached a trace of his own unique spirit mark on the big seal, which can be regarded as an anti-counterfeiting mark.

How could everyone present know that this big seal was made on the spot just now.

They have never seen the 'Hidden Emperor's Great Seal', and no one knows the authenticity.

(end of this chapter)

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