Chapter 175 Duan He

Dingqu City in Pinghai Prefecture of the Donglan Dynasty was already crowded with people.

This has become an assessment point for Feixianmen to recruit new recruits, and many cultivators nearby have come here in these two days.

Duan He, 15, is one of them.

He can't fly, so he can only lower his head and move forward with the crowd, very inconspicuous.

The order gradually became orderly when the registration was made outside the Great Hall in front of us.

A large formation can enter 1,000 people at a time, which seems to be very fast.

However, compared to this huge number of people, it is still too small.

Even if Jiang Cheng stepped up to make tens of thousands of arrays later, many people still had to wait for several days to get their turn.

Duan He's assessment time was three days later, but he didn't leave first like the others.

Instead, he looked at a group of young people in high spirits, talking and laughing, especially the figure in white.

That was Bai Yuyang, once the number one genius of Dingqu City, and now the inner disciple of Diyuanzong.

It is also his real goal today.

A few years ago, both of them were still studying at Tai Xuan Wu Academy in Dingqu City.

In the entire Qianlingyu, there are eight hundred martial arts schools named after Tai Xuan, and these martial arts schools are generally enlightenment in nature.

The students are still young, most of them only have Body Tempering 3 Fifth Stage.

Once the three-year study period is over, those with talents will vote for Sect, and those without talents will choose other jobs.

At the age of 12, Bai Yuyang had already reached the Ninth Stage of the Ningmai, and Duan He had also reached the Eighth Stage of the Ningmai, and was listed as a double star of the Martial Academy.

What is particularly commendable is that the two did not become enmity because of this kind of competitive relationship. On the contrary, they are brothers, and they eat and live together and are very close.

The two once met, and after graduation, they went to the nearby Chixia School to participate in the assessment and continued to be brothers of the same school.

But this plan was disrupted by Di Yuanzong in the end.

That day, two Diyuanzong sub-spirit masters came to work nearby and lived in Taixuan Martial Arts Academy.

Knowing the names of these two young geniuses, the two Elders became interested and explored the roots of the two, quite satisfied.

On the spot, there was a quota for directly joining the Diyuanzong without the entrance examination.

Diyuanzong is a sect with a spiritual platform cultivator, much more powerful than Chixia sect.

The two of them never expected to be able to join those Sects, so they were ecstatic.

But the two immortal masters changed the subject and said that there was only one quota.

The incident eventually fell into a clichéd competition.

Two people fight a game, the winner will directly become a member of the Sect, and the loser can only find other opportunities.

"Since I've taken my fancy and it's hard to choose, why not accept both?"

"Why do you deliberately assign the name as one, forcing us to fight?"

"I think they just want to have fun and play us like monkeys!"

"This kind of place doesn't matter if you don't enter it!"

When he went back to prepare, Duan He once told Bai Yuyang what was in his heart.

"Since Diyuanzong can take a fancy to us, then the other sects may also have a chance."

But Bai Yuyang persuaded him.

"Even if they are playing us like monkeys, we can only show them our best."

"Refuting their interest and angering them, no one knows what will happen next."

So, the fight was finally carried out.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Realm beat Duan He of First Stage and easily defeated Bai Yuyang beyond everyone's expectations.

When the long sword stopped a foot in front of the opponent's neck, everyone was shocked.

"Great Sword Master!"

"It's rare for this son to become a great swordsman at such a young age!"

The two Elders were quite surprised, and the teachers of the martial arts academy were even more unbelievable.

Regardless of knife skills or sword skills, there are Realms.

Before learning how to control the sword, it is normal to hold weapons in hand and fight in close quarters.

A master of swords is one who masters and comprehends, one who operates Ruyi Scepter as he pleases is a master swordsman, and one who can transform one's own will into sword power is a master swordsman.

Realm is one level higher, and the challenge of leapfrogging is as simple as eating and drinking.

Bai Yuyang is full of genius. He became a sword master a year ago, and he is already at the same level as the teacher of the martial arts academy.

However, Duan He's great sword master state has not even reached the cultivator of many Qi-entraining states.

He has an extremely outstanding talent in kendo, but he doesn't like to show his edge by nature.

But at the moment when he withdrew his sword and turned around, a long sword pierced his Qi Sea from the back, twisting his Qi Sea to pieces.

"You hid it so deeply, you held it in for so long, just to step on me today?"

When Bai Yuyang thrust out the sword, his angry and distorted expression was extremely strange.

The result of the subsequent processing is surprising, but very realistic.

Duan He Qi Sea was abolished, and his pulse condensing Cultivation Base dissipated, leaving only the body comparable to the peak strength of Body Tempering, and he had no hope of cultivation in this life.

He is worthless.

But Bai Yuyang is still intact, Talent is still outstanding, even if he did such a thing, he was still recruited into Di Yuanzong.

The nightmare is not over.

After the fairy master left with Bai Yuyang, the Bai family sent people to attack the small mountain village where Duan He was located in order to wipe out the future troubles.

He escaped desperately, and spent the next three years in vendetta.

Although the strength is only equivalent to the body cultivator at the peak of Body Tempering, the sword realm is still there.

Some time ago, he even assassinated an Elder of the Bai family.

On the other hand, after three years, Bai Yuyang has become the inner disciple of Di Yuanzong, and the Cultivation Base has even reached the state of gathering Yuan.

Between Body Tempering and Juyuan, the gap between the two sides is like clouds and mud, and they are not qualified to be compared at all.

But after the Juyuanjing was stabbed at the vital point, he would die too, wouldn't he?

The premise is to be able to break the defense.

His swordsmanship has already surpassed the great sword master Realm's Duan He, and he is sure to break through the defense.

As the pride of the locals, Bai Yuyang is not very conspicuous on this occasion.

After all, in this assessment, even the Lingtai destiny cultivator is not uncommon.

He is now chatting with several senior brothers, all of them are disciples of Diyuanzong.

Disciple of Sect, you can't switch to his sect.

But the opportunity of Feixianmen is in front of him, so loyalty is nothing.

Confident, he didn't know what was happening when he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck.

There was not even the slightest fluctuation of Spirit Power beforehand.

Until the moment he touched the skin, his whole body seemed to be thrown into the ice cellar suddenly.

He saw with his own eyes that the bloody dagger tip pierced through, and all the strength in his body was irretrievably dissipated like a deflated ball.

Bai Yuyang turned his head with difficulty to see that Duan He had already broken through the crowd and was running towards the registration point.


"it's him!"

"How dare you kill someone here?"

Not only Bai Yuyang's seniors, but even the Duanhai Palace, the number one sect in Pinghai Prefecture who was in charge of maintaining order, was alarmed.

This is a major event assigned by Feixianmen, and there must be no mistakes.

A few destiny Elders sacrificed themselves to the shrine, and went straight to Duanhe among the crowd.

But at the moment before the shot, they had to stop.

Duan He held a number plate high in his blood-stained right hand.

"I've signed up."

"Flying Immortal Sect has an order that no sect shall obstruct or destroy any applicant who registers for the test!"

He wasn't as calm as a 15-year-old boy who just got his revenge, and he even thought about the way out in advance.

The Elders of the Palace of Broken Sea were a little annoyed.

Isn't Bai Yuyang a candidate for the test?

Although they didn't know each other, it was a slap in the face to be killed under their noses.

One of the Elders said coldly: "You'd better pray that you can be selected, otherwise your amulet will be invalid once the assessment is over!"

(end of this chapter)

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