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Chapter 1750 He Is Really The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1750 He is really the Dragon Emperor

In a large swamp more than a billion miles away from them, miasma and poisonous insects were rampant.

Looking down from a height, you can see the yellow-brown clouds covering the huge area below.

The spirit of immortality here is not strong enough, and it is considered a place of bitter cold in Immortal World.

The Jiaolong clan from the ancient Immortal World gathered in this swamp.

They didn't choose it by themselves, but they were driven here because they didn't obey the rules and didn't want to be 'bloodletted'.

The Tianlong Clan has almost no enemies in the Tianlong Realm. In order to sharpen the younger generations, these dragons are deliberately kept as Magical Beasts for newcomers.

Therefore, the situation of this dragon clan from the ancient Immortal World is even more miserable than other dragons.

"Liguang, don't be so stubborn!"

"If you continue like this, it will be yours who will suffer."

At this time, in the center of the swamp, there were twelve dragons.

They are considered to be the most powerful group of the Jiaolong clan.

And in their center, there are more than 50 flood dragons floating in the mud of the swamp.

Many dragons have old scars on their bodies, but they didn't even lift their eyelids.

Those Taoist dragons outside are still persuading him earnestly.

"After all, we are all of the same family, and we don't want to see your branch eventually die out."

"Why bother, anyway, just give some Blood Essence regularly, at least I can survive."

"Those Heavenly Dragons are not something you can resist, so be aware of current affairs..."

The word "Tianlong Clan" finally made the leading dragon named Liguang react a little bit.

"Sky Dragon Clan?"

The dragon horn on the left was broken, and most of his scales fell off. He looked like an old machine that was about to be scrapped, but his eyes were brighter than those of other Daoist priests.

"Hmph, it's just a group of half-breed bastards who are neither human nor dragon!"

"It's ridiculous that they dare to call themselves Tianlong..."

The twelve Taoist priests from other dragon groups interrupted him quickly.

"You said that again."

"Oh, I'm so stubborn."

"Do you think they can't destroy you?"

"Leave your life in ruins, just use it as a whetstone..."

They are telling the truth.

Under the suppressing effect of the dragon veins, the Venerable-level half-dragon clan, like a mouse chewing on an elephant, can grind to death little by little Daoist Flood Dragon.

Although half-dragons often use no dragon veins in battle in order to give their juniors an experience.

But after so many years, there will always be some half-dragons who become angry in battle, or lose their temper when they get angry...

Therefore, after years of devastation, the number of the flood dragon group from the ancient Immortal World has dropped from the initial 3,000 to the current 52.

The surrounding dragons also don't want to see this branch go extinct.

They dare not resist themselves, nor can they resist the half-dragon clan, so they can only come here to persuade Liguang from time to time.

Let him give up resistance and accept his fate to become the mount and blood bag of the half-dragon clan.

Better to live than to die!

"Think about your Dage Liyao, think about your fellow clansmen who have died over the years!"

"Are you really going to bury the last dozens of bloodlines in the ancient Immortal World?"

"You don't need to say any more!"

Li Guang's gaze was resolute.

"A mere half-dragon clan, even if we kill all of us, we won't be able to break our bones!"

"Their bastards are not worthy of being called Tianlong at all, and they are not worthy of making us bow our heads."

He slowly raised his head from the muddy water of the swamp, looking at the dark sky above.

"The real high-ranking dragons are not like them at all..."

The dragons behind him all showed nostalgia, as if they had returned to the time of Dragon Valley.

But all the other flood dragons around shook their heads and smiled wryly.

"Are you going to say Canglong again? Azure Dragon? Golden Dragon?"

It was obviously not the first time they had heard Liguang mention these three dragon clans.

"What Azure Dragon, it doesn't exist at all, we've never seen it before."

Li Guang insisted on his own opinion.

"Of course they exist, they absolutely exist. The Great Emperor, the Azure Dragon, is omnipotent. Sooner or later, he will come and rescue us from the Sea of ​​Bitterness!"

The Taoist dragons from other real worlds shook their heads again.

Some of them have also experienced the era of the ancient Yuan Immortal World, but they have never heard of the three high-ranking dragon clans.

It was only when Liguang was suffering from insanity that he fantasized that the dragon clan did not exist at all.

"Even if it really exists, so what?"

"Can they compare to the Sky Dragon Clan?"

Li Guang said loudly: "What are the Tianlong clan compared to the three high-ranking dragon clans..."

"Then why haven't they shown up yet?"

"They're bound to show up!"

While they were chatting, groups of flood dragons suddenly flew over in the distance, more than 300 of them.

It was like a dark cloud approaching quickly.


"what's the situation?"

The flood dragons present looked in surprise.

Although the Jiaolong clan is a very large group, at the level of Supreme and Dao Zun, they all know each other.

"That seems to be Liqian and Lizhang. Are they from the jurisdiction of the Hunju family?"

"I remember that Liqian and the others were reduced to mounts, how could they still fly here alone?"

"what happened?"

Just when they were discussing, Li Guang, who was still lying in the mud, suddenly widened his eyes.

Not only him, but the more than fifty dragons from the ancient Immortal World around him also raised their huge bodies unconsciously.

"Oh my God!"

"Ah! It's him!"

The two flood dragons beside Liguang suddenly rushed towards the distance like arrows leaving the string, bringing up a turbid storm all over the sky.

And Liguang's heart almost jumped out.

He stared at the figure directly in front of the group of flood dragons, and the turbid old tears flowed unconsciously.

"Cangcheng Great Emperor!"

"Is the Great Emperor really coming?"

He could no longer suppress his own emotions, and rushed towards Jiang Cheng like crazy.

"Wooooow, Great Emperor..."

Brother Cheng just arrived here, and before he could speak, a group of flood dragons covered in mud and blood stained him surrounded him.

Flood dragons were present in the three major dragon valleys back then, but now not only the dragons in Canglong Valley, but also the dragons in Azure Dragon Valley and Golden Dragon Valley are like seeing relatives who have been lost for many years.

"Great Emperor, you are finally here!"

"My God! We're not dreaming, are we?"

"The Great Emperor is back, it's great, it's great..."

Their original expectation was that the dragon emperors such as Cang Ling and Xuan Ming would suddenly come to rescue them one day.

I never dreamed that it was Jiang Cheng who came.

How powerful and miraculous the Great Emperor of Cangcheng was, each of them witnessed it with their own eyes back then.

"Great Emperor, we are set free when you come."

"Over the years we... woo woo woo..."

Under the excitement and ecstasy, years of suffering and grievances finally broke out at this moment.

Many flood dragons almost fainted from crying on the spot.

This scene made the twelve-headed dragon daoist startled.

Is this what they call the upper dragon clan?

And Qiu Yuxuan was also stunned.

Is this guy really the Great Emperor of the Dragon Clan?

(end of this chapter)

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