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Chapter 180 Opening The Immortal World

Chapter 180 Opening the Immortal World

Gui Zang Sword Master stroked his beard and smiled: "Master Jiang, don't be offended, we are here to open the Immortal World."

"A few days ago, the Dharma Body of the Windbreaker came to the Sword Domain and promised us. On the day of opening, we will gather in the Thousand Spirit Domain and enter together."

"It was only when I came here that I heard that he had been killed by Sect Leader Jiang."

"Then come to think of it, the bone refining flag has fallen into the hands of the head of Jiang?"

Jiang Cheng nodded: "That's right, it's in my hands."

Pifeng is still going around to invite people into the Immortal World?

What the hell, this guy was really busy before.

"I have a merciless request. After Sect Master Jiang opens the virtual Immortal World, can you let us follow in?"

Gui Zang Sword Saint's words were very polite.

Jiang Cheng wondered if if he said no, the opponent would turn his back on him and throw a sword.

But no matter what, it is very rare for someone who is willing to negotiate despite having an overwhelming advantage in strength.

In the words of Brother Cheng, this is called the giving face.

Letting them follow in, he didn't have to pay any extra price, and it didn't have any impact, so he didn't have to refuse.

"Of course, but it will have to wait until tomorrow."

"Nine Magic Treasures can only be opened together, as you all know."

He spread his hands and planned to go back to the secret realm first.

But I heard Ling Xing Sword Master suddenly say: "Nine Magic Treasures? Which nine? Isn't it one?"


Brother Cheng smelled something wrong: "Who told you it's only one piece, Pifeng?"


"Then you have been deceived. The Immortal World needs nine inheritance Magic Treasures to work together to open, and the Bone Refining Banner is just one of them."

Ling Xing Jiansheng raised his eyebrows, and asked in surprise: "What about the entrance? There are also nine?"

"That's right."

Lan Ning stood up and briefly introduced the nine Magic Treasures and Immortal World of the Nine Divisions of the Immortal Relic Clan.

Everyone in Sword Domain looked at each other, their expressions became very exciting.

"Damn Pifeng."

"We have been deceived!"

"If he is not dead, I will hunt him down."

Jiang Cheng asked curiously: "What did he lie to you? Could it be that he said there is only one entrance?"

Ling Xing Sword Master said in a deep voice: "That's right, he also used entering the virtual Immortal World as a condition, and he took an Ever Bright Sword Heart from us!"

Wow, this guy is really talented.

Jiang Cheng was also taken aback by Pifeng's miraculous operation.

No wonder he runs around outside every day, so he knows how to do business.

But what about Changming Jianxin?

Where did you go?

After I killed him last time, there were no special treasures in the ring except for the bone refining streamer and some regular resources.

Brother Cheng felt that he was at a big loss, and he knew that he would start this business in advance.

Everyone in Sword Domain temporarily lived outside the secret realm.

The following night, there was an endless stream of people outside, and more experts from the outer domains arrived.

The three bone kings of the Ten Thousand Bone Realm, the two Tool Saints of the Hundred Refining Realm, the five ghost kings of the Nether Cold Realm, the three Spirit Venerables of the Xuanling Realm, the two Dream Gods of the Great Dream Realm, and the 14 book masters of the Tianshu Realm. Holy...

Although there are differences in titles due to different cultivation systems, they all have the fighting power that a holy rank should have.

These people are also more or less descendants of the Holy Realm, or the Dao Palace Realm.

As few as a few, as many as a hundred.

Brother Cheng has opened his eyes. It turns out that the masters of so many domains are not human beings.

The two weapon saints are basically the shape of two holy weapons, and the five ghost kings are all in the form of smoke.

The three spirit masters in Xuanlingyu have the lower body of a human, but their heads are dragon, wolf, and bull respectively.

According to Mo Chen's popular science, this is because they have cultivated the power of beast souls since childhood.

The Oneiroi of the Great Dream Realm simply fell asleep all the way, without opening his eyes when he spoke.

As for the 14 calligraphers in the Tianshu Domain, each of them carried a box on their backs, and they held either Jade Slip bamboo slips or paper scrolls...

This style of painting is too strange, right?

Fortunately, brother came to Qianlingyu in the first place, otherwise I really couldn't get used to it.

Perhaps it was because they came across domains and were suppressed by the rules.

Or maybe it was because there was a more powerful Sword Domain present here, so the other domains behaved quite peacefully when they came over.

Of course, after learning about Pifeng's deception, everyone wanted to tear him alive.

Those of them who came to Qianlingyu to gather in advance were all visited by Pifeng in advance.

On the second day, even Jiang Cheng couldn't help complaining again.

"What the hell, there are 16 domains here, and Pifeng's business has gone too far, right?"

"It's so strange, our Sky Demon Realm is adjacent to Qianling Realm, and none of them came here."

The three-eyed tiger has never been so well-behaved as it is today.

With so many holy ranks, and most of them are late stage holy ranks, the peak of holy ranks, it feels very insecure.

Although the 12th demon Wang Ping of the Sky Demon Domain couldn't talk about harmony, but now facing other domains, it still wants to see a few members of the same race.

As if that was the bottom of my heart.

Mo Chen gloated and said, "Maybe Pifeng didn't notify them, so don't think about hugging your thighs."

"You old man, you don't have a crow's mouth, the golden dragon Dage must be on the way."

But this time, it was doomed to disappointment.

Pifeng really thought about going to the Sky Demon Realm to do business, but it's a pity that the 'folk customs' there are too tough.

After entering, they couldn't communicate at all, and before they had time to explain their intentions, they were beaten out by the Monkey King.

If he hadn't escaped quickly, he wouldn't have been able to keep the dharma body.

The time soon came to the appointed time, Jiang Cheng, Qing Suo and other members of the Xin tribe came outside the secret realm hand in hand.

Outside, the super masters of the 16 domains also waited for a long time.

As soon as the people inside came out, the Ghost King from the Nether Cold Domain and the Spirit Venerable from the Xuanling Domain surrounded them.

"You finally came out..."

Before they finished speaking, they were interrupted by Gui Zang Sword Master from behind.

"Master Jiang, I'm sorry!"

The old Juggernaut still had a smile on his face and a kind attitude.

As soon as he spoke, the Ghost King and the Spirit Venerables retreated quickly, not daring to say anything more.

Brother Cheng is a little sorry.

These ghost kings and spirit masters obviously want to do something unfriendly, old sword master, what are you doing to stop them?

Brother is still waiting to pretend to fight back, and then get some points.

Now his need for points is very urgent.

If you go up to the first-level, you can create a spiritual vein in the Xuanji map, and then you can move Ah Huang in to live there.

Instead of having a home on his shoulders like now.

When the time came, the bone refining banner in Jiang Cheng's hand and the heart-killing awl in Qing Suo's hand really shone brightly at the same time.

The purple awns and white awns became brighter and brighter, and phantoms of slowly rotating chains appeared on the two Magic Treasures.

No one in the field could actually perceive how far the phantom of the chains had spread.

In the distant void, a silver vortex slowly formed.

It looks like it is in front of you, but in fact, Sheng Jiefei may not be able to reach that far in a few days.

Because that is not the scene of Qianling Realm at all, but from other realms.

"That's Leibu's Cloud Splitting Hammer, they've already activated it!"

As soon as Qing Suo's words fell, Jiang Cheng nodded, and then let go of the Magic Treasures in his hand.

(end of this chapter)

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