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Chapter 1867 Why Is It So Similar To Wutu

Chapter 1867 Why is it so similar to Wutu

The entire square has already boiled like a pot of porridge.

A foreigner actually broke the common sense and obtained the unique spiritual Talent of the Celestial Clan.

If this scene hadn't happened in front of his own eyes, no one would believe it.

"Isn't this too bizarre?"

"Even if he really gets spiritual power, it won't be possible for all the bubbles to gather towards him!"

"This is something that Emperor Xing Miao didn't even do."

"It's impossible for him to become stronger than Emperor Xingmiao just after he got spiritual power, right?"

"That is impossible."

All Sky Clan people can't understand this kind of thing.

The children of the royal family and Zong Piao's palace were planning to watch Jiang Cheng make a joke just now, just waiting for him to make a fool of himself.

Now they are all doubting their lives.

'Qiu Yuxuan's cousin' is even more amazing than her?

It shouldn't be!

Compared to them, Emperor Xingmiao and the other princes could accept it more easily.

After all, they knew that Jiang Cheng was a divine fetus.

"Not surprisingly, his spiritual talent is higher than ours, otherwise he would not be able to achieve this step."

"As for cheating the broken spirit piece, it should be for the purpose of cultivating spirituality."

These words were said by Emperor Xing Miao himself.

Everyone wanted to refute, but they couldn't.

"It seems that we all underestimated him..."

Emperor Xingmiao regretted that he didn't pay attention to Jiang Cheng before.

Obviously both of them are god fetuses, but they regarded him as Qiu Yuxuan from the very beginning.

Just like this "Heavenly Prayer Festival", Qiu Yuxuan received a grand invitation.

And Jiang Cheng was still the car he got on by himself.

"This is our negligence!"

Emperor Xingmiao slowly looked at the figure hidden by the air bubbles in the high mountain.

"I hope he can also get the Heavenly Spirit."

Except for Prince Yun, all the princes nodded heavily.

Now they also felt that the previous neglect of Jiang Cheng was a bit unjustifiable.

"With the miraculous ability he has shown so far, it shouldn't be difficult to obtain Tianling."

"That's right..."

King Zong Piao, who nodded along with everyone, suddenly changed his expression.

"not good!"

"Why is it bad?"

Everyone looked over in surprise.

"This, this..."

Facing Emperor Xingmiao's gaze, King Zong Piao could only bite the bullet and said with a bitter face: "Just now he asked me how to distinguish the spirit of the holy mountain from the phantom spirit."

"At that time, I was annoyed that he cheated so many spirit fragments, so..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth, not knowing how to speak for a moment.

"So what?" Xing Miao Huang's expression darkened.

"I purposely told the opposite."


Rao Yi Xingmiaohuang's self-restraint couldn't help showing his anger.

"You are so confused!"

"How can the spirit summoning ceremony be nonsense?"

Emperor Xing Miao was really angry.

The Heavenly Prayer Festival is the most important opportunity for the Tianzu people.

The next time may be billions of years away.

Even if Jiang Cheng is not a divine fetus, he shouldn't mess around with this matter.

"This is troublesome."

The other princes were also in a hurry.

"Each person can only communicate with one spirit of Shenshan. If he really communicated with the phantom spirit, wouldn't it be a waste of this opportunity?"

"Based on his Talent, it was very likely that he would receive a gift from the Heavenly Spirit."

"It's such a pity..."

"Based on his prophesied identity, this time may be the moment to change the fate of the Celestial Clan!"

"Is it true that time and fate are also dictated by fate?"

Hearing their discussion, King Zong Piao was too regretful.

Could it be that his casual words really ruined the hope of the entire Celestial Clan?

If this is the case, then he is really a sinner.

Although the people below didn't understand any prophecy, they also heard about the phantom.

Jiang Cheng, who was located in the sacred mountain, could not hear any sound from outside, nor could he detect any movement outside.

As he expected before, in the sacred mountain, it was like another world.

It's just that this world is a little 'weird'.

What appeared in his eyes was a scene intertwined with countless threads and nodes.

"Ah this?"

"Isn't this similar to the scene in Wutu?"

"Is there a certain relationship between the later Wu Clan and the Celestial Clan in the first era?"

If you think about it carefully, the Wu Clan does study the power of heaven and earth.

But they don't have spirituality, and they don't have the magical means of blending into heaven and earth like the Celestial Clan.

And at the same time, they also cultivated immortal power and origin.

"Perhaps it's because of the reason of the wisdom of the world, so there is such a coincidence?"

The situation inside the sacred mountain is thousands of times more complicated than that of Wutu.

All lines and nodes are constantly moving all the time.

In the chaotic scene, there was almost no pattern to be found.

People of the Sky Clan have daily insights into the principles of heaven and earth. In fact, some essential pictures can be seen through these line nodes.

And the higher the Realm, the deeper the understanding of the world.

This is the reason why almost all the heavenly masters have gained something after entering the arena.

However, Brother Cheng really can't do this kind of thing.

He is currently not a heavenly spirit.

And the most important thing is that even though he has already reached the Ninth Stage, he doesn't have any comprehension about the truth of heaven and earth.

The reason why the Celestial Clan does not have the assistance of Medicine Pill is because it is really useful to understand the world.

Omitting this step, the only function of Jiang Cheng's spirit, which was lifted up by shortcuts, is to communicate with enough power of heaven and earth when performing spiritual skills.

If manipulating the power of heaven and earth is compared to driving a machine, then he can drive it, but he doesn't know the internal structure of the machine.

Know it, but don't know why.

He didn't even know that a bunch of bubbles were surrounding him at this moment.

But he still has his own way after all.

Last time in the witch map of the witch tribe, he got the same Heavenly Dao skill - multiple vision.

This thing can see through the essence behind the silk thread nodes of Wutu, so it can naturally see through the holy mountain.

So, he decisively clicked on this skill.

The first gear consumes the least amount of energy, but it is definitely useless.

The thread in front of him was still a thread, although it was much thicker, but he still didn't know what it meant.

Brother Cheng has long been proficient, and he directly stepped over the second gear and shifted to the third gear.

At this time, all the threads and nodes in front of him have already taken on a unique atmosphere, representing different meanings.

And most importantly, he finally saw a pile of round nuclei all around.

"This should be the bubble core that the old man Zong Piao said?"

"Unexpectedly, the third gear directly saw the essence."

Considering that the fourth gear has millions of cents points per second, even though it has been converted into Xuanjing now, and he can't drop a little for a long time, he still feels distressed.

"Now that you see the core, there's no need to shift to the next gear."

He has always been diligent and thrifty, and he thinks that the third gear can see the shape of the inner core is enough.

"Why so many round ones?"

He frowned and waved.

He still remembered that King Zong Piao said that the circle is a phantom and must not be touched.

"There are so many phantoms, the world is really dangerous!"

The balls in front of him scattered to the sides with his swing.

(end of this chapter)

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