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Chapter 1879 Are You From There Too?

Chapter 1879 Are you from there too?

Se Yin didn't know how those two people died, because during Jiang Cheng's two battles, she was still searching aimlessly in other directions.

Don't know what happened.

You can only truthfully report the process of discovering the body.

"We searched in five directions."

"I made an appointment to call the other four people immediately whoever finds the trace of the magic tire."

"No accident, they should have met the magic tire respectively, but for some reason, they didn't call us at that time."

"Underestimate the enemy!"

The old face of the national teacher was so dark that it looked like the bottom of a pot, with a deep anger.

He was angry at Jiang Cheng for killing the own people, but also angry at the own people for being too disappointing.

He even ignored Xingmiaohuang and the others who were present, catching the remaining Seyin and the other three in a frantic mode.

"Before I set off, I specifically told you not to underestimate the enemy, and to use all your strength!"

"How did you do it?"

Se Yin was very wronged.

It was those two who underestimated the enemy, not me.

If I run into Jiang Cheng, I'm sure...

When she thought about it carefully, she really couldn't guarantee that she would do the same.

After all, when a Tenth Stage is a majestic Heavenly Stage, who will call for reinforcements when they encounter a Fifth Stage?

Even if they shouted, it is estimated that the war will start before the reinforcements arrive.

And the princes who were opposite them, including Emperor Xingmiao and King Zong Piao, had exclamation marks in their heads.

Xi Mu and Yan Du, they all know.

The former is Tenth Stage, and the latter is Ninth Stage.

When a master at this level was chasing and killing Jiang Cheng, he was turned back?

Not to mention underestimating the enemy, with so many Realms behind, shouldn't it be easy to kill instantly with a single thought?

No matter how underestimated the enemy is, it will not overturn!

"Isn't this too outrageous?"

King Zong Piao opened his mouth, his face full of disbelief.

He couldn't imagine that the rascal boy who had lived in his palace for three months before could actually behead a warrior whose strength was not inferior to his own.

Qiu Yuxuan's instant combat power in beheading the Dao God had already made them feel unbelievable.

Only now did I realize that the other one was stronger!

Shockingly strong!

And they actually regarded him as an extra...

"As a foreigner, Jiang Cheng's Realm should be comparable to the Daoist on the opposite side."

"But if you want to kill Xi Mu cleanly, you need at least the strength of the tenth first stage, right? That's equivalent to the middle-level Taoist on the opposite side."

If Jiang Cheng was here, he would probably be puzzled.

It turns out that there is a difference between elementary and intermediate levels of Taoism?

In the third era, because there were too few Taoist gods, there was no such detailed division at all.

The so-called mid-level Dao God has gained more recognition from Heavenly Dao. Dao Hai has formed a life cycle, and his strength is actually not inferior to Yuan Zu.

"Such strength, almost supernatural, how could it be so easy to fall?"

"Did he really kill those two people?"

"Did he hide his strength?"

Among the crowd, only King Yun and Qiu Yuxuan could show some understanding.

After all, the former is used to seeing Jiang Cheng create miracles.

And the latter regarded Jiang Cheng as the most difficult target in the world.

But other people don't have this awareness.

At this time, the national teacher finally woke up.

"Xing Miao Huang!"

He coldly stared at the other party, and his voice was squeezed out little by little, "Now you have seen how dangerous and evil the magic tire is?"

"If you hadn't covered up and indulged him and let him go on purpose, how could there be such a disaster..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Emperor Xingmiao.


At this time, the emperor's complexion was also very ugly.

"If it weren't for you, my Xingyou Dynasty would have an extra powerful combat power of the tenth Heavenly First Stage!"

Knowing that Jiang Cheng is so strong, he now regrets and is annoyed.

Even lost the superficial respect for the national teacher.

"Jiang Cheng used to live well with us, and he has no hostility toward us!"

"He should have appeared on the battlefield against the fairy clan!"

"The ones who died in his hands should have been those despicable immortals!"

He glared at the national teacher angrily, as if he wanted to kill someone.

"In the end, you just jumped out and said a prophecy, what a magic tire! You just wanted to force him away!"

"Those two people were killed, you are to blame!"

"Now are you satisfied?"

For everyone present, this is a rare scene.

Among the emperors of the three dynasties, Emperor Xingmiao had always been the best at nourishing Qi, and it was the first time that many people saw him get angry in public.

So much so that the national teacher was scolded.

It wasn't until several minutes after Emperor Xingmiao left the Great Hall that he gradually recovered.

Immediately after that, he gave orders to the group of princes.

"We must do our best to kill him!"

"Whether he escapes to Cape Tianya, he must not let him go. This person is really a devil..."

King Zong Piao and the other princes shared their hands tacitly when they heard the words.

"This, I'm afraid we are powerless."

"Two days is enough for him to escape to other dynasties, or even the realm of the immortal clan."

"National teacher, you also understand that if we go deep into those land boundaries, it will only cause greater disputes, so it's not that we don't want to kill the magic fetus, but that we really can't help..."

"You, you!"

The national teacher was so angry that his fingers trembled, but in the end he could only leave in resentment.

Of course, he won't let go of this matter so easily.

The death of two Yuanshi is a big deal, and the place must be recovered.

It's just that neither Emperor Xingmiao nor he has any plans to make Jiang Cheng's record public.

The former was worried that the people of the Xingyou Dynasty regarded Jiang Cheng as an enemy.

The national teacher is worried that the prestige of the Yuanshi will be damaged.

"Even if he escapes to other dynasties, I will not let this magic fetus go!"

Different from the three dynasties of the sun, moon and stars, although they are also divided into three branches, they are unified internally.

He can completely intervene in the two dynasties through the other two national teachers.

"No matter where you hide, I will never let you go!"

Not long after he left the imperial city, an uninvited guest suddenly and quietly chased him up.

"King Yuwan?"

The national teacher looked at him unkindly, "If you want to explain for Emperor Xingmiao and excuse that devil's fetus, then you don't need to say anything!"

King Yun, who turned into King Yuwan, smiled slightly.

"Your Excellency misunderstood, I am at odds with that Jiang Cheng, how could I excuse him?"

"Not to die together?"

The national teacher, Se Yin and others behind him all looked suspicious.

As far as they know, Jiang Cheng only offended Zongpiao Palace and some children in the palace in the imperial city.

That can only be regarded as a small fight of the younger generation, and it is not hatred.

As for King Yuwan, he should have nothing to do with Jiang Cheng, right?

"What do you want to say?"

He was a little skeptical whether King Yuwan deliberately lied to himself in order to gain his own trust.

"Smart people don't speak dark words."

Not only did King Yun send out his spirit to sense the surroundings, but he also deliberately chose the mode of 'private chat'.

Because the next conversation, even the other Yuanshi couldn't listen.

"National teacher, are you from there too?"


Looking at his subtle expression that I have seen through you for a long time, the national teacher's eyes gradually narrowed.

"What over there?"

He didn't understand at all.

(end of this chapter)

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