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Chapter 1881 The Position Of Fate Guidance

Chapter 1881 The Position of Fate Guidance


Brother Cheng's eyes became strange.

"Sister, you didn't come here to express your love to me after hearing about my brother's heroic deeds, did you?"

This style is a bit unpretentious.

When they met for the first time, they used the offensive of nasty words to brother.

Really... there is nothing I can do about you!

'Fei Tianmei' was startled for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Then take it as if I'm showing love to you."

"You are Jiang Cheng, I know you."

She introduced herself very frankly.

"My name is Zhiyu, and I currently live in the Sunshine Dynasty. From now on, we will work together!"

If it weren't for the custom of shaking hands in this world, Brother Cheng doubts that she would take the initiative to shake hands with him. By the way, please give me more advice.

This girl's demeanor was graceful, which made him not feel disgusted.

Just, what is going on here?

"Cooperation is easy to talk about, but I don't understand. What do you want to cooperate with when you come to me?"

"Why do you have to play dumb?"

Zhiyu smiled slightly: "We are the same kind of people with a common mission, and of course we joined forces for that mission."

Jiang Cheng's frown became tighter and tighter.

What is there?

What common mission, what kind of people?

A flash of inspiration flashed in his head, and he suddenly understood.

Oh, this woman should also be from the third era, right?

She had passed through her body, and she was using her real name, so she recognized it at a glance.

Indeed, she and herself are from another world, and they are of the same kind.

And they all have the mission of competing for the position of God.

Only then did he suddenly realize, "Oh, so it is like this!"

Zhiyu nodded, "Well, let's go to the Sixth Hall first, and I have already informed the other four to come and meet up."

After speaking, she stepped on the clouds and led the way ahead.

Jiang Cheng hurriedly followed, feeling extremely surprised in his heart.

"In just such a short time, you have already found four companions? Are they so powerful?"

I am the body showing people, so it is not surprising to be recognized.

Could it be that other people also came directly from the body?

"You don't even know there are five of us already?"

While flying, Zhiyu turned her head in surprise.

"That's right, when you first came to Heaven, you don't know many things."

She also knew that Jiang Cheng came from another world.

"As long as the six of us join forces, then this heaven will let us gallop, and we will no longer have to cover up and dare not reveal our identities."

Ah this?

Hearing her unconcealable excited tone, Jiang Cheng wanted to complain.

Girl, you have a big breath.

There are 100,000 competitors this time, among which Dao Shen Yuan Zu adds up to hundreds of people, right?

What's more, there are more powerful people in the heavens.

Six people join forces and want to be invincible?

Are you a little overconfident?

Don't you know that brother is the protagonist, if you get brother, you will get the world?

Along the way, with these inexplicable thoughts in mind, he finally flew to Yundian with this girl.

Between layers of clouds, Zhiyu drifted into an inconspicuous gray cloud.

Jiang Cheng followed into it, and the space ahead gradually became chaotic.

During the twists and turns, the two passed through countless barriers, and finally a simple black and white palace suddenly appeared in front of them.

The majestic Great Hall is much larger than the previous gray cloud, but standing alone in the center of the cloud at this time, it doesn't look obtrusive.

Entering the hall, the furnishings inside are very simple, just six futons.

And the placement is also very strange.

There are two on the left and right, one on the top and one in the center.

After Zhiyu went in, she chose the futon on the left and sat down.

Jiang Cheng looked around for a while, and then sat down on the top one without hesitation.

Zhiyu quickly stopped.

"That's not your place."


Brother Cheng was a little unhappy.

"What's the situation, didn't you invite me to be the boss?"

Zhiyu smiled slightly, "The status of the six of us is equal, how can there be any boss?"

"Everyone must follow the guidance and sit in the position of their destiny."

"I'm right-handed, so I'm sitting here."

Her green fingers pointed to the futon in the middle.

"That's where you are."


The location is prepared for me in advance?

Is it so particular?

Brother Cheng saw that the futon was in the very center, which seemed to be surrounded by stars, so he reluctantly agreed.

Then he asked curiously, "Why are you right-handed?"

It's a bit inexplicable for such a beautiful girl to have such a nickname.

Zhiyu gave him a strange look, "There's no reason, it's all fate."

"Now we just wait patiently for the other four companions to come over."


Jiang Cheng remembered something again.

"By the way, I have a companion over there, do you want to call her over?"

He thought that since you want to call in helpers, you might as well call in one more.

"Is there any companion?"

Zhiyu's already closed eyelashes slowly floated up, with a little surprise.

"That's right, and Qiu Yuxuan, she is from there just like me."

A trace of helplessness floated on Zhiyu's face.

"She is not our companion, the six of us are already together."

Is that so?

Jiang Cheng faintly felt that something was wrong.

What do you mean six is ​​enough?

This seems to be different from what I first guessed.

He finally couldn't help asking a crucial question: "Sister, did you come from the third era?"

"What third era?"

Looking at her ignorant eyes, Jiang Cheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After a long time, I misunderstood everything.

"So, you are a native of the heaven? Not a time traveler like us?"


Zhiyu shook her head: "Of course I am not, is this important?"

Jiang Cheng stood up helplessly.

"Since you are not, why do you say that I am a destined companion?"

"So you don't know anything yet."

Zhiyu didn't get up, she just slowly raised the loose gauze sleeve of her right arm, revealing a white jade-like wrist.

Before Brother Cheng could ask a question, a faint purple light gradually lit up on her right wrist.

In that light, Jiang Cheng saw a phantom of a right hand.

That hand is definitely not Zhiyu's, because it looks thick and powerful, the kind that can hold the sun and the moon with only one hand.

At the same time, the purple heart crystal in Jiang Cheng's heart also trembled slightly.

He felt the warmth of his heart again.

The purple awns pierced through the heart, exuding gleams of light, as if echoing with the opponent's right hand.

He finally knew what Zhiyu meant by 'destiny'.

Because at this time, he felt an inexplicable closeness to Zhiyu in his heart.

That feeling came for no reason, as if she was her long-lost relative.

(end of this chapter)

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