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Chapter 1895 All Acquaintances

Chapter 1895 All acquaintances

After Jiang Cheng separated from Yue Qing and the others, he flew to the deeper hinterland of the fairy clan alone.

He doesn't want to participate in the battle between the Celestial Clan and the Immortal Clan.

I was thinking about whether to find a place to do Closed Door Training again for a month.

As a result, he bumped into a corner of the fairy circle.

Just after he said the sentence 'I'm an irrelevant person passing by, just ignore me', the Sect on the opposite side made a direct move.

The reason is simple, Jiang Cheng is not one of them.

It doesn't matter whether he is a spy of the fairy clan or the sky clan, being alone is enough to become the way to death.

So Brother Cheng had no choice but to draw his sword to satisfy their desire to find death.

After a big battle, relying on the "two-player method" of attacking inside and outside, he successfully won the head of the enemy Taoist God.

Then there was a large-scale harvest, and the minions in the rear ran away with their heads in their hands.

"Oh, what's the trouble?"

"It makes me like a lot of loot again."

Brother Cheng shook his head melancholy.

All the people of the Sky Clan who were secretly watching were stunned.

In less than a day, this person had already killed the third Daoist.

Moreover, this was done deep into the hinterland of the immortal clan and killed on the enemy's territory.

Although doing so will sooner or later attract the encirclement and suppression of more masters from the enemy, but the record is solid.

If it is passed back to the rear of the Celestial Clan, it will definitely cause a sensation and be praised by countless people.


After watching Jiang Cheng slowly clean up the battlefield, Yueqing couldn't help showing up.

Brother Cheng had actually discovered them a long time ago.

"Isn't it all already bid farewell, what are you doing back again?"

"We are surrounded!"

King Zhenying also quickly got out with the others.

"Now is not the time to talk!"

"You just fought, and you must have attracted the attention of the enemy."

He hurried up anxiously.

"It's dangerous here, let's leave now!"

However, Brother Cheng was unmoved.

"We? It's you who are surrounded, not me."

The brother shrugged his shoulders, looking calm and relaxed.


King Jinying almost choked to death on him.

Xin said that you have killed the other three Taoist gods, do you think the enemy will let you go alone?

Even if you are covered in iron, how many nails can you crush?

But it's not easy for him to say it clearly.

I can only tactfully persuade: "Don't be impulsive, there are many sects surrounded by the fairy clan."

When he said that, Brother Cheng became interested.

Anyway, even if I said it was 'no one else', the other party didn't believe it.

If that's the case, it's better to accept it all.

"Brother, I haven't been scared away by anyone in my life. That doesn't conform to my principles of life."

"If you want to run, run quickly, don't worry about me."

After speaking, he waved his hand deliberately.

All the people of the Celestial Clan looked at each other and said to themselves, what do you want to do?

Stand alone in the opponent's wild area?

Even if the three emperors and the three national teachers come here, they dare not be as unrestrained as you!

"Ginger senior..."

Yueqing still wanted to persuade a few more words, but there was another violent fluctuation in the distance.

"not good!"

King Jinying showed anxiety.

"The nearby enemies have gathered here!"

"Sure enough, they are connected to each other. For this siege, someone on the other side should be in command!"


"If you want to leave, it's too late!"

On the left and right sides, a Taoist god appeared on each side.

And in the rear, a third Taoist came quickly.

Behind these three people, there are tens of thousands of Taoist priests.

Seeing this scene, both King Zhenying and Yueqing were completely in despair.

If there are only three Dao gods, then they actually are not powerless.

King Zhenying himself is a Tenth Stage, even a little stronger than an elementary Taoist.

Teaming up with Jiang Cheng should be fine.

But the problem is that there are too many people in the fairy clan.

The joint bombardment of so many people will cause violent shocks to the heaven and earth, and the spirit of the Celestial Clan cannot be stably integrated into the heaven and earth at all, making it difficult to display their strength.

Not to mention them, even Jiang Cheng was taken aback.

"Are there so many masters in the first era, and Dao gods can be seen everywhere?"

"It's as if Taoist saints are walking all over the street, there are as many Taoist priests as dogs!"

"Is it because of Heavenly Dao's special support?"

While thinking about it, he slowly drew out the Ji Que sword.

And at this moment, he heard two sound transmissions that both surprised and delighted.

"Master Jiang?"

"Master Jiang! It's you?"

"How do you stand with the Tianzu people?"

"And you have appeared here with your real body. If I hadn't seen your familiar weapon, I wouldn't have dared to recognize it."

It was the two leading Taoist gods on the left and right who spoke.

Brother Cheng was taken aback.

Also sent a voice back.

"who are you?"

Both of them transmitted the sound alone, and they didn't know what he was talking about.

Hastily sent back their own sound transmissions.

"I'm Yu Shen. I came from the lower realm of Wanrong. You may not remember me. Mingyi Supreme is my Master."

"I'm Mofeng, from Tianshu Pavilion!"

Hearing the voice transmission of the two of them reporting their families, Brother Cheng felt a little absurd.

He really has no impression of Yu Shen on the left.

Not to mention him, he couldn't even remember his master Ming Yi Supreme.

After all, there was no such person who could sit in the meeting back then.

He didn't even have any impression of Wan Rongyu.

It is estimated that this person was at most a Celestial Venerable in the third era.

It's quite miraculous that he turned directly into a Taoist god after traveling to the first era.

As for Mo Feng, he did remember.

Miao Yu's capable subordinate, he was a Daoist before the soul crossing, but now he is also a Daoist?

"Master Jiang, it's great to meet you."

That Yu Shen was so excited, seeing Brother Cheng was like seeing the backbone, and he almost exposed him on the spot.

"What do you need me to do? Do you want to join forces to kill the other two?"

"do not!"

"The person opposite you is also one of our own."

"What, Daoist Huishi is also yours?"

At the same time, Mo Feng, who turned into the "Hui Shi Dao God", was also very surprised.

"What, the Xiu Taoist God opposite is also from the third era? And he's an acquaintance of yours? I just had a quarrel with him not long ago."

"Okay, you two will look at me and act."

Just as Jiang Cheng finished the arrangement, the third Yijia Taoist who entered the stage also screamed after repeated confirmation several times.

"Ginger City!"

"Haha, it's you?"

Seeing his happy expression, Brother Cheng was a little speechless.

No way, all of them are our own people?

"Why, are you also an acquaintance of my brother?"

Why did he use the word 'also'?

Yijia Taoist was just puzzled for a second, and then laughed out loud.


"Ha! Hahahaha..."

"How can I be your acquaintance?"

In the palm of his hand, a twisted and mottled wooden staff slowly emerged.

"How majestic were you back then? Of course you didn't know me, a nobody!"

Yijia Taoist God's face was covered with deep-seated hatred and killing intent.

It was only then that Jiang Cheng realized that he had guessed wrong, this seemed to be an enemy.

Fortunately, okay, finally there is a door-to-door free gift.

(end of this chapter)

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