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Chapter 1947 Reborn Qiu Yuxuan

Chapter 1947 Reborn Qiu Yuxuan

In just ten minutes, what happened in the palace spread throughout the imperial city outside.

Jiang Cheng is back.

The palace has been 'occupied' by him.

The eldest prince who recently came forward to handle the affairs of the dynasty has become a hostage in his hands.

This series of news caused the entire imperial city to shake.

The originally comfortable and leisurely atmosphere was swept away.

People flew to the outside of the palace wall one after another, the inner three floors and the outer three floors were chaotic and noisy.

"Ginger City? Which Jiang City?"

"The Devil's Embryo Jiang Cheng back then, the national teacher later said that he was influenced, and he is no longer the Devil's Embryo."

"Fuck, he's still alive?"

"What does he want?"

"Didn't he still be our friend back then, and helped us eliminate the fairy clan Sect? Why did he turn against us?"

"Aren't there master protectors and guards in the palace, how could he catch the eldest prince?"

"That's right, didn't the master Dharma protectors make a move?"

"No, they all made a move, but they were defeated by Jiang Cheng alone. The four master Dharma protectors and tens of thousands of guards were all defeated!"

"What? How is this possible?"

"Didn't it mean that Jiang Cheng relied entirely on the Wudao Sword, and wouldn't be able to do without the Wudao Sword?"

All kinds of discussions filled the entire imperial city.

Brother Cheng, who was about to be forgotten at first, finally brought back the memories of the whole city.

And in the Great Hall of the imperial palace, Jiang Cheng unceremoniously sat on the throne.

The one curled up at his feet was the eldest prince.

The crown of this nobleman had been blown away long ago, his hair was disheveled and blood was still on his body.

He looked disheartened, and he no longer had the arrogance he had before.

Suffering this kind of treatment, of course he hated Jiang Cheng extremely.

But he finally realized why his father and the princes would rather pay the reward than keep this person in the Moon Ring Dynasty.

Because the combat power is so outrageous, who dares to ignore it?

And next to the two, hundreds of princes and grandchildren were all trapped in the barrier of imprisonment, and they were also in a sluggish state.

Some passed out and still haven't woken up.

One of the four master protectors went to the front line to inform the Moon Shadow Emperor.

The other two are busy raising spirit fragments.

The last one left looked at Jiang Cheng in the Great Hall, but it was of no use, he could only circle around anxiously on the spot.

"Jiang Cheng, can you let your highness go first, they are seriously injured and need to be healed..."

He was about to collapse.

When this happened, a deep rift appeared between Jiang Cheng and the Moon Ring Dynasty, and it was impossible to return to the previous relationship.

After all, what he attacked was the prince and grandson, and the place where he attacked was in the palace.

Of course Brother Cheng would not let him go until he was paid.

However, he didn't feel bitter and bitter, instead, he inquired about what happened recently with great interest.

"What about the Moon Shadow Emperor and Duanjing King? Why is the palace just so crooked like you?"

If it was an hour ago, he heard Jiang Cheng say that he was a crooked melon, this palace protector would definitely be furious.

If you feel that you have been insulted and provoked, you must have an explanation.

But now, he could only smile bitterly, unable to refute at all.

But the eldest prince gritted his teeth, and in the end he could only try his best to hold back the anger that he wanted to blurt out.

The court protector didn't dare to provoke Brother Cheng, so he could only answer honestly.

"Your Majesty is on the front line and has reached the hinterland of the fairy clan."

Brother Cheng was slightly taken aback, "Is it so fierce? How did you do it?"

Aren't there three holy masters over there in the fairy clan?

Although it is half less than the Celestial Clan, at the level of high rank Taoist Gods, the Immortal Clan is at least three times more than the Celestial Clan!

Not to mention that the mid rank is below Taoshen, and the number gap is even greater.

The two are not of the same magnitude at all, are they?

The court guardian hesitated for a moment, as if he was hesitant to provide information to the 'murderer' who kidnapped the prince, whether he was suspected of collaborating with the enemy.

But after thinking about it, it was something that everyone in the heavens knew, so it didn't matter if I told him.

"Not long after Tongxu Sacred Land was destroyed by you, the immortal clan launched a full-scale attack on us."

"In the beginning, we were under a lot of pressure..."

"Especially the Holy Emperor, who brazenly beheaded the Sun Yao Guoshi, shocking the entire Celestial Clan!"

Brother Cheng couldn't help complaining silently when he heard this.

At that time, I was in the deep valley, watching Mo Ding, Yue Chen, Yi Shan and others performing their intrigue.

The damn Holy Emperor took advantage of that time to grab the spotlight of the entire heaven.

"At that time, our Celestial Clan's life was hanging by a thread, and our destruction was imminent, but then something happened."

"What happened?"

In retrospect, the court protector was still a little unbelievable.

"The Holy Emperor disappeared inexplicably, and has never appeared since then."

"What's even more shocking is Qiu Yuxuan, she seems to have been reborn suddenly."

It was expected by Jiang Cheng that the Holy Emperor pulled away.

What he was more curious about was Miss Xuan.

"Why is Qiu Yuxuan reborn?"

Could it be that the Wudao sword was used by myself and was opened up?

"It is Qixuan Sacred Land who attacked the Xingyou Dynasty."

The court protector took a deep breath and said slowly: "At that time Emperor Xingmiao and Imperial Master Xingyou both rushed to the front line, but they still couldn't stop the decline."

"Especially those celestial sects who are so cunning and cunning, they tricked the two heaven-ranked ten Second Stages away, and concentrated the Sacred Land elite to attack the line of defense where Qiu Yuxuan is."

"I thought that the army of millions of stars in that line of defense would be dead and wounded, and the stationed chiefs and princes and generals would all fall."

"Who would have thought that Goddess Qiu would block the Holy Lord of Taiyu with her own sword, and finally beheaded him inconceivably!"

When he mentioned this matter, his tone couldn't help becoming high-pitched, and he even changed Qiu Yuxuan's address.

And those princes in the hall who were originally languid also showed yearning and admiration.

"Not only did she kill the Holy Lord of Taiyu, she also lightly took the heads of twelve high rank Taoist gods!"

"Almost by his own power, he reversed the situation of the entire Xingyou battlefield."

"In that battle, countless immortals were terrified, and it also saved the fate of the heavenly clan!"

Brother Cheng understood.

It seems that the Wudao Sword that "belongs to me" returned to Qiu Yuxuan after it disappeared.

Otherwise she couldn't have done it.

However, beheading a holy lord, the destruction of self-consciousness is not ordinary.

How did she block that side effect and not turn into a walking dead?

"What happened later? Since she is so strong, can one person destroy the fairy clan?"

"Where does it take 40 million years?"

Sure enough, the complexions of everyone in the hall darkened.

"In that battle, Goddess Qiu must have paid some unknown price."

"And then she disappeared again."

"It wasn't until 30 million years ago that she reappeared, but she didn't seem to be able to recover. That earth-shattering strength is gone forever."

The court guardian straightened his face and said solemnly: "But she is still the invincible goddess in the minds of all our Celestial Clansmen."

(end of this chapter)

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