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Chapter 1965 Another Sword

Chapter 1965 Another Sword

Under the eclipse emperor's berserk attack, Jiang Cheng was like a drowning man, with almost no chance to breathe.

Even this "Tai Shang Hua Dao" was also suppressed.

This spiritual skill can take away the origin of the world around him, and manipulate these origins for his own use.

When he used it last time, he emptied the source of the twenty million miles in radius.

But this time, he only spent less than three million miles.

But that's enough.

The 'rain of arrows' that covered the sky and the sun suddenly turned into wisps of green smoke.

Brother Cheng, who was supposed to be destroyed by the concentrated fire, was unscathed, because the world of three million miles around him was emptied of his source.

The world without its origin has no lethality, and it cannot attack people at all.

At this time, Jiang Cheng was in an absolute safe zone.

This miraculous scene made the spectators on both sides exclaim at the same time.

"what happened?"

"Could it be that the Eclipse Emperor kept his hand?"

"No, Jiang Cheng did it himself!"

"Fuck, how did this happen?"

Just a moment ago, they felt that Jiang Cheng was in danger and would be killed soon.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, under the indiscriminate bombardment of the Eclipse Emperor, he forcibly opened up a blank area that would not be attacked.

This is really a magical and unimaginable means.

Even the Eclipse Emperor himself couldn't understand it.

Under his spiritual control, this world can almost be called his 'Holy World'.

Unless Jiang Cheng competes with the Holy Realm, or if his spiritual power is as strong as his, there is no way for him to rob him of the control of this world.

He soon discovered that Jiang Cheng did not snatch it.

That 'safe zone' is still under his control.

However, that area was changed by Jiang Cheng.

Eclipse Emperor immediately realized the problem.

"How can there be such a spiritual skill in the world?"

Brother Cheng didn't have the time to give him the mysteries of popular science "Tai Shang Hua Dao".

He was finally able to gallop freely in the blocked world.

Although the safe zone is being continuously compressed by the Eclipse Emperor, wherever he flies, the source will be emptied.

Can remain unharmed for a long time.

"I don't believe that your spiritual skill is not consumed."

"It depends on how long you can last!"

The Eclipse Emperor stabilized his position again.

Only relying on a special spiritual skill, it is impossible for the opponent to leapfrog defeat into victory.

Looking at Jiang Cheng who was constantly changing directions, the Eclipse Emperor, whose spirituality was integrated in this world, maintained his offensive while sneering.

"Don't talk about taking time out of your origin, even if you are given a chance to use your full strength, what will you use to hurt me?"

"No matter how much you resist, it's just a gnat shaking the tree."

When he said this, the safe zone of three million miles had been compressed to two million miles.

On Feixianmeng's side, many immortals showed signs of worry again.

The Eclipse Emperor was right.

No matter how miraculous what Jiang Cheng is doing now, it is only for self-protection.

The origin in the safe zone was evacuated, and he still couldn't open the space of own law.

It means that there is no means of attack, and it can't hurt the Eclipse Emperor at all.

Continuing to fight like this, the moment when the 'safe zone' was finally squeezed by the Eclipse Emperor was the moment when he was defeated.

But Jiang Cheng didn't seem to realize the ending of own at all.

He is still switching positions in the world controlled by the Eclipse Emperor, and from time to time he releases his own spirituality to sense it.

Because he needs to find—to find the place where the Eclipse Emperor entrusts his spirit.

Until the 'safety zone' he opened up was compressed to only a hundred miles, he also made enough discoveries.

The eclipse emperor's spirit is not always fixed somewhere, but is constantly changing.

Jiang Cheng finally locked a strand of consciousness in it.

Then, he decisively withdrew the Ji Que sword.

He casually exchanged a fourth-order Dao sword from the storage ring.

This action made Monk Zhang Er puzzled by Hou Guizang and the others.

And the Emperor Eclipse, who was attacking frantically, laughed wildly.

"Hahahaha, are you going to give up on yourself?"

Jiang Cheng smiled mysteriously.

"I just think that you are not worthy of making me pay for the destruction of an eighth-level Dao sword."

"I forgot to tell you, besides Wu Dao Sword, I also have a sword."

Following the locked thread of consciousness, Jiang Cheng used the 'Perfect Swordsmanship' for the first time in the heavenly realm.

There is no way, the safe zone has no origin, and the only sword he can use is this one.

The celestial power and soul power in the body are like a flood that broke a dam.

In an instant, he was emptied by this sword.

But he didn't have to think about anything, because everything was handed over to this sword.

When the perfect kendo blooms, the safety zone of only a hundred miles is swept away in an instant, turning into a bright world of Lu Li with lights and monsters.

The world where the sun, the moon and the stars dance together, where light and dark Yin & Yang intertwine, and where Five Elements recurs is expanding rapidly.

Vitality and death are accompanied by joys and sorrows, and turned into a substance visible to the naked eye.

The power of heaven and earth that had besieged Jiangcheng was easily swallowed up.

Like fallen leaves blown away by a hurricane, they swept wildly toward the periphery.

And the first to bear the brunt is the spiritual will of the Eclipse Emperor!

The attack of the perfect kendo is all-round, not only limited to the physical body, but also the level of spirit and consciousness.

"what is this!"

The Eclipse Emperor screamed shrilly, but no one could hear his scream.

Under the coverage of this sword, no matter the sight, touch or sound, all were killed!

The world that was originally blocked by him has already been destroyed by the "Perfect Swordsmanship" and is riddled with holes!

If he hadn't practiced spirituality, then Jiang Cheng should be in a coma by now.

But at this time, his body was exhausted, but he was unprecedentedly sober.

He finally discovered that he had already possessed the Dao—the Dao of the Perfect Sword.

The Eclipse Emperor of the tenth second stage of the sky cannot stop the Tao hidden in his sword!

"Perfect Kendo!"

After Cheng Ge's death, Gui Zang, Ling Xing and others were dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, they were trembling with excitement.

As sword cultivators, this is the highest Realm they have been pursuing!

"This is the perfect way of the sword!"

"My God!"

Staring at the gorgeous world of destruction, Gui Zang was already in tears.

"Unexpectedly, I was able to witness the perfect kendo with my own eyes..."

And not only him?

Millions of immortals in the entire Feixian League have already regarded Jiang Cheng as a god who can heaven-defying at this moment.

But compared to them, the Celestial Clan on the opposite side suffered a disaster.

Many Yuanshi and princes were also shrouded in the attack range by this sword because they stood too far forward.

"Do not!"

They never dreamed that without the Wudao Sword, Jiang Cheng would have another big move that was not inferior to that sword.

By the time they face each other, it's too late.

Even the Eclipse Emperor can only sink, let alone their Ninth Stage, Tenth Stage, and Ten First Stage these days?

Many people's spirituality is like a flying piece of paper, torn to pieces in this storm!

(end of this chapter)

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