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Chapter 1970 Life Yuan Pen

Chapter 1970 Life Yuan Pen

Although the Sky Clansmen who stayed in the city were generally low in Realm and status.

But perhaps because they were too excited, they even dared to roar and question the Heavenly Rank Ten Second Stage.

"Yes, we absolutely don't believe it!"

"It's impossible for Jiang Cheng to be that strong?"

"Since you peak powerhouses are still there, how could they die?"

"Even if he is a magic fetus, so many people won't be able to escape, right?"

Brother Cheng, who was far away from the Feixian League and was waiting for the Celestial Clan to attack, received a big black pot out of nowhere.

Fortunately, Moon Shadow Emperor helped him remove the pot immediately.

"They were killed by Qiu Yuxuan."

This truth cannot be concealed.

Otherwise, when other Tianzu people see this girl in the future, they will treat her as one of their own.

And as soon as his words fell, the whole city was about to be overthrown.

"This is even more impossible!"

"Goddess of Autumn is a god fetus, how could she attack us?"

Not long ago, many of them still missed Qiu Yuxuan.

This news completely overturned their image in mind, how could it be so easy to accept.

"She's one of us, the best friend of the Celestial Clan, you guys are making it up..."

"It is indeed Qiu Yuxuan."

National Master Xingyou, who had been silent all this time, finally had to come forward.

"She is dominated by Heavenly Dao's will and is already our enemy."

"She is the magic fetus."

"What did you say?"

The Tianzu people who heard the news from all around collapsed on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, many people pointed directly at Guoshi Xingyou's nose and roared.

"How could Qiu Yuxuan be a magic fetus?"

"How did you prophesy?"

"Sometimes it's a magic fetus, and sometimes it's a magic fetus. Do you take the prophecy as a joke?"

"As a national teacher, how can you talk nonsense like this?"

In normal times, these clansmen who are no more than mortal rank and earth rank are so rude, Xingyou Guoshi would have taken them down and punished them long ago.

Ah no, in the past, these people never had a chance to stand in front of him.

But now, he was so scolded that he didn't even have the ability to speak back.

Because he misjudged the god fetus and the magic fetus, his prophecy has become a complete joke.

On a larger scale, the Celestial Clan died on one of his mouths.

If he hadn't made a mistake in his judgment and had been treating Brother Cheng well and kept him with the Celestial Clan, then the Eclipse Emperor would not have died.

Even if he encounters a scene like today again, Jiang Cheng will stand in front of Wu Dao Sword.

"Run away!"

"The farther you can escape, the better!"

"Gathering here will only become the next wave of victims of Wudao Sword."

As soon as his words fell, the light in the sky quietly dimmed.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light sprinkled down from the top of everyone's heads.

Looking up, I saw a stone pen about a foot long suspended in the clouds.

Through the golden light around it, this pen looks ordinary, but neither Xingmiaohuang nor Moonyinghuang dare to underestimate it.

Because they once again felt the will of Heavenly Dao.

"what is this?"

"Why does Heavenly Dao have weapons?"

"Be careful!"

The stone pen drew a series of mysterious words in the void.

No one in the Celestial Clan present could see through the meaning.

All I could see was the fluttering golden powder scattered around the corners of the Yunding Spiritual Realm, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

It seems that it did not cause any damage.

"Whatever it is, shoot it down first!"

Even though he was seriously injured before, at this moment, the three Heaven Rank Ten Second Stages and the five Ten First Stages joined forces to mobilize the power of heaven and earth around them, and swept towards the pen.

However, the attacks from all over the sky hit the pen like a mud cow entering the sea.

It didn't cause any harm.

And in the next second, the entire imperial city set off a continuous roar.

Boom boom boom!

The power of heaven and earth raged wildly.

It was precisely the attack mobilized by those eight masters just now.

These attacks not only bombarded every corner of the imperial city, but also dealt a fatal blow to the Celestial Clan people in the city.

It is not known how many people were killed in this round of cover bombardment.

"how so?"

"Our attack, how can we turn around and hit ourselves?"

The complexions of the strong men changed dramatically.

However, after going through the previous battle, their current endurance is many times stronger.

They quickly mobilized their spirits again, forming a protective barrier above all the clansmen.

After this round of attacks, the number of Celestial Clan people in the city has been reduced by half.

The eyes of Emperor Xingmiao and Emperor Moon Shadow were shattered.

But even weirder things are yet to come.

The stone pen flicked high in the sky, and once again wrote the mysterious words.

Master Xingyou inexplicably felt a burst of irritability in his heart, and his own consciousness seemed a little unstable, as if affected by a layer of gray fog.

Not only him, Xing Miao Huang and Moon Shadow Emperor beside him also had a similar feeling.

Even if they are like this, those Sky Clan people who are far behind them are even more miserable.

Many people suddenly collapsed on the spot and disappeared into this world.

Some people, in the panic of running, suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground, and then just fell into the inexplicable space crack, and were blown out by the turbulent wind.

"This, how could this be?"

"I see!"

The Moon Shadow Emperor suddenly roared.

"Isn't this the way of fate of Holy Lord Qianyuan back then?"

"That pen changed everyone's fate!"

"We can barely resist its influence, but our people can't!"

As an old opponent of the Immortal Clan, he had dealt with the Holy Master Qianyuan back then, and knew how terrifying his Fate Saint Realm would be after being sacrificed.


The expressions of the princes on the side also changed.

"Didn't Holy Master Qianyuan die long ago?"

"How could his way of fate still exist?"

"After his fall, the broken holy world was taken away by Heavenly Dao!"

Master Xingyou also finally reacted.

"Without his own consciousness, Heavenly Dao's will can occupy his holy world."

"That pen is the way of Holy Lord Qianyuan!"

If there were Celestial Immortals from the Third Era present, they would be able to recognize the pen in the sky at a glance.

Isn't it one of the Heavenly Dao treasures, the Mingyuan Brush held by Emperor Yuan?

This Heavenly Dao treasure is actually a support, not a killing treasure like Wudao Sword Shaking Heaven Axe.

The Mingyuan pen is not suitable for fighting.

If it was in its heyday, the few Heavenly Rank Ten Second Stages present would be able to block it alone.

However, they are all in a weak state at this time, and they can only watch helplessly as the Mingyuanbi continues to change the fate of the people below under the control of Heavenly Dao's will.

Only a small part died suddenly on the spot.

Many people's fates have been changed. At this time, there is no abnormality, but it may explode in a few days or a few months.

Master Xingyou had already foreseen that scene, but he was powerless to stop it now.

I can only shout loudly, let everyone keep calm, stick to the spirit, and don't do too many things, so as to avoid the opportunity for fate to be tampered with.

(end of this chapter)

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