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Chapter 1976 Flying Immortal Sect Appears

Chapter 1976 Flying Immortal Sect Appears

The appearance of the Nine-patterned Canglong was just the beginning.

Soon, the second eggshell cracked.

The same huge body of Azure Dragon lay in front of the Holy Emperor.

After that comes the third eggshell.

What appeared this time was not the dragon race, but the human race.

As the eggshells cracked one by one, the Holy Emperor saw people one by one.

The vitality breath of these people is not very strong, and they are only at the level of elementary Taoist gods.

But there is a strong will of Heavenly Dao in each of them.

When all 1031 stone eggs were cracked, two dragons, one tiger, and 1029 people appeared in front of the Holy Emperor.

If Brother Cheng was at the scene, these people would rush over impatiently.

Because these 1031 creatures are all his acquaintances, without exception.

The two dragons are Cangling and Xuanming, and the first tiger is the three-eyed tiger.

Among the 1029 people, except for Miao Yu, the rest are Feixianmen disciples.

Except for Duan He's four protagonist templates who were not present, Ji Linghan, Mo Chen, Luo Yuan, Lin Ning, Shan Tai and other disciples from the first three generations were all on the list.

But now, there is no communication between them.

Because they are also 'soul wear', using the identity of the first era.

So they don't know each other at all.

Even when they saw the Canglong and the Azure Dragon, they didn't think that they were the two they knew, they only thought that they were the Dragon Clan of the First Era.

When they saw other people around them, their first reaction was the same as other 'travelers'.

Hide your identity, don't expose yourself.

See how others do it first, and then learn from it.

So, everyone was staring at each other, but no one was in his early years.

Deep in their hearts, everyone was filled with ecstasy as if they had gotten the newest toy.

Because their current bodies are much stronger than before.

Most of Feixianmen's disciples used to be Daoist, but now they are all Yuanzu.

Yes, Brother Cheng wondered why there was no Yuanzu in the First Era.

But now, all of his more than a thousand acquaintances have become Yuanzu.

That's all, the key is that everyone has also received the blessing of Heavenly Dao's will.

This is the treatment that the ancestors of the third era did not have at all.

"Why hasn't anyone made a move yet?"

Although everyone has not fully adapted to their new identities, they are still quite anxious.

"Is this a special ceremony?"

"Who is that woman over there?"

"Where is this? Heavenly Dao space?"

"Are all the people around you companions?"

"Where is the head of Jiang, come out and take me..."

Since they just broke out of their shells, they don't know anything about the situation in the heavens.

They didn't even know that there was a Celestial Clan here, let alone the existence of Celestial Gods and Holy Emperors.

And the Holy Emperor, who was opposite them, also didn't understand the situation.

Quietly, the sea of ​​Heavenly Dao around her had receded, as if a battlefield had been deliberately vacated.

After a brief confrontation, she was the one who took the lead in breaking the calm.

The power of the sky enveloped it like a dome, instantly cutting off the original breath outside.

It is a standard Celestial Clan starting move.

And with Karma Holy Realm, she can also play the two-on-one tactics of Jiang Cheng and Yi Shan.

On the opposite side, Cangling Xuanming, Ji Linghan and others launched a counterattack immediately after being attacked.

The influence of the Karma holy world has just spread, and everyone involuntarily stimulates the will of the "innate" Heavenly Dao.

Then the Holy Emperor was a bit tragic.

She really doesn't care if it is replaced by thousands of ordinary Taoist gods, she can compete with or even crush them with her own holy world.

But now these thousands of people have the blessing of Heavenly Dao's will. Instead of eroding the other party, her Dao has been riddled with holes.

This made the Holy Emperor extremely puzzled.

The 'container' that can withstand Heavenly Dao's will is only above the Holy Lord.

The Holy Master cultivated out of the Holy Realm, which is considered to be beyond the shackles of Heavenly Dao.

Although their Daoyuan is weaker than Heavenly Dao, they can already be regarded as parallel existences with Heavenly Dao.

For this reason, the Lord can barely bear the blessing of Heavenly Dao's will.

And others, no matter whether they are elementary Taoist gods or high rank Taoist gods, are still confined to the Heavenly Dao system.

They are just vassals of Heavenly Dao, and they have no such qualifications at all.

The only exception that the Holy Emperor had seen before was Qiu Yuxuan.

And now, she saw thousands of exceptions.

None of these thousands of people is the Holy Master.

What kind of incredible thing is this?

"Could it be that this is a special container specially bred by Heavenly Dao, not a real creature?"

"Unexpectedly, Heavenly Dao not only has weapons, but also breeds guards."

In her eyes, the thousands of people in front of her must not be immortals, but guardians of Heavenly Dao.

That's why it has the will of Heavenly Dao.

Immediately afterwards, the thousands of people inside all used their origin.

Cang Ling, who bears the brunt, has almost become the incarnation of the source of speed.

With the body of a god and the Cultivation Base penetrating the heavens and the earth, the Holy Emperor couldn't get rid of her.

And behind him, Xuan Ming has already overturned the river and the sea, playing with the origin of water.

Further back, each of the disciples of the Feixianmen manipulated an origin and charged towards the Holy Emperor.

For them, this is the first battle in the new world.

Although he didn't know the other party, since the other party made a move, he was an enemy.

The Holy Emperor was dumbfounded.

Looking at the overwhelming source, each one is almost destructive power.

"How could this be?"

She exclaimed for the first time.

It stands to reason that the power of heaven has isolated the four universes. How did these people mobilize their origin?

Moreover, although each of them has only one origin, its strength is stronger than that of the Holy Masters she has seen before.

What exactly is this container?

No way, this is Yuanzu's ability.

With the approval of the source, the power of heaven isolating one side of the world, but it can't isolate their relationship with the source.

And as each of them mobilized their own origin, the Holy Emperor also found that the power of heaven and earth he could mobilize became weaker.

Because the origins belonging to these people have all been extracted.

In disguise, it weakened the world she controlled.

In the end, she could only withstand several original attacks with her powerful body of a god, forcefully escaped into the void, and exited the Heavenly Dao space.

This time, her confrontation with Heavenly Dao also ended in failure.

After repelling her, Cang Ling Miao Yu and all the disciples of Feixian Sect froze in place.

To be honest, they haven't figured out the situation yet.

Who was the enemy in that battle just now?

After Heavenly Dao recedes, this is no longer the Heavenly Dao space.

They don't know where it is either.

Everyone is looking forward to the "native immortals" around them giving them some science.

Even if you tell yourself what you should do next and follow the crowd.

You've just come to this world, so you have to be a little gregarious.

But it is a pity that there is no 'native fairy' here.

So after the battle, everyone was in the embarrassing situation of staring at each other.

No one dared to act without authorization, for fear of being too prominent and arousing the suspicion of other people around.

(end of this chapter)

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