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Chapter 225 Becoming A Father Again?

Chapter 225 Becoming a father again?

The lord of Dingtian City did not dare to fight Jiang Cheng at all.

He wasn't stupid either, the person who could instantly kill that general was definitely not someone he could resist.

If he knew that Brother Cheng only had this strike once a day, he would probably vomit blood.

Seeing that the city lord disappeared from sight in a flash, Brother Cheng was very annoyed.

"Fuck, what are you running from?"

"Come and kill daddy!"

This battle is destined to be impossible to completely crush with strength.

After all, there are two Mysterious Immortals on the opposite side.

His original plan was to kill one of them first with a critical strike, so as to relieve the combat pressure of the others.

Being killed by another triggers the resurrection hang.

Then kill the whole audience.

As a result, the city lord with such a grand appearance was actually so timid.

In desperation, Brother Cheng could only touch some elixir and take it, restore some Spirit Power, and then joined other battle circles.

Once he joined, the remaining Celestial Immortals commanders and captains were completely defeated.

With the help of a series of plug-ins, Sect Leader Jiang's normal attack power is almost reaching the limit of the breakthrough Celestial Immortals, and almost every blow can take away the life of a Celestial Immortals.

After only tens of seconds of the battle, he killed all the Celestial Immortals present.

Then everyone rushed into the group of true immortals who were fighting.

Most of these Immortal World's true immortals don't even have immortal artifacts, and only use sacred artifacts, how can they stop this group of people.

After a short while, the entire Xianwu army was killed and wiped out.

But at this moment, earth-shaking changes suddenly took place in this Dingtian City.

I saw colorful glazed covers miraculously appearing in the sky above, and the brilliance flowed endlessly.

The area that was destroyed by Jiang Cheng's attack before was actually healing rapidly at this time.

It quickly becomes non-existent at all.

Visions of various immortals, demons and ghosts hovered in the void, and a throne slowly rose from the bottom of the high platform.

Immortal mist curled up, not only blocking everyone's sight, but also impenetrable to divine thoughts.

The city lord, who was exuding golden light all over his body, sat high on it, with a pure white jade ruler spinning slowly above his head, like a helicopter propeller.

While his majestic expression is hilarious compared to this look, the resulting effect isn't funny at all.

Everyone present suddenly found that it became very difficult for them to even move.

It seems that there is a mysterious force in the invisible, and they are all fixed in place.

No matter on the ground or in the sky.

Everyone panicked and could only look at Sect Leader Jiang, who had repeatedly created miracles.

Fortunately, the old man can still move.

Those onlookers in the distance ran away in fright at this time, and no longer dared to watch the excitement.

"You should be proud of being able to force the Lord of this city to use the essence core of Dingtian City!"

Jiang Cheng and the others didn't know what the so-called city core was, it sounded like the city was alive.

"But you stop here."

The jade ruler swung down, and Brother Cheng was instantly overwhelmed by the phantoms of the group of fairies, demons and ghosts.

Although he wanted to die, he still didn't expect that he wouldn't even have a chance to dodge.

A pitch-black flame rose from his body, and then quickly spread throughout his body.

The immortal and demon body forcibly blocked the strange flame for a moment, but the immortal soul couldn't stop it in the end.

After all, this city core was originally prepared for the Ascension War...

He was eventually burned to death.

With his death, the city lord of Dingtian City secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was finally killed.

If even this last resort can't work, then he really has nothing to do and can only choose to run away.

"Master Jiang..."



The Ascended who were fixed in various places saw this scene, and they were completely in the mood of the sky falling.

When we first entered the fake Immortal World, everyone was still not convinced.

But as time went by, Jiang Cheng became the only one who could convince everyone.

Leading everyone to break through the Immortal World blockade, break out of the vase, and enter the Immortal World, he is the backbone.

Including the battle just now, without him, everyone would have been wiped out by the Xianwu Army long ago.

And now, he's dead...

The strongest genius in the lower realm is actually dead?

Even the Immortal Emperor's vase couldn't trap him, how could he die?

Everyone couldn't even believe it was real.

"The master..."

Mo Chen let out a sad cry, suddenly thinking that this scene seemed familiar.

"Ding! The host has gained 100% favorable opinion from Dingtian City's essence core!"

With such a short sentence, Brother Cheng came back to life.

Ah this?

Isn't there a few more words?

The host was killed, the enemy's strength was detected, and the resurrection plan was arranged.

what's going on?

Is it because my system has not been upgraded?

So after entering the Immortal World, something unusual happened?

Look at it this way, I really have to pick a time to update this system when I have time.

Fortunately, this resurrection is still hanging.

As soon as he came back to life, he immediately began to honor himself.

"Don't be impatient, everyone. I just think that the city lord must be very sad that so many people have died."

"So I deliberately pretended to be dead to comfort him, so that he wouldn't go crazy after being overwhelmed by the blow."

Seeing him alive and kicking again, everyone was very pleasantly surprised.

I don't care how annoying it sounds.

"Master Jiang, you really scared the old man."

"Haha, I knew brother would not die so easily."

"The benefactor is very lucky. The demon fire looked extremely dangerous just now, but it was unscathed!"

Brother Cheng, who had come back to life, was in high spirits, and after being fooled by being killed, a child's voice came from his ear.



Brother Cheng was startled, who was calling him?

"Heal me, I'm here!"

Following the source of the anxious voice, Brother Cheng shifted his gaze little by little until he reached the top of the city lord opposite.

Then, it finally settled down.

Above the city lord's head is the jade ruler that spins like an electric fan, and now above the jade ruler is a phantom of a boy carved in pink and jade.

"Is it you talking to me?"

Head Jiang reacted: "Are you the core of Dingtian City?"

No way, is it another magical creature like Ah Huang?

"Yeah yeah, why do I feel so close to you, who are you?"

Because the system has fully raised your favorability with me, so of course I got close.

"Because I am your long-lost father!"

With the lesson from Ah Huang back then, Brother Cheng decided to start with children.

The boy flew over quickly and stretched out his short fleshy hand towards him.

Just because there is no entity, there is no real touch.

"You are my father?"

"That's right, that's right, you are my son Xiaobai, good boy, I finally found you!"

"So my name is Xiaobai, hehehe..."

He happily circled around, very happy.

Brother Cheng felt a sense of guilt for cheating the children again, but it dissipated in an instant.

You were the one who killed brother just now!

What a crime, both children experienced patricide once before they were born. Is this some kind of necessary ritual?

"Do you control this whole city?"


"Then can you help Dad beat up the bad guy on the other side?"

"Of course, how does daddy want him to die?" The boy's black eyes were shining with innocence.

Damn, so powerful?

Much more direct than Ah Huang!

(end of this chapter)

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