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Chapter 2504 Jiang Cheng's Plan

Chapter 2504 Jiang Cheng's Plan

Everyone understands that they must do their best to face the spirit descendant and form the strongest team.

But after they've gone through grade-school math problems in their heads a few times, it feels like something's not right.

Ji Linghan and Lin Ning came out of Feixianmen, and they had to invite nine Old Sages outside, which happened to be eleven people.

So, what about Sect Leader Jiang himself?

Are you not going to fight?

Brother Cheng is of course going to play, but he doesn't plan to team up with those Old Sages.

"Before the start of the war, the opponent will definitely inquire about our list of participating in the battle. If they don't find out, they will not participate with peace of mind."

"And if they know that I am here, they will inevitably be suspicious."

He is not putting money on his face, but the fact.

The succubus paid him second only to Yi, and once they learned that he was participating in the war, they probably wouldn't come.

When the time comes, wouldn't this peak duel be arranged in vain?

"So we have to form a normal team seriously."

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

"Master Jiang is really planning a strategy, looking far ahead!"

"However, how will you enter the arena yourself?"

Brother Cheng pointed to the top of his head and smiled slightly: "The organizer is ours, so it doesn't matter if we let one more team in?"

Everyone suddenly had nothing to say.

Soon, the news that Feixianmen was going to form a team to fight against the holy temple spread, and it spread throughout the entire fairy mountain in a very short period of time.

After hearing the news, the first reaction of many people was astonishment.

Indeed, from the day the descendants officially entered Xianshan to build the holy temple, Feixianmen became their number one enemy.

In order to completely control Xianshan and prevent the five people, Mingzu and Hunzu, from controlling here, the holy temple has followed the path of prospering and perishing from the very beginning.

Use various means to continuously conquer and gather the surrounding Sects and ethnic groups, and incorporate them into the own energy system.

In this case, of course there will be resistance.

Because Feixianmen was the first to discover the fairy mountain, coupled with the largest number of saints and good relations with multiple ethnic groups, it naturally succeeded in fighting against the leader of the temple, Sect.

The battle between the Cultivation of the Gods and the Cultivation of Immortals in the past has long since disappeared, and now the battle is between the Holy Temple camp and the Five Gods camp.

After entering Xianshan, some of the six springs and some surviving righteous gods surrendered to the holy temple, and some stood by Feixianmen.

Everyone knows that this is a new catastrophe, the two sides will definitely win or lose in the future, and one side will be completely defeated.

Just like the Immortal World's cultivating spirit in the Yuan Dynasty, it has withered away from its former glory.

But no one thought that this day would come so soon.

There have been so many catastrophes in Immortal World, which one was not protracted, and which one was not countless battles, big and small, accompanied by various intrigues, grievances and hatreds.

The catastrophe has always been extremely complicated.

But this time, it ended in a group duel that was so simple that it was almost child's play.

"Isn't that too hasty?"

"11 vs. 11, it's obvious that 11 séances have been locked."

"On the side of the Five Gods camp, the advantage is that the number of ancient sages and holy venerables is large, and the overall strength is strong. But in terms of peak masters, the ancient sages are still not as good as the descendants, right?"

"That's right, even if it's a one-hundred-vs-one-hundred match, Feixianmen has a chance of winning, so why choose 11 vs 11?"

"In order to ensure victory, the God Adventist will definitely get all 11, and completely eliminate the Five Gods camp in one battle."

"Feixianmen, where can we gather 11 masters who can defeat the god descendant?"

No one doubts the importance of this decisive battle.

Even if there is no law of heaven and earth to arbitrate, the loser will surely be doomed.

If the 11 vassals die in battle, the Holy Temple camp will naturally disappear.

If the team of 11 ancient sages from Feixianmen is completely wiped out, the five gods camp will also be leaderless and collapse.

What everyone doubted was only the strength of the top leaders of the Five Gods Alliance.

"I heard that this decisive battle was initiated by Feixianmen."

"I really don't know what Master Ji is thinking."

"What are they going to do? Are they really sure of winning?"

"Is there any trump card that can defeat the spirit descendant?"

Similar discussions and speculation permeate every Sect, every ethnic group, and every corner of Xianshan.

Even the séances held secret meetings several times internally.

As for the Alliance of Five Gods, after receiving the news of the decisive battle at Feixianmen, many bigwigs also rushed over night and day.

There are many Jiang Cheng's own people among them.

For example, Miao Yu from Tianshu Pavilion, Lan Ni and Ming Tong from the Witch Clan, Bingji and Gong Qing from the Ice Clan, and Cang Ling, Xuan Ming, and Ji Yao from the Yao Clan.

There are also some 'old acquaintances', such as the Blood Emperor, Xin Emperor, and Yuan Emperor of Tiangong, Qing Chi who is the master of the fourth spring, Xingmiao Emperor of the Celestial Clan, Qu Wang, Huan Chen and others who followed him in Luoxiandao.

In addition, there are some who have not dealt with.

For example, in order to avoid being beheaded by Yi, the Jihuang Zhengshen who chose to escape from the Yuan Immortal World; and the Luohua Ancient Sage and Xiantan Ancient Sage who lived in the last fairy mountain and dealt with Mingzu, Shangxuan and others and others.

It can be said that there are far more than nine ancient sage-level masters who came to Feixianmen on their own initiative.

But the reason why these people came here was not all wanting to take the initiative to join the team.

Many people expressed dissatisfaction with the summit decisive battle that started a month later.

It was Jihuang Zhengshen who took the lead in launching the attack.


After entering the Great Hall, he slapped the table hard and shouted angrily: "Why do you Feixianmen make your own decisions?"

Qing Chi, Xian Tan and the others also looked unhappy.

"For such an important matter, why don't you discuss it with us before making a decision?"

"You Feixianmen don't think we're Toput in one's eyes, do you?"

In fact, not only them, but even Emperor Yuan, Emperor Xue, and Emperor Xingmiao also showed strong incomprehension.

"Why do you want to have a final battle with them?"

"Now is simply not the right time."

"And 11 against 11, this is completely exploiting weaknesses and avoiding strengths, which is exactly what the enemy likes."

Ji Linghan had expected their reaction.

And her response was very succinct and clear.

"This peak decisive battle has the support of the five gods."

Jihuang Zhengshen and the others who were still furious at first could only swallow back a bunch of accusations against Feixianmen.

Because the five gods are equivalent to the Heavenly Dao of the fairy mountain, and they are also the backing for them to fight against the holy temple. Who dares to criticize them in public?

Ji Huang could only mutter: "I still think this duel is too rash."

Qing Chi, Xing Miao Huang and others also nodded solemnly in agreement.

"Yeah, we don't see where our chances of winning are at all."

"Everyone present here, who is confident that he can defeat any spirit descendant in a single fight? Is there anyone?"

"Once lost, the consequences will be disastrous."

"There is the law of heaven and earth for arbitration. If you lose, the five gods will no longer be able to interfere in the new Immortal World."

"How can we fight against the holy temple in the future, just surrender."

(end of this chapter)

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