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Chapter 2525 Restoring Yuan Immortal World

Chapter 2525 Restoring Yuan Immortal World

Xu's casual words made Ming Zu's expression a little subtle.

"Is there anything he can't do?"

"Then isn't he a bit too capable?"

Old Sage Shangxuan and the other two on the side also put away their smiles.

The eyes of several people all took a bit of meaning.

Xu is also an individual, so I can't see the thoughts of these guys.

The biggest enemy in the past was the spirit descendant, so I hope that Jiang Cheng will be stronger, the better, only in this way can he help get rid of the enemy.

Now that the descendants of the gods are about to be completely annihilated, Jiang Cheng doesn't want to be as strong as possible.

If this person is so strong, won't he threaten his future rule over Xianshan?

"You don't want to get rid of him, do you?"

There was also a bit of coldness in the gloomy voice.

"Being an enemy of Jiang Cheng is not a wise move, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"If you insist on doing it, don't involve me, this matter has nothing to do with me."

Mingzu and Shangxuan Ancient Sage glanced at each other, then laughed.

"You misunderstood."

"Jiang Cheng did a great favor just now, we didn't even have time to thank him, how could we deal with him, hahaha..."

"That's right, you think too much."

They are playing sloppy here, and somehow it feels like an earthquake.

There was a jolt under his feet, and the space around him also shook.

"what's the situation?"

All five of them were shocked.

"This Tianfengshi is our territory, who can make a mistake here?"

"who is it?"

"Hurry up and get out and die!"

"Could it be Qiu Yuxuan?"

"Ahem, if it's her, then it's not unforgivable..."

Just as they were suspicious, more accidents followed.

First of all, there was a more violent shock inside Xianshan.

The hundreds of millions of immortals who were still paying attention to the peak team battle all exclaimed.

But before they could do anything, the entire fairy mountain was twisted sharply, and the space was up and down.

Immediately afterwards, this 'new world' quickly lost its original color like an ebbing tide.

"what happened!"

"Is this going to end the world?"

"No way, isn't this a new world, how could it be destroyed?"

Countless screams and shouts intertwined into one piece.

Even Tianyi Mountain, which was the battleground, collapsed in an instant, leaving only the disc as the arena floating in place.

Immortals everywhere in the fairy mountain, no matter which ethnic group, regardless of the height of the Realm, at this moment, they all seem to have become duckweeds without roots or support.

For the first time, they fully felt that own is powerless and can only drift with the flow.

The next moment, they found themselves back in the Yuan Immortal World.

And the Yuan Immortal World, which had already declined to the "Dharma-ending Era" with only a few Mysterious Immortal Celestial Immortals left, seemed to usher in a warm current as the glaciers thawed after the cold winter.

The 'warm current' was so turbulent that everyone even witnessed the scene of spring flowers blooming within a few seconds.

Because that is the origin of the world.

With the collapse of the fairy mountain, the origin quickly withdraws from the Immortal World.

Those immortals who had just returned were still screaming at the accident, lamenting the decline of the Immortal World, and found that the concentration of Immortal Qi around them was rising rapidly.

"What happened again?"

"Is the Immortal World going to be restored?"

"how so?"

"Who did this, Jiang Cheng?"

"Whoever did it, it's a good thing anyway!"

"That's right, once the Immortal World returns to its previous climate, we will have a place to live again!"

The immortals who had just returned forgot the 'destruction' of Xianshan in the blink of an eye.

After all, what they need is a plane that can carry them and continue to practice, no matter where they are.

Soon, the screams and yells turned into cheers and celebrations again.

It's just that a few people are not happy.

That is Soul Ancestor, Ming Ancestor and Shangxuan Ancient Sage.

Just three minutes ago, they were still imagining the bright prospect of dominating the fairy mountain and ruling countless creatures in the future.

As a result, Xianshan is gone now.

Not only is the fairy mountain gone, even the power of the Tianfeng Stone is rapidly declining.

Because the origin of the world inside this treasure is also rapidly rewinding, flowing back towards the Immortal World of the Yuan Dynasty.

The origin of the world was originally extracted from the Yuan Immortal World by the Tianfeng Stone, and now it can be regarded as returning to the original owner, but Ming Zu and others don't want to see this kind of thing happen.

If there is no original power inside the Tianfeng Stone, the power they can control will be even weaker.

Several people quickly took advantage of the identity of Seven Stars and used various means to try to prevent the return of the world's origin.

It's just that no matter what they do, they can't stop this process.

Because there is a pair of hands in the dark manipulating everything, not only manipulating the return of the original source, but also manipulating part of the changes in the Tianfeng Stone.

The five desperately fought against those hands.

However, with the continuous loss of the origin of the world, their abilities have become weaker and weaker, and they have become more and more unable to compete with each other.

Until a certain moment, a familiar figure slowly appeared in front of the five of them.

"Whirling Jade Man!"

"Oh it's you!"

"What are you doing here?"

Faced with their questioning and shouting, the Fairy Mother just looked indifferent, as indifferent as if she was looking down at five stubborn stones.

"Either you convert to Heavenly Dao."

"Either you will be trapped in this heaven-sealed stone forever, and you will not be free in this life."

Hearing her 'judgment', the five were furious.

"What did you say?"

"Who do you think you are?"

"It's fine to take away the origin, what does the Tianfeng Stone have to do with you?"

"Don't you know that we are the masters of the Heaven Sealing Stone? Even Jiang Cheng can't intervene, let alone you?"

It was not until they finished speaking that the Fairy Mother left a word.

"The Tianfeng Stone had nothing to do with me before. Since the power of the fifty strands of Dao Seal was poured in, it has naturally been related."

"What's the meaning?"

Because these five people had never experienced some things, they couldn't understand them.

If Jiang Cheng, Emperor Lin or Zuo Er were on the scene, they would immediately understand and lament that the fairy mother is too insidious.

Back then, when the Shinto League fought with the Luoxian Temple, in order to resist the barbarians, dozens of righteous gods from the Shinto League could only turn to the God Advent Platform for help.

And the condition put forward by the God Advent Stage was that every righteous god should inject a trace of Dao Seal power into the Heaven Sealing Stone.

No one knew at the time what the consequences of this would be.

Until later, Tianfengshi used the power of the fifty seals to successfully deceive Heavenly Dao's trust, successfully approached the source of the world, and seized it.

From this, the "Dharma-ending Era" of Yuan Immortal World was brought about.

Injecting the power of fifty strands of dao seal into the sky-sealing stone has always been regarded as a trick of the Shinto League.

But now, hearing what Fairy Mother said, it seems that this matter is not that simple.

That injection of Dao Seal's power made Tianfengshi gain the trust of Heavenly Dao, but in turn, Heavenly Dao also gained the trust of Tianfengshi.

The final consequence is that the Heavenly Dao spokeswoman Fairy Mother can also manipulate the Heavenly Sealing Stone.

It's just that this woman kept her secret and didn't reveal it to anyone.

(end of this chapter)

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