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Chapter 2527 New Perfect Sword Way

Chapter 2527 new perfect sword way

"Dude, come out, let's talk."

He wanted to trick the second from the left, and then give the other party an exchange.

But the latter is not fooled at all.

The second from the left really didn't know that he had the swapping skills, but he was worried that Jiang Cheng would use his turbidity to kill him as soon as he showed up, so now his posture is very standard.

"Don't waste your time, I will never appear again."

"You spend your whole life here, hahahaha!"

Jiang Cheng was a little confused about his brain circuit.

If you trap others in this virtual space, don't you also trap yourself?

What is he plotting?

It stands to reason that the second from the left can completely negotiate terms now.

For example, if you want me to let you out, you must promise not to kill me, and even more conditions.

But the opponent didn't interrupt at all.

"Could it be that he can get any benefits if we are trapped?"

Brother Cheng didn't continue guessing, but got busy.

In the following time, he successively experimented with special methods such as 'deprivation', 'backtracking in time', 'copying', 'mind reading' and so on, but none of them worked.

Mind reading, deprivation, copying, and swapping are also unable to lock the target.

Time regression does not work in this void.

"It seems like a virtual space."

"For three-dimensional creatures like us, the two-dimensional dimension is illusory and non-existent."

It's like a person operating in the air against the screen, can it change the plot on the screen?

"No matter what kind of attack, it can't break the dimensional wall!"

Then, he clicked on 'multiple vision'.

Multiple visions can clearly see the flow of the law of heaven and earth, but facing this virtual space, it still seems to be futile.

What presented before Jiang Cheng's eyes was nothing but an empty void.

No nodes, no lines.

It seems that this virtual space is a castle in the air, and it can operate out of thin air without any laws.

"This kind of space is too foul, right?"

"Brother, I don't believe you are really nowhere to be found!"

He drew out the mottled bone sword again.

The sneer from the second from the left came out unsurprisingly.

"Tsk tsk, are you going to waste your energy again?"

"I really sympathize with you, all the knowledge I have learned is useless here."

"You attack as much as you want, if I yell more, I will lose."

Three seconds later, he literally screamed.

Because this time Jiang Cheng used the ultimate move - the perfect sword.

And different from before, this time he is not using immortal power to drive the perfect kendo, but turbid power.

This brother can be regarded as going all out.

The reason why you don't use perfect kendo usually is because the cost is too high and the sequelae are too serious. If you don't kill the enemy, you won't be able to resist.

But in this situation, whether there is resistance or not is meaningless.

Under the blessing of the power of turbidity, the original dazzling world of kendo has become another look.

Five Elements Kenshin's mutual generation and mutual restraint is gone.

All the emotions of Siqingjianxin are gone.

The sun, moon and stars do not see any color.

The shocking scene of intertwining light and dark is not presented, because everything presents a gray translucent tone, like a mirage.

Even the breath of birth and death has become invisible.

Under the blessing of the power of turbidity, the fifteen sword hearts all turned in the same direction - nothingness.

The kendo world itself is nothingness, and everything affected by it is also disappearing quickly.

Compared with the previous scene of destroying heaven and earth, this sword seems to have no lethality.

Wei Miao, Shen Lu and the others in the back didn't even understand what the sword was doing.

But Emperor Lin was terrified.

She was keenly aware of the danger hidden in this sword.

If he was within the enveloping range of this sword, he would not only be killed in just a few seconds, but would also be completely wiped out of existence.

That kind of existence includes not only the fairy body Qi Sea in the physical sense, but also the soul sea and consciousness sea, and even the traces left in the memory of others.

Even if the former companions such as the Heart Emperor, the Blood Emperor, and the Soul Emperor witnessed it with their own eyes, when they were killed, they would forget who they were and what they had done.

From now on, what people remember is that there were nine Heavenly Emperors in Tiangong, not ten.

The Shindo League once had 72 gods, not 73.

That is the erasure of existence in the true sense, and everything returns to nothingness.

"How can there be such a sword..."

"this is too scary!"

Her voice trembled, tinged with fear.

And the shrill scream from the second from the left resounded even more throughout the audience.

"Do not!"

"There can be no such thing!"

His reaction was so big, actually is not because he was going to be killed.

He is still hiding in every corner of the virtual space, like a ghost living in the second dimension.

It's just that at this moment, this virtual space actually started to vibrate.

With the point where the perfect kendo erupted as the center, the grid within a radius of one hundred feet disappeared.

Instead, there is a weird blank space.

The edges of that area are very smooth, and the style and tone are the same as the surrounding except for the lack of grid lines.

This kind of 'damage' seems to be insignificant compared to the destructive attacks outside that can easily spread to hundreds of millions of miles.

But it did something that no attack could do - break the 'dimension wall'.

The second from the left is like seeing a ghost.

That's okay too?

After merging with this void space, he prospers and loses with this space.

Originally thought that Jiang Cheng would not be able to affect the Void Space no matter what, but now it was really destroyed by him, and the second left was also injured.

That blank area just appeared in his void space, and without his permission, it was inlaid with it, as if it was originally a part of the void space.

This gave him an extremely bad premonition.

He tried to 'fix' the blank area so that it would reappear on the grid, but found he couldn't.

Because that area is no longer controlled by him, the existence that belongs to him has been completely erased.

"how so?"

"What kind of weirdness is this?"

He muttered to himself, so much so that he forgot to take the opportunity to show up to attack the unconscious Jiang Cheng.

This made Brother Cheng feel a little regretful when he woke up.

If the second from the left really ran out to kill him, the system would give him a winning plan, which would save trouble.

At this time, there was not a single bit of turbidity in his body left, and it was all evacuated by the perfect sword just now.

If he wanted to use the next sword, he had to rely on Qi Sea's power of turbidity to recover a little bit.

Since the power of the turbidity is not supplemented by the Medicine Pill, it is destined to be a long process.

Looking at the results of own, Jiang Cheng was very relieved.

"I thought your virtual space was really invulnerable, but now you have a breakthrough."

The blank area just created by the power of turbidity is not manipulated by the second left, but is affected by him.

With a thought in his mind, a new grid appeared in that area.

(end of this chapter)

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