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Chapter 2532 Precious Turbid Demon

Chapter 2532 precious turbid demon

Jiang Cheng was not happy for too long.

Because of the existence of the turbid body, it is difficult for him to display the power of the inner world.

Soul Power, Immortal Power, Dao Heart, and Xuan Wen all belong to the Qing Qi system, and it will take a lot of effort for them to break through the turbid Qi blockade of the divine body.

In this case, it is very inconvenient to use it in fierce battles. It is better to fight directly with the power of turbidity.

"I hope this turbid body can be controlled in the future."

"It's best to switch to the body of Immortal Qi when you want to use Xianli and Xuanwen. If you want to use the power of turbidity, switch to the body of turbidity."

"In any case, the improved strength must not be in vain."

After the practice this time, he sent someone to find Miao Yu.

The latter is now running his old business again, driving Tianshu Pavilion to do business everywhere.

I am an ancient sage, and I have the backing of Feixianmen behind me, and now I am flourishing in Yuan Immortal World.

"I have some turbid demon materials here, I don't know if you will accept them or not."

Miao Yu shook her head with a funny face when she heard the words.

"Haven't you disappeared for too long, and you are out of touch with the times?"

"Are you still counting on those third- and fourth-order muddy demon materials back then to make a lot of money?"

"I don't even look at the Immortal World of the Yuan Dynasty at that time. The gods of Taoism and dragons see their heads but not their tails. It is not uncommon for the ancient sages now."

"Nowadays, ninth-level Heavenly and Mortal Treasures are not uncommon. The materials used as substitutes are too low-end, and they cannot make top-notch imperial weapons and talisman arrays. No one cares about them at all..."

Being belittled by her so much, Jiang Cheng almost really thought that he was outdated and unable to keep up with the times.

He dug out from the system space and took out the skeleton of a seventh-level muddy demon.

Some disciples of the surrounding Feixianmen couldn't help taking a few steps back, and Miao Yu was even more surprised.

In fact, after the turbid demon was killed, the remaining bones had no turbid qi, otherwise it would not be able to become the material of the clear qi system.

But after all, it is the container and essence of the once turbid air mixture, and the coercion is still there.

This towering skeleton immediately made everyone feel the threat from the bottom of their hearts.

Just looking at it for a while, Miao Yu cried out in surprise.

"This, what level is this!"

"There are such strong turbid demons in the world?"

"Where did you find such a turbid demon? Could it be that all the turbid demons gathered together to form it?"

Since the battle for the throne in the first era ended, whenever high rank turbid demons appeared on the edge of the Immortal World, most of them would be led to the Tianfeng Stone.

Because of this, Miao Yu and the others haven't seen a turbid demon above the fourth level for many years.

And what Jiang Cheng released now was the skeleton of a seventh-level muddy demon, which of course had a great impact on them.

Out of business instinct, several vice presidents of Tianshu Pavilion, Long Lin, Mo Feng, Jiang Han and others have already pounced on the skeleton, stroking and beating hard like bees, sensing and testing the material from time to time.

"Wow, what level is this?"

"This part can be used to replace the ninth-order Purple Moon God Jade, and the effect will be even better!"

"My God, there's this part, isn't it an excellent substitute for the Boundary Stone?"

"This, this, this is full of treasures!"

"What level of treasure is this?"

Even Miao Yu herself couldn't keep her restraint, and couldn't help touching the fangs of the turbid demon.

"This turbid demon is really a priceless treasure..."

"Priceless treasure?"

The corner of Brother Cheng's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a gratified smile.

"In your opinion, how much can this skeleton be sold for?"

After all, Miao Yu has experienced a lot of troubles, and when it came to bargaining, she immediately came to her senses.

I am trading, how can I say that the other party's goods are priceless?

"Hey, although this skeleton is very rare, it is not so irreplaceable after all, it has not reached the level of unparalleled..."

"Since it's not that important, then I won't sell it."

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he made a gesture to put the skeleton away.


Miao Yu quickly pressed his wrist.

She gave Jiang Cheng a gouged look, and said ruthlessly: "You can make a price, it's best not to open your mouth like a lion, or you will look good!"

Brother Cheng didn't ask for the sky-high price, but he still overflowed part of the value of the skeleton itself.

The two bargained a lot, and finally Jiang Cheng asked for a lot of eighth-level and ninth-level materials and Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

It is mainly used to pill refine the Feixianmen disciples and exchange for system Xuanjing. After all, the system does not accept turbid demons.

As for Jiang Cheng himself, he no longer needs any Medicine Pill and Emperor Weapon.

His strength is too strong, and he can cultivate by relying on chaos and turbulence. Conventional treasures are almost meaningless to him.

After the two parties handed over the skeleton of the seventh-level turbid demon and a large amount of materials, Jiang Cheng smiled mysteriously.

"I'll tell you a secret. In fact, I still have the bones of this level of turbid demon. Should I sell them to you or to someone else?"

After speaking, he dug out in the system space, and took out another end.


Mo Feng, Long Lin and the others all jumped up, and the disciples of the Feixian Sect were also looking straight.

"There's still one more?"

"Oh my God……"

Miao Yu grabbed Brother Cheng's weakness and said sharply, "You must sell it to us. If you dare to sell it to others, I will never end with you!"

Of course, she knows the market very well, knowing that once this level of muddy magic material enters the market, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

This kind of business, of course, has to be unique, how can there be more competitors?

"All right, all right, I'll sell it to you, I'll sell it all to you."

Brother Cheng smiled wryly while breaking free from her clutches.

"Whoever makes us have a good relationship, I will suffer a bit."

Miao Yu was satisfied.

"That's about the same."

The two parties completed the transaction again at the price just now, and just as the people in Tianshu Pavilion put away the turbid demon skeleton, Jiang Cheng took out the third one.

"Actually, I still have one..."

No matter how dull Miao Yu was, she could still realize that something was wrong.

"How many heads do you have?"

Jiang Cheng waved his hand and released ten heads.

Mo Feng screamed.

"so much?"

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Miao Yu's complexion also changed.

"You bastard, damn it!"

At first she thought there was only one head, so she agreed to such a high price.

If she had known that there were twelve heads in total, she would have continued to lower the price at the beginning.

To put it bluntly, things are rare and expensive, and if there are too many, they will become common goods and not so valuable.

Considering that the ten Tianshu Pavilion can also be eaten, she gritted her teeth and nodded heavily for the sake of the reputation of the chamber of commerce.

"Okay, we bought these too!"

A moment later, the transaction was completed, and Jiang Cheng put away a large amount of Heavenly and Mortal Treasures with a smile on his face.

Then he called them again.

"Actually, I still have some turbid demon bones here. I don't know if you will take them or not."

(end of this chapter)

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