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Chapter 296 Great Change Of Attitude

Chapter 296 Great Change of Attitude

Recalling the initial distrust, Yuan Shu and Yuan Mu blushed.

Now they are not convinced.

The news outside has spread all over the place.

The ancestor possessed a ninth-level fairy sword, destroyed Danhua City, and defeated Meng Qin in seconds.

Jiyun Immortal King, Huayin Immortal King, Xiaokun Demon King, Shali Demon King, these four legendary masters all came together with him and have a close relationship!

When the news came back, they didn't believe it at all.

But as time passed, not only was no one denying it, but it became more and more exaggerated. Some people said that Jiang Patriarch was Immortal Emperor.

Only then did they realize that they might have missed something.

He hurriedly found Yuanzhen Yuansheng, wanting to find out again.

As a result, the two old men kept their mouths shut, only saying that this was an ancestor of our sect, and refused to disclose their full name.

To be honest, Yuan Zhen and Yuan Sheng also felt extremely incredible when they heard that the four masters were chatting and laughing with the patriarch.

They knew that Jiang Cheng was the founder of the sect and that he had killed the Immortal Emperor.

I also know his amazing feat in the Ascension Battle of Immortal City.

But they didn't know that he brought 120,000 Ascendants from the Lower Realm up at that time, and the only one whose name was known in Dingtian City was Jiang Cheng.

They don't even know the past of the fake Immortal World and the fake Immortal World.

This is also a matter of course.

Those who ascended back then, no matter Mo Chen Xuyuan or Gui Zangjin Dragon King, were all thoughtful people.

After this group of people learned that the Immortal Emperor Power in the Immortal world was targeting them, how could they still expose the roots of the Ascended.

Of course, it is to hide the identity and develop insignificantly.

So 100 million years have passed, these inside stories are still hidden, and they have not been recorded in the ancient books of Feixianmen.

In Yuanzhen Yuansheng's view, Patriarch Jiang's prestige is high, but it is only limited to Feixianmen, right?

If the patriarchs of the second and third generations saw him and showed great respect, that would be perfectly normal.

As for the others...

People like Xiaokun Demon King and Jiyun Immortal King should have nothing to do with him!

None of these people belonged to Feixianmen, how could they have friendship with him?

They really can't figure it out.

"Master Patriarch, do the seniors of Youmeng and Guhuangmen really respect you as rumored?"

As soon as this question came out, the other Elders all pricked up their ears.

No matter how true it is, if you haven’t seen it with your own eyes, you can’t believe it. It’s too bizarre.

That's Youmeng!

Qianlan Tianyu is just one of the 30 Tianyu secretly controlled by others.

But the strength of Feixianmen is in the Qianlan Tianyu, and they can't even rank in the top fifty.

Comparing the two, the gap is too big.

As for the ancient imperial gate, it is also the boss of a domain, and it is also the existence they had to look up to in the past.

No matter how you look at it, this is too unreal.

Looking at the eyes of everyone full of thirst for knowledge, Brother Cheng pretended to be satisfied again.

He nodded simply: "That's right."

With his own admission, all the Elders exclaimed in unison.

"Is it true?"

"How on earth is this done?"

"Could it be that the patriarch had friendship with them before?"

"It's very meaningful to get the kindness of those top experts..."

After a brief shock, Yuan Shu, Yuan Mu and other Elders fell into ecstasy mode.

Everyone is beaming with joy, like a festival.

"This is the glory of our Feixianmen!"

"The ancestor really has a lot of friends, he has such a powerful old friend outside!"

"Haha, we are blessed with Feixianmen..."

Yuan Zhen and Yuan Sheng said that at that time we said that the ancestor had a wide range of friends, but it was just an excuse.

I didn't know that it hit the mark casually.

Looking at the carnival of other Elders, the three Elders, Yuan Zhe, Yuan He and Yuan Wu, who had been shocked many times, felt a sense of superiority.

"You people are really humble enough."

"What old friends, those four demon kings and the Immortal King, are you respectful to the ancestor?"

"And get their kindness? Is it worth it?"

"It's clear that they are blindly flattering and flattering. There are superiors and subordinates. They are just the ancestor's subordinates!"

Going out with Brother Cheng, they have seen the world, and their waists have hardened.


Yuan Zhen Yuan Shu and the others were even more shocked.

"Patriarch's subordinates?"

"Tell me in detail!"

"Yes, yes, what happened at that time?"

The three Elders, who got Brother Cheng's permission, quickly told the story of their trip surrounded by everyone.

In the crowd, exclamations erupted from time to time.

The admiration for the ancestors has also gone up several floors.

Brother Cheng looked at the system panel, but he was a little shocked.

Converted into success virtues, there are almost a thousand.

The main reason is that most of the news has been transmitted long ago, and now it is only confirmed in person.

After he went in to rest, all the Elders couldn't wait to hold a meeting in the Great Hall.

"Everyone, is there anything else to say now?"

The leader Yuanzhen Immortal Venerable is proud.

Some time ago, because he fully supported the decision of Old Ancestor Jiang, he was almost labeled as a fool for his own use.

Three Elder Yuan Mu coughed lightly, and choked out four words: "The leader is wise!"

Two Elder was not as reserved as he was.

"The patriarch actually let those four be used by him, it's really a miracle!"

He sighed loudly: "The old man is convinced, he was so blind before that he didn't believe him!"

And the other Elders couldn't help asking again: "Sect Leader, Big Elder, who is Old Ancestor Jiang?"

"I've searched through the classics in the past few days, but I can't find a senior who can correspond to him..."

"With four Immortal King-level masters as subordinates, the ancestor must have been famous all over the world when he was in the Immortal World!"

"Yes, those four have been famous for at least 70 to 80 million years. Judging from their age, Jiang Patriarch should be earlier."

"It seems that his seniority is really high!"

Even Yuan Zhe and Yuan Wu, who had been with Brother Cheng for a few days, were puzzled by this question.

Yuan He bowed in the direction of Xianxian Hall, and then he frowned and thought: "I remember that the four ancestors called him Master Jiang..."

Yuan Zhe and Yuan Wu also had the impression: "That's right, that's exactly what they shouted!"

"Could it be that the ancestor was the head of a certain generation?"

"But there is no head surnamed Jiang in the history of our Feixianmen!"

"This... Could it be that the ancestor created another sect outside? And the four masters belong to that sect?"

"I never heard that those four belonged to the same Sect."

Seeing that their guesses became more and more outrageous, Yuan Zhen and Yuan Sheng thought it was right to call Jiang the head.

"Okay, the identity of the patriarch, you will naturally know in the future."

"Now there is another big thing in front of us, which is to buy the Xianyuan Token!"

He scanned the Elder around the audience, and said dissatisfiedly: "Last time I asked you to hand over the fairy crystals, one by one pushed three times and four times, I don't believe that the ancestor can keep it!"

"What about now?"

As soon as the words fell, Yuan He was the first to jump out.

"This old man is willing to offer 2 million immortal crystals!"

After a storage ring was discharged, he said again: "Besides, there are some fairy artifacts and treasures that need to be sold!"

"For the disciples and grandchildren of the old man's line to go to the Immortal world together, I will fight this time!"

(end of this chapter)

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