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Chapter 329: Head Jiang Selects Candidates

Chapter 329: Head Jiang selects candidates

He yelled from behind: "We are people of status, and the two little thieves have to do it themselves, wouldn't it be too shameful?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Sect Leader Jiang said exactly what he said."

The twelve masters who were still yelling to fight and kill immediately restrained their killing intent, and the words of the head of Jiang were more effective than the imperial decree.

As for other people's feelings, that is not important anymore.

"Now it's my turn to roll the roll."

It's rare to occupy the entrance, here is what he decides, how can Brother Cheng let go of this opportunity to show off?

"We also want to have fun rewarding the good and punishing the evil!"

The audience suddenly fell silent.

Everyone finally woke up from the battle that almost broke out just now, and realized a bigger thing - the "result" of the previous selection meeting was invalid.

The person who was chosen by the Moon Clan just now may not be able to be chosen this time.

Immediately, everyone in the audience shut their mouths.

Even the dozen or so people who rushed up to protect the two Immortal Kings of the Moon Clan just now retreated quickly, with nervous expressions on their faces.

If this is not selected, it will be 50 million years of waiting.

What's more, it's hard to say what will happen next time.

Brother Cheng was a little surprised by their reaction, isn't the atmosphere too serious?

It can only be blamed on the "training" of the Moon Clan before. A bunch of rules made these people conditioned reflexes.

"Everyone, don't be nervous, I don't care that much."

This sentence is useless, it is a matter of great importance to the Immortal Kingdom, and no one dares to be careless.

He glanced at Xiaokun Shali Jiyun and the others. These 12 elder brothers are his direct subordinates.

"As the moral models of the Immortal World in China, you must be able to enter. In recognition of your achievements, you can enter forever!"

Well, once it comes up, it's permanent.

Everyone in the audience was envious and jealous.

Shit moral role models, they have meritorious deeds, isn't it just because they are your own people?

The two Immortal Kings of the Moon Clan moved, obviously not reconciled to the loss of power, but there was nothing they could do about it.

Xiaokun Jiyun and others on the high platform raised their heads and chests high, very proud.

"Hahaha, Sect Leader Jiang has won the award. We will definitely make persistent efforts in the future and make more contributions to China's Immortal World!"

"I knew you would never treat us badly!"

"Following the head of Jiang is to eat delicious food and drink spicy food!"

Liu Yuan Immortal King was cheap and good-looking, stroked his beard and said cheerfully: "Eternal, how embarrassing this little old man..."

The others gave the old man a sideways look: "If you don't want to last forever, then return it to Sect Leader Jiang."

Liu Yuan blew his beard and stared: "Sect Leader Jiang rewarded him, how dare the little old man not accept it? Isn't that disrespectful to his old man?"

Everyone in the audience was speechless.

Brother Cheng looked at Miao Yu, Ye Yang Immortal King and others again. Tianshu Pavilion was his ally and had not betrayed him, so naturally he still had a position.

To be honest, the group in Tianshu Pavilion is still a little worried about gains and losses.

This guy never acts according to routine, and is even more elusive than the Moon Clan. Who knows if he will suddenly go crazy and leave them behind on purpose.

Brother Cheng obviously wouldn't do that.

"Everyone in Tianshu Pavilion can also enter!"

"In addition, I paid 13 entrance fees for us before. If this favor is paid back, I can enter in the next 13 sessions!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in Tianshu Pavilion was not only heartbroken, but also extremely surprised.

The next 13 sessions will be fully scheduled to be six to seven billion years later.

This ally... is really powerful.

They no longer feel that the head of Jiang is always messing around, which is so interesting!

"Thank you, Head Jiang!"

"Sect Leader Jiang's feelings, our Tianshu Pavilion has recorded it!"

Miao Yu, who was at the forefront, was in extremely complicated mood.

Along the way, she always felt that Jiang Cheng was a restless factor, especially the previous selection meeting of the Moon Clan confirmed this point.

The allies found were 'annihilated'.

But now, she finally understands why Xiaokun Wujue Mingchi and others have always respected him so much.

Although he still doesn't understand how he obtained the blood of the Moon Clan, how he learned to burn the moon with Xuanyin.

But what is done is what is done.

With this person around, it is possible to create miracles at any time.

After Tianshu Pavilion was selected, all the rest of the brothers Cheng did not know each other well, and they all had no relatives or reasons.

Looking at the Immortal Kings stretching their necks, he yelled directly.

"When the Moon Clan was selected just now, who were the ones who were brushed off?"

"Fly up and let me see!"

Everyone in the audience looked at each other, not sure what he was thinking.

Jutang Immortal King, Jilu Demon King and others who were brushed down before all flew up to the sky as promised.

Of the 153 people who were dismissed, except for the 13 Chengge, the other 140 were all clear at this moment.

Brother Cheng also asked a few people around him: "Is he right?"

Xiaokun and Shali took a closer look: "That's right, it's them, Sect Leader Jiang is planning to..."


Brother Cheng sighed, and adjusted his expression to grief and sympathy: "It's Tianya who has fallen!"

"They are all people with lofty ideals who have been severely persecuted by the Moon Clan like us!"

With a big wave of his hand, he said with great emotion: "Now the clouds are clearing and the sun is shining, and the universe is bright and clear. I cannot tolerate such injustice happening!"

"You all come up!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

Just because of this reason, I chose 140 at once, isn't it too hasty?

What kind of people with lofty ideals, can the reason be made even more outrageous?

You obviously don't know each other, right?

The 140 people were stunned for a moment, and then ecstatic!

The ups and downs of life have come to fruition too quickly, and their hearts were still at the bottom before.

Now it's suddenly reversed.

This had a great impact on them.

Especially that Jilu Demon King's eyes were red.

"Thank you, Head Jiang!"

"Sect Leader Jiang's kindness, we will never forget it!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, 140 people happily flew up to the high platform and stood firmly beside the head of Jiang.

Brother Cheng deliberately chose the time point of 'Back in Time' at the moment when the selection of the Moon Clan ended. This is actually the reason.

He's a good seller.

Those who have been defeated before have a different mentality than others.

They had just despaired once, and now that I have given them hope, it is equivalent to completing a rescue, and this is an invisible kindness.

Unlike the Moon Clan, no matter who they choose, everyone is secretly angry.

271 slots, with 105 remaining.

Brother Cheng thought it was troublesome, so he simply made another favor.

"Xiaokun, Shali, Jiyun, Wujue... the 12 of you have been with me the longest, and you are all our own."

"Just now you were brushed off, and your soul must have been greatly traumatized."

Xiaokun Wujue, the three corpse kings and others looked at each other, what trauma?

Have it?

Everyone is Immortal King now. Although it is very annoying to be banned, it is not traumatic, right?

What's more, I guessed from the very beginning that you would be famous, so I didn't take it seriously at all.

It was Jiyun Immortal King who reacted the fastest, and was the first to nod his head in agreement.

"That's right, that's right!"

"Our hearts have been greatly traumatized, it is so sad, and now we are still mentally unstable!"

"Master Jiang, please be the master for us!"

Brother Cheng patted Own's chest heartbroken.

"I understand, I understand, this kind of trauma needs to be healed!"

"Next, each of the 12 of you will choose 5, you can choose at will."

(end of this chapter)

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