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Chapter 338: Another Opportunity To Pretend

Chapter 338: Another Opportunity to Pretend

count as a rule?

This rule is too remote, and everyone has never been in touch with it.

For a moment, everyone stood upright, thinking that the head of Jiang is really unpredictable and too profound.

In the arena, only Miao Yu was frowning secretly.

count as a rule?

Unfortunately, there happened to be one main rule in her fairyland, which was the rule of perfect calculation!

However, this rule does not play any role in the face of such a choice between two entrances.

The two entrances look exactly the same from the outside, and the inside of the fairy tree is hoodwinked, so it is impossible to count.

And based on her calculations, even if the Immortal Emperor can enter here, facing two entrances can only be guessed.

Unless they can transcend their origin!

So, the person lied.

What is he trying to hide?

Along the way, she paid more attention to Jiang Cheng.

At that time, Brother Cheng could certainly sense the gazes and spirit fluctuations that floated over from time to time.

Girl, why do you pay so much attention to brother?

Could it be that you were overwhelmed by that overflowing talent and fell in love with me?

Thinking of this, he felt complacent, and even took the initiative to run up to Fairy Miao and shake it a few more times.

A few days later, the scene in front of them changed, and they finally encountered the challenge of the seventh realm.

What appeared in front of everyone was a thick and luxurious alchemy furnace.

Next to the alchemy furnace, there are many various Heavenly and Mortal Treasures floating.

This time there is no need for Miao Yu to remind, everyone can see at a glance that this level will test the "Rule of Pill".

Looking at the pill furnace and the dazzling array of materials, Xiaokun Jiyun Wujue and the others were dumbfounded.

Let them fight and kill the enemy, that is the old profession.

Let them pill refining, that is a complete layman.

"This is how to do?"

"Does taking Medicine Pill count? If you take Medicine Pill, the little old man has a lot of experience."

"You really have the face to say it!"

"It's a pity, that old man Liu Yuan stopped in the third realm."

Liu Yuan Immortal King is an alchemist who can refine seventh-level elixir. If he is there, this level will be stable.

But there is no way, alchemists are generally not strong in combat power, and the fairy kingdom is not much stronger.

"Who says it's not? It would be great if that guy hangs his breath and walks with us here before falling down."

Brother Cheng is powerless to complain, Dammit, you use your companions as tools?

Liu Yuan Immortal King, who was meditating in the third realm in the distance, seemed to feel something, raised his head and looked around, with a confused expression on his face.

And the people here can only focus on the four people in Tianshu Pavilion.

Fairy Miao went the same way this time: "I've only dabbled in pill refining, and at most I can only refine second rank elixir."

Duchen Immortal King shook his head regretfully: "Looking at the grade of these materials, if you can't refine the seventh-grade elixir, you will definitely not be able to pass the test."

They have been doing business in Tianshu Pavilion all year round, so they are very familiar with these materials.

He even knows what kind of elixir can be made from these materials.

But letting them do it themselves is beyond their reach.

"This is how to do?"

"In a short period of time, it is impossible for us to become masters in pill refining."

"This fairy tree is too deceitful, how can there be such a thing?"

This time, I clearly know the topic, which is equivalent to an open-book exam, but everyone is seriously biased, and I haven't studied this before.

Seeing that they were all in despair, Brother Cheng tried his best to suppress his joy.

The opportunity to pretend has come again.

He has the eighth-level pill refining technique drawn by the system, which can be refined from ninth-grade elixir.

He knew that this skill would definitely be useful, but he didn't expect it to be this occasion.

Deliberately pretending to be unsure, he flew near the alchemy furnace.

"Or, let me try."

"Huh? Head Jiang?"

Everyone was surprised.

Brother Cheng was amazing before, but pill refining is a completely different Realm.

And it's still the same sentence, if he is really a pill refining master, he will already be famous in Immortal World.

"Can you pill refine?"

Miao Yu's jewel-like eyes were full of disbelief.

This time, even Xiaokun Jiyun and the others were not so confident, after all, they had never heard the matter of pill refining from head Jiang.

"A little understanding."

Brother Cheng was very humble.

"Slight understanding?"

Miao Yu looked him up and down, but really didn't see any characteristics that a pill refining master should have from him.

"Can you refine a seventh-order elixir?"

The corner of Cheng Ge's mouth curled up, and he said with a light smile, "Maybe."

Although the others have no confidence, it is not easy to stop them. Anyway, everyone will not, so let him give it a try.

Treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!

Everyone retreated to the distance one after another, leaving the stage to head Jiang.

Looking at these materials, Brother Cheng fell into deep thought.

If it's not for passing the test, but just for refining the Medicine Pill, it's very simple.

Put these materials into the system warehouse, and then press the start button of the pill refining technique, the progress bar swishes, and the finished product comes out.

But the problem is to pass the test.

This level provides a pill refining furnace, which obviously needs to be used to refine it.

After reviewing all the pill refining knowledge of the eighth-level pill refining technique, he took a deep breath, and then began to activate the pill furnace and the surrounding auxiliary immortal formations.

Seeing that the alchemy furnace and all the fairy formations had been activated, Demon King Xiaokun became excited.

"It's bright!"

"Master Jiang really knows pill refining!"

Du Chen, Ji Ming and the others were speechless.

This is the most basic thing. If you don’t even know this, how can you talk about pill refining?

Immediately afterwards, they saw Brother Cheng's hands waving various imprints with mysterious charm.

He could clearly see all the movements, but he just couldn't remember them.

It can be clearly seen that these techniques coincide with the Dao of Heaven and Earth, but they don't know where the mystery lies.

Because behind that represents the broad and profound Alchemy.

The eyes of Miao Yu, Du Chen and the others gradually lit up.

Laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway.

"Master Jiang's seal method seems to be more smooth and smooth than my alchemist in Tianshu Pavilion!"

"This has reached the point where the skill is close to the Tao..."

"Maybe this time, there is really hope."

As time went by, one kind of material flew into the alchemy furnace.

The huge alchemy furnace fluctuated, exuding colorful divine light, and the surrounding auxiliary immortal formations were operating at full capacity.

Head Jiang flew up and down, constantly hitting different seals at it.

For fear of disturbing him, everyone gradually stopped talking and waited obediently by the side.

This pretend is the hardest time Brother Cheng has ever done.

It lasted for seventy-seven forty Nine Heavens, and this was the fastest way he used.

During this period, he wanted to give up countless times, which was so fucking boring.

But if you give up, it’s okay if you can’t pass the test. Everyone will be very disappointed in themselves.

That is something that is not allowed to happen by the force of the king.

On the day of becoming a pill, colorful colors will fall from the sky!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, 18 Seven-Life Primordial Demon Pills were released!

This pill is the seventh grade, not for cultivation, but it has great benefits for Devil Cultivator in battle.

Seeing the 18 Medicine Pills, the 19 people who had been watching for so many days cheered together.

"It's done!"

"It's really done!"

"Hahaha, seventh-grade elixir!"

"Master Jiang hides too much, he is really a seventh-rank alchemist!"

"And it worked once!"

Duchen Immortal King was the first to get close to those elixirs, and he was even more surprised when he sensed them carefully.

"The quality of this elixir is very high!"

“It is a rare boutique!”

(end of this chapter)

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