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Chapter 341 Cheating Experience

Chapter 341 Cheating Experience

"Wait a mininute!"

Brother Cheng decided to play it safe.

You can't just count on restoring the own factory settings after the system is revived, what if it doesn't die inside?

Forget about the rules of fate, he has to guard against the rules of Samsara.

So he clicked on the system mall, spent 3000 merits to exchange for a fifth-level rule fragment, and changed the Samsara rule to the Dzogchen Realm.

This is already the level of comprehension of rules at the Immortal Emperor level.

"Okay, you're done, let's go in!"

The two sat cross-legged, the Immortal Soul Expanding Aperture, loosening the bondage.

A strong attraction came from the fortune wheel, and the two streamers disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, Brother Cheng was already standing on the field wearing a bamboo hat and holding a hoe.

Looking at the dazzling sun in the sky and listening to the cicadas singing not far away from the forest, he was a little dazed.

Isn't this too extreme?

The wheel of fortune directly changed himself from a fairy to a farmer?

"Little Jiang, why are you in a daze, are you lazy?"

A yell brought him back to his eyes, and behind him an old farmer who was wiping his sweat with a scarf was staring at him.

Several other people in the field burst into laughter.

"I've failed the ranking three times, it's time to calm down!"

"Hahaha, I guess he's thinking of Cuizhi from the next village..."

What the hell is failing three times?

Brother Cheng is very grateful that he raised the Samsara rules to Dzogchen before he came in.

For this reason, he withstood the influence of the Samsara mirror, and the fairy soul was not sealed, and still retained the memory.

Otherwise, with the current peaceful rural life, it would not be so easy for him to resurrect and restore his memory after being killed.

It's time to get down to business and clear the customs!

Could it be that Cuizhi from the next door village is Miao Yu's new identity after Samsara?

With his divine sense scattered, he quickly noticed every move within a thousand miles.

However, after screening countless times in this huge range, no one with characteristics similar to Miao Yu was found.

He could only continue to disperse his divine thoughts and perceive further away.

This world is not big, only tens of thousands of miles around.

And there is no Spiritual Qi, it is an ultra-low martial arts world that does not even appear in cultivation.

He quickly found Miao Yu in a deep palace with red walls and green tiles.

There is no need to distinguish, that person is exactly the same as her in appearance, and they are all Celestial Immortals who are all over the world.

At this time, she was sitting behind a bead curtain, surrounded by a large group of court ladies.

Outside the curtain, there are more than a dozen young talents standing.

"Princess Miao Yu, the Wentao Martial Arts Conference is over, and all the outstanding performers are here!"

"Your Majesty has a decree, the consort will be chosen by you yourself..."

Damn it, Brother Cheng almost cursed out loud.

Is the test of this fairy tree deliberately not to be completed?

This woman is going to choose a son-in-law to marry from the very beginning, and then she will complete the test of the rules of love?

Moreover, the opening gap between himself and her is too big, right?

One is a farmer, and the other is a favored princess.

If you don't recover your memory, how can you get together later?

Brother Cheng really couldn't figure it out.

He only knew that even if they could meet each other, it must have gone through hardships and countless tribulations.

He's not interested in following that script.

He planned to fly into the palace, confess to Miao Yu directly, and complete the rules of love.

But then, he discovered that the woman had disappeared into the palace.

Brother Cheng almost couldn't help rubbing his eyes, how is this possible?

With his immortal soul level, can a princess in a world of low martial arts disappear under his nose?

With his spiritual thoughts, he noticed a stunning beauty in a lavender palace dress walking on the ridge a few hundred meters away.

She stepped on the dirt road covered with weeds, looking at the surrounding scenery with great interest.

There was still a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

With her appearance, the farmers who had been working in the fields all stopped their work.

When everyone saw her for the first time, it was as if their soul had been taken away.

Not only because of her beauty, but also because of her temperament, which made people unconsciously feel ashamed and embarrassed.

Because of her appearance, this place seems to have become her palace, while other talents appeared in scenes that should not have appeared.

This woman is exactly the Princess Miao Yu after Miao Yu Samsara.

Brother Cheng understood it almost immediately, this woman also overcame the influence of the Samsara rules, she didn't seal her memory at all!

In this world of low martial arts, only she can appear here from the deep palace in an instant.

No, no, no?

This fairy tree has made such a big battle, just to create a soul-stirring Samsara resentful couple sinking, separation, reunion, joy and joy...

As a result, the two people who came in all opened their eyes, which is equivalent to cheating!

Both of them didn't lose their memory, so why are they still sinking?

Miao Yu obviously had the same thoughts as him, and was too lazy to engage in the long process of getting to know each other that had gone through hardships and coincidences, so she did it in one step and voluntarily flashed in front of him.

Do you want to go up and meet her?

Will it be judged as a mission failure?

Brother Cheng was a little uncertain.

I can only pretend to be the same as other farmers around, with eyes wide open and mouth wide open, weeping to welcome the fairy approaching me.

"I am Princess Miao Yu, you and I are destined to have a relationship, come with me."

"Ah, huh?"

Brother Cheng has a dull expression on his face, girl, you are really straightforward.

If I really lost my memory, what expression should I make now?

Should it be ecstatic, or overwhelmed?

Under the gazes of other farmers who were shocked and envious, Miao Yu took his hand and took him out of here together.

Brother Cheng decided to play the image of an ordinary farmer.

As for how to generate feelings, pass the test of the rules of love, this problem is left to Miao Yu to work hard.

In the days that followed, the two went to many places and did many things.

Brother Cheng originally thought that the majestic Immortal King in charge of the Tianshu Pavilion would definitely not love these children.

However, to his surprise, Miao Yu is not good at it, but very good at it.

She will take herself to various places in this world for 'dates', she will create small surprises from time to time, and she also knows how to create moving.

She is completely a master of love, which is extremely rare among cultivators!

What's more, she herself is impeccably beautiful, exuding a fascinating charm all the time,

Brother Cheng asked himself, if he didn't know it and was really a farmer with amnesia, he would have been so seduced by her that he couldn't help himself.

According to the rules, as long as one party is emotional, it's over.

But it's a pity, I know this is all acting...

Sometimes he even regrets raising the Samsara rules to Dzogchen, if he really lost his memory, it would be over.

If she did that, it would be a waste of her efforts.

"Don't you like me?"

She leaned over, her delicate breath smelled fragrant, and her curved eyelashes seemed to be talking about love.

Brother Cheng, who was pressed down, felt a little passive.

"Like it……"

"You're lying, you're not in love with me at all!"

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand, and the world quickly collapsed and dissipated.

(end of this chapter)

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