Start Reward 100 Million Lives

Chapter 349 Strong Strength

Chapter 349 Strong Strength

"How dare you..."

The group of people on the opposite side were about to start a fight, and then the world turned into a world of pitch-black flames.

Brother Cheng, who was disappointed that he had no face, was really angry this time.

There is no such casual play mentality as before.

He didn't even want to hear another word from them.

With one strike of the sword, all the Immortal Venerables were instantly destroyed, followed by all the Immortal Venerables on the scene.

The 35 Immortal Kings turned pale with fright, and hurriedly mobilized the Immortal Kingdom to attack and kill them together!

There are so many fairy kingdoms, and the long river of rules is stirring up the wind and clouds, and the scene of the destruction of the world is evolving almost every moment.

Countless stars were born and died, causing terrifying power.

In the face of this level of attack, Immortal Venerable is simply a dust that has no resistance.

Unfortunately, Brother Cheng is no longer Immortal Venerable.

Without hesitation, he sacrificed his own fairyland.

And when his fairy kingdom came out, the audience was silent!

The Immortal World continent has always been known for its stability, especially the Immortal World. Even the Immortal King battle can hardly cause too much damage.

And now, this area is actually collapsing.

That fairy country was like a dark night that devoured everything, suppressing all other fairy kingdoms.

"what is that!"

"what happened?"

In the Infinity Cave, the complexions of the 15 ancient Immortal Kings all changed drastically.

In the dry air environment that can monitor the entire Immortal World, a crack appeared in the air, and then the screen disappeared!

This fairy treasure was destroyed just like that.

"How could this be?"

"What happened over there?"

"It is so far away to destroy this fairy treasure and cut off the prying eyes. What kind of power is it?"

In the arena, the long river of rules that had been raging before suddenly stopped, and the stars that were born and died were dimmed.

A miniature version of the Enlightenment Immortal Tree slowly rises, and the nine-color brilliance slowly spreads.

The core of the fairy kingdom would not appear in the first place.

Brother Cheng is the newly promoted Immortal King, and the fairy kingdom has not yet stabilized.

The most important thing is that the rank of the Enlightenment Immortal Tree is too high, and his Immortal Kingdom is still unstoppable, unable to stop its manifestation.

"Enlightenment Immortal Tree!"

"That's the Immortal Tree of Enlightenment!"

The Immortal King present almost went crazy.

In addition to the Immortal Fate Order, another major event in Immortal World during this period is the disappearance of the Enlightenment Immortal Tree.

Since this is an opportunity unique to Immortal King, it is not so widely spread.

But for every Immortal King, the Enlightenment Immortal Tree is actually ten thousand times more important than the Immortal Fate Order!

Without the Immortal Order, the Immortal King can directly ascend to the Immortal Realm.

They came here to rob, just to support the junior members of the sect.

As for the Dao Enlightenment Immortal Tree, it is closely related to themselves.

"Why is the Enlightenment Immortal Tree here with you!"

"What did you do to the fairy tree?"

"You lunatic, you actually refined the fairy tree into the core of own fairy kingdom?"

"You guys are really wide-ranging."

Brother Cheng urged the fairy kingdom to attack and kill him!

In the next moment, all 35 fairy kingdoms shuddered and mourned...

Although Cheng Ge's fairyland is only at the Transcendent level, its background is too strong.

The branches and leaves of the fairy tree spread rapidly, and when the other people's fairy kingdom was touched, it collapsed like paper.

The collapse this time was not as fatal as the last time the God's Shovel, which directly smashed the core of the Immortal Kingdom, leading to the irreparable death of the Immortal Kingdom.

And this time the collapse was forcibly crushed from the outside world, and it didn't hurt the root.

If it survives, it can still be repaired in the future.

It's a pity, how could Sect Leader Jiang give them this chance.

The original siege quickly turned into a counter-kill and escape.

"Do not……"


"The old man is wrong, the fairy fate order belongs to you..."

"Let us live..."

"What the hell, there's so much nonsense if you're not here to cheer!"

Brother Cheng, who has already started a war, has no habit of giving up.

With the sword in hand, one after another Immortal King fell into the air, their heads missing.

In front of him, the others couldn't escape at all with that speed.

After just a few moments, the battle was over.

Jiang Cheng himself was a little unresponsive.

This battle went too easily.

The ten times critical strike only increases the low-level attack power, and does not increase the power of the fairy kingdom, which means that he just won with normal strength.

Pick thirty-five and win in minutes.

"Isn't this too outrageous?"

"Brother, are you so hungry now?"

"You have just been promoted to Immortal King, and you are invincible at this level?"

He actually knew that Own Fairyland was different.

After all, the Enlightenment Immortal Tree is the core.

However, it wasn't until this moment that he finally realized how strong it was.

The battle is won, and the next step is to reap the spoils.

In this battle, 35 Immortal Kings were destroyed, and the harvest can be described as huge.

There are more than 60 seventh-order immortal artifacts alone, there are also a bunch of top-grade Magic Treasures, and there are countless Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

It's a pity that most people use up the elixir used for cultivation, so they don't carry much with them.

At present, I need to upgrade as soon as possible, and Brother Cheng didn't bother to think about it, so he directly collected all the spoils into the system and exchanged them for merit.

In this conversion, there are another 5.5 million merits.

"It's not bad, as expected, it's still the fastest to score in battle."

After collecting all this, he opened his arms.

"Let me be tested by a fiercer storm!"

"Brother can bear it!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone really came.

After all, he was the All-Star of Immortal World before, the figure that everyone pays attention to.

Just before the start of the war, many people came here quickly.

In their view, Jiangcheng was besieged by so many same rank Immortal Kings, it was a doom.

But even if I can't catch up with the big battle, I can drink some soup when I come earlier, and pick up a few fairy fate tokens to go back.

Brother Cheng was excited when he saw tens of thousands of people coming.

"Hahaha, are you here to kill me too?"

He shook the Hongjue Immortal Sword in his hand, and directly regarded this group of people as piles of merit points.

The Immortal Venerable and Immortal King who came here were stunned when they saw the wreckage at the scene.

How is this person still alive?

What about the rest?

Immediately after sensing the lingering horror at the scene, as well as some vaguely recognizable remains of the Immortal King, I immediately understood what happened.

This person actually killed those 35 Immortal Kings and thousands of Immortal Venerables?

How did he do it?

Fuck, this is a kick on the iron plate!

This person is definitely not the Immortal King, is he an Immortal Emperor?

Thinking about it carefully, in fact, before Feixianmen, there was news of the destruction of the nine Immortal Kings!

It's just that at that time, everyone pushed it to the three corpse kings and others.

Everyone was dripping with cold sweat...

They were still yelling to fight and kill, but looking at Brother Cheng now, it was like a mortal met a dragon and almost peed in fright.

As the leading Immortal King backed away, he quickly changed his face and waved his hands repeatedly to apologize.

"No, no, how dare we fight senior you?"

"Yes, yes, we will never be your enemy!"

"Senior, you are busy, let's go now..."

"I let you go?"

Brother Cheng narrowed his eyes, and glanced at them with an unkind expression.

"Then what are you running here for?"

He is not stupid.

"Are you going to tell me that you are here for sightseeing?"

(end of this chapter)

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