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Chapter 363 Your Appetite Is Too Little

Chapter 363 Your Appetite Is Too Little

At the beginning, when they heard that Brother Cheng was going to sell the Xianyuan Token, the Elders thought it was absurd.

Hoarding goods and raising prices is too much of a favor, and it will definitely attract attacks from the Chinese Immortal World.

But after thinking about it, I was afraid of being a hair.

Now who dares to disobey Patriarch Jiang?

The mass attack on the capital has already happened, isn't there nothing wrong with it?

After all, apart from Tianshu Pavilion, Feixianmen is now qualified to sell this thing.

The former is because of neutrality, and the latter is because they are not afraid of offending people at all.

Facing the gazes of the Elders, Brother Cheng slowly raised three fingers.


All the Elders gasped.

"Is the price a bit high?"

"Yeah, it seems like it's been a while?"

People's Tianshu Pavilion only sells for 100,000 yuan, and you sell it twice as soon as you change hands.

It's not a little high, it's too dark!

It's just that the Elders dare not say it.


Brother Cheng was stunned.

He looked at the crowd inexplicably, then shook his head in disappointment.

"No wonder you haven't done anything big."

"This vision and appetite are too small."

"What 300,000, I said 3 million!"

"Any Immortal Venerable can produce hundreds of thousands of high-grade fairy crystals. Isn't the price of 300,000 a humiliation to them?"


The Elders almost fainted.

You really dare to make an offer!

It only changed hands once, and nothing else was paid, and the price was raised 29 times.

It is true that most Immortal Venerables can produce 1.8 million immortal crystals, but 3 million is very difficult.

This price is unbearable.

Borrowing and borrowing everywhere and then selling and selling can also make up the money, but it will cost the family nothing.

Old Ancestor Jiang is no longer so dark that it can be described, he just eats people without spitting out his bones!

"Is this too much?"

"Master Patriarch, I'm afraid this will..."

Yuan Sheng Elder wanted to say that this would cause public anger, but thinking about it, the ancestor seemed to have already committed public anger, and he didn't care about doing it again.

"But it's so expensive, I'm afraid no one will buy it?"

"Yeah, those people outside are not stupid, and they won't be taken advantage of."

"If they don't make it this time, they can wait for the next one..."

"Okay, okay."

Brother Cheng waved his hand impatiently.

"You just have to spread the news."

"In addition, I will tell the outside world that anyone who buys the Xianyuan Token from me can stay in the side hall of Feixianmen."

"Until the day of ascension, I will always be covering you!"

"Absolutely safe, anyone who dares to grab the fairy fate will let me destroy him!"

"As long as they don't kill themselves, they will be able to ascend to the Immortal Realm steadily in the end."

After assigning the tasks, he returned to his residence and handed over 300,000 Xianyuan Tokens to the two maids, Suye Sumeng.

"In the days to come, many people will come to buy Xianyuan Token."

"You two are in charge of collecting the money."

There are more than 300,000 pieces, and Brother Cheng is also annoying. Do you want him to meet buyers one by one?

Of course it was handed over to two customer service ladies.

Then, he did the arithmetic problem again.

Immortal crystals can also be exchanged for merit, 10,000 top-grade immortal crystals can be exchanged for a little.

It seems very little, but 1 point of merit is already equivalent to 10 billion points in the past.

If he sells all of them this time, he can get more than 900 billion immortal crystals, which is a total of more than 90 million merits.

"Is it easy for you to upgrade as soon as possible?"

"Oh, life is so busy..."

Now he is the sixth rank Immortal King, Immortal Kingdom is already moving towards the follow-up stage.

The originally chaotic matter began to gradually condense into small stars.

If you rise to the ninth rank, you will almost officially reach the dust level.

As the news of Feixianmen's sale of the Xianyuan Token spread, there was no surprise that there was a lot of scolding outside.

And it was an unprecedented scolding.

I'm afraid that the Immortal World immortals and demons, as well as those idle cultivators, have never had such a unified opinion.

"Damn it! Is he crazy?"

"3 million, why doesn't he grab it?"

"Did it fall into the eyes of money?"

"That's right, Tianshu Pavilion sold for 100,000, and he increased the price by 29 times. This is simply an act of robbers!"

"No wonder he has to buy so many, and he has been doing it for a long time to make a lot of money?"

"This person's heart is extremely dark..."

"No, he doesn't care at all!"

"Don't buy it, definitely don't buy it!"

In front of Brother Cheng, no one would dare to scold him.

But behind the scenes, no one can control it.

For a while, he who was originally respected as the new Xeon master of China's Immortal World became notorious in an instant.

This magnificent operation has broken the waists of many people.

All the immortals and demons said that they couldn't keep up with this person's rhythm, and their dog's eyes were almost blinded.

The important and sensitive token of Xianyuan Ling is a manifestation of their strength and status to top forces like them.

And for most Immortal Venerables, that represents the greatest opportunity of their lifetime.

No one really wants to use it as a commodity for business.

Even the Tianshu Pavilion, which previously sold the Xianyuan Ling, was quite cautious in dealing with this item, and did not dare to make a big fuss about it.

The price of 100,000 is very close to the people, and any Immortal Venerable can afford it.

It mainly plays the role of a 'safe storage point'.

"I really didn't expect that he had such a plan."

Inside the Tianshu Pavilion, Ye Yang Immortal King couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile.

"Are we cheated by him?"

"He played us like fools!"

President Duchen Immortal King also looked dull after hearing the news.

They were also wondering why this person bought so many before, and now the answer has finally been revealed.

It's just that this answer made their livers hurt so much that they were about to vomit blood.

What the hell, does this guy regard our Tianshu Pavilion as a manufacturer?

Why don't you let us buy at such a low price?

We receive 10,000 and pay 100,000, earning 90,000.

You are good, 100,000 received and 3 million paid out, earning 2.9 million.

"Our Tianshu Pavilion has hunted geese all our lives, but this time we were pecked by geese!"

If this was changed to the past, even if they didn't take action, they would have already yelled at them.

But now, I really can't swear.

For the Wudao Immortal Tree's action, their Tianshu Pavilion received a great favor from Brother Cheng.

Without him, Duchen Immortal King would not have reached the eighth realm at all.

Rubbing his aching heart with difficulty, he tried his best to calm down his depressed mood.

"This business can only be done by him."

It's true when everyone thinks about it.

If you want to raise prices arbitrarily and do monopoly business, the most basic prerequisite is strong strength.

If it was a weak person who jumped out to do this, he would have been robbed of his life and wealth long ago and disappeared.

In the entire Immortal World, Jiang Cheng is the only one who can overwhelm other people from thinking about it.

No one will be able to replicate his operation this time.

"Forget it, let's repay some of his favor!"

The other Immortal Kings in the hall nodded one after another, thinking this way would make them feel better.

Compared with the voices of opposition and boycott from the outside world, these businessmen are not worried at all that Cheng Ge's fairy fate will not be sold.

(end of this chapter)

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