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Chapter 407 Sealing Longchi

Chapter 407 Sealing Longchi

"Ancestor of the Canglong!"

"Great Emperor, so you are still alive!"

"Wooooow, we have been thinking about you day and night all these years..."

The reappearance of the Canglong Empress, who had 'disappeared' for 50 billion years, was no less than a shocking earthquake to the entire Dragon Clan.

Once it gets out, even the monster race and even the fairy and demon realms will cause huge waves.

The level of Immortal Emperor is already mobilizing the whole body.

What's more, she is not an ordinary Immortal Emperor, but the first black dragon in Immortal World.

"Grandfather, where are you?"

Many dragons in Canglong Valley looked around, wandering around in a daze, but they could only hear the voice, but could not see her real body.

"Did my sister show up in time?"

Her teasing voice appeared next to Brother Cheng's ear, but no one else seemed to hear it.

"Aren't you only allowed to move around in Canglong Valley?"

The last remaining thought of this old lady would not last long before it would dissipate in the world.

It's just because she fled back to the birthplace of Canglong Valley.

That trace of remnants was thus preserved, and has continued to this day.

Cang Ling smiled and said: "It's all thanks to your appearance, little brother. The Nine-Wined Bloodline itself has an extra Dragon Origin Qi. Staying by your side will keep my residual thoughts forever."

Brother Cheng rolled his eyes: "Isn't it because I did you a big favor?"

"That's right."

"Then don't you have to express something?"

It's also fortunate that this was said by the sound transmission, otherwise Cang Ji would have jumped up.

How dare you knock on the bamboo pole of the ancestor of the Canglong, you are treasonous!

But Empress Canglong obviously won't be angry because of this.

She even smiled and said: "What compensation do you want, how about a kiss?"


Brother Cheng Waterfall Khan.

Cang Ji, sky and wings are empty, please take care of your empress and make her more dignified!

Chuo was spitting out like that, but Brother Cheng was still very honest.

"Cough, but you can't show yourself at all now, let me kiss the air?"

He said that he was actually very interested in the "top five beauties in Immortal World" she mentioned.

Of course, this is all to verify whether what she said is true.

Brother Cheng is a rigorous person!

"You can't tell in the future..."

Cang Ling whispered next to his ear again, the voice was really itchy, it was crisp to the bone.

Brother Cheng thought that if he continued like this, sooner or later he would be turned into voice control.

"Then write it down first, and pay it back later, don't renege on your debt!"


The other beings on the sidelines didn't know what an 'important' topic these two Canglong Emperors were discussing.

However, Xuan Ming, the Azure Dragon Great Emperor in the sky, still has two brushes after all. After being shocked, he also saw the truth.

"Cang Ling, so you only have a lingering thought left."

"I thought you were really alive."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar again.

Especially on the Canglong Valley side, all the dragon clan turned from great joy to great sorrow in an instant.

They originally thought that the Canglong Great Emperor would come out again and lead everyone to glory.

Was it just a bubble?

"Xuan Ming, you should be glad that I only have a sliver of remembrance left."

"If I live, you will crawl back today!"

Facing the Azure Dragon Great Emperor, Cang Ling expertly switched back to the cold and domineering mode.

Hearing these words, Cangji Yikong and the other dragon clan were both excited and emotional.

The former Canglong Great Emperor really has the qualifications to say this.

The speed rules come and go without a trace, and the other two dragon emperors have been burned by her.

Azure Dragon Great Emperor obviously also remembered that time, and couldn't help but have a headache.

"Do you really want to protect him?"

"You should be able to tell that he's just a human with the blood of the Azure Dragon."

"I don't believe you can't imagine the consequences of letting a human become the master of the Canglong."

"This person has just been here for a few days, and on behalf of the Azure Dragon Clan, he announced a break with our Azure Dragon Clan."

"Now it has almost turned into a war between the two clans. I suspect that he is the weapon sent by Immortal World to mess with my dragon clan..."

What he said made many dragons in Azure Dragon Valley and Golden Dragon Valley nod their heads.

Indeed, human beings were once the greatest enemies of the Dragon Clan.

They really can't accept a human being as the leader of the Dragon Clan.

Even if this person is not from Azure Dragon and Golden Dragon, it will still affect the general situation of the Dragon Clan.


Empress Canglong interrupted him impatiently.

"Xuan Ming, put away your useless set."

"Who said he is not a dragon?"

"I said he is the Canglong, he is the purest Canglong!"

Brother Cheng can see that this old lady was not a reasonable character before.

But this wave of maintenance, he is still very useful.

Cang Ji Cang Qiong Yi Kong and other high-level officials also responded one after another.

"That's right!"

"My ancestor of the Canglong has already spoken, you are still not retreating!"

"Is there anyone else who knows Canglong better than her?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Xuan Ming in the sky laughed long and loudly.

"Cangling, since you said he is a real dragon, do you dare to let him go to Fenglongchi to have a try?"

Empress Canglong sneered: "Xuanming, are you still living tens of billions of years ago? Fenglongchi has been abandoned for some time."

"As long as he agrees, I am willing to spend hundreds of millions of years to reopen Fenglongchi!"

"Do you think I'll agree?"

Xuan Ming said lightly: "True gold is not afraid of fire, are you afraid of his appearance?"

Cang Ling's voice turned cold, and said coldly: "He is already the Dragon Emperor of the Canglong Clan, Feng Longchi is a humiliation to his status, I believe you know it yourself!"

Other dragon clans around are also talking about it.

"Sealing the Dragon Pond is used to enshrine the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Emperor is already supreme, how can he be enshrined?"

"Yeah, it's been a little bit over there."

Listening to the discussions around, Brother Cheng couldn't help becoming curious.

Quietly asked Cang Ling: "What is Fenglongchi?"

"Tens of billions of years ago, the Dragon Clan officially fought a battle with the world of immortals and demons."

Cang Ling said slowly: "Before this, there were a large number of Human Cultivators who had close contacts with the Dragon Clan, and some even had mixed blood."

"After the war started, most of these humans and half-dragons took refuge in the two worlds of immortals and demons."

"In addition, some immortal cultivators have transformed into dragons, intentionally mixed with dragons, and used all means to spy and assassinate."

"Their existence has caused great losses to the Dragon Clan."

Brother Cheng expresses his understanding, pretending to be one of his own and creating chaos inside is indeed extremely harmful.

"and then?"

"In order to identify the real members of the Dragon Clan, and to integrate the three Dragon Valleys and mobilize the power of the Dragon Clan in a unified way, the Dragon Sealing Pool came into being."

"That's the test I set up together with Golden Dragon Dage and Xuan Ming."

"Sealing Dragon Pool has a total of nine pools of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, and black. All dragons enter in order."

"The three of us added the bones and blood seeds of the dragon clan who died in battle to the pool at that time. That was an extremely large number. Quasi Emperor alone had no less than a hundred!"

"The stepping in of the real descendants of the dragon clan can stimulate the strength of the keel."

"And if it is a foreign race, due to the repulsion of the blood seeds of the dragon race, it is equivalent to highly poisonous, and if you step into Chichi, you will be destroyed on the spot."

"Even those half-dragon spies whose strength is not weaker than Quasi Emperor, none of them can pass through the orange pool!"

"Because Feng Longchi doesn't only look at strength, but also purity..."

(end of this chapter)

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