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Chapter 433: Yu Lin, Great Emperor Can't Calm Down

Chapter 433: Yu Lin, Great Emperor Can't Calm Down

"There are three more, the last three!"

"If no one buys it, then I will take it back."

The remaining Qilin Quasi Emperors stomped their feet anxiously.

It's not that I don't want to buy it.

They couldn't resist such a big and rare 'Emperor Grade' pearl.

Even the saliva is about to flow out.

It's just that there are not enough demon essences!

To be honest, Brother Cheng just found the Qilin tribe. This tribe has been dominated by the monster race for tens of billions of years, and they don't know how much they searched and earned behind their backs.

If you switch to other ethnic groups, no one at the 'Tianzun level' can afford it.

But even for the Qilin tribe, the price tag of 1 billion demon spirits is still too high.

The other Quasi Emperors are really unavailable.

"Handsome Great Emperor, the price is indeed not expensive, but we can't afford it!"

"Yeah, this, this is really a pity and a pain..."

This is the ally of the Black Turtle Great Emperor. If the Azure Dragon Great Emperor, the Ice Phoenix Great Emperor, and the Great Emperor come over, I'm afraid they will all grab it directly.

Brother Cheng knew at a glance that the oil and water of the Qilin tribe had been almost wiped clean by himself.

So, he thoughtfully helped them figure out a way.

"I can't be too harsh on my loved ones!"

"How about this, fairy crystal fairy artifacts, fairy treasures, and demon artifacts can also be included in the price."

The Quasi Emperors were overjoyed when they heard this plan.


"Do you also accept fairy artifacts and fairy treasures?"

Brother Cheng nodded: "I'm at a disadvantage, the original price is converted, and I will find a way to exchange it with Tianshu Pavilion in the future..."

If you really want to exchange it with Tianshu Pavilion, you will definitely suffer a loss.

Tianshu Pavilion is not a charitable organization, and the exchange of fairy artifacts at Monster World will lower the price, at least one-third cheaper than the actual value at Immortal World.

However, Cheng Ge will not exchange it with Tianshu Pavilion at all, he will only exchange it for system merit.

Naturally don't care about this.

The Qilin family didn't know these ways, and seeing him take the initiative to suffer, they were almost moved by him.

"Handsome Great Emperor, you are really warm-hearted!"

"How embarrassing is this for us!"

"Thank you for your generosity!"

Well, thank you for this.

They said they were sorry, but the speed at which they took out the fairy artifact, fairy treasure, and fairy crystal was extremely fast.

It didn't take long before Cheng Ge was filled with a dazzling array of celestial artifacts, treasures and celestial crystals.

If you count them casually, it surpasses the Azure Dragon family.

Afterwards, the price was quickly counted and priced in one go, and the last three pieces were finally sold.

So far, the Pearl Sales Conference has come to a successful conclusion.

"Okay, no more!"

Brother Cheng also knows that if he sells them again, he really can't afford it.

At the scene, the Qilins played with the pearls one by one excitedly, and some even swallowed them directly.

Brother Cheng glanced at the harvest this time, and was also elated.

In short, it can be regarded as happy.

However, after this transaction, no one would be able to appreciate the pearls on Jinhai's side.

After all, this time not only lowered the market price by more than ten times, but also forcibly raised the Qilin family's taste several grades.

Unknowingly, Brother Cheng has done a good deed, and the Bang Clan will no longer be coveted and enslaved because they can produce pearls.

After all, those 'little pearls' they produced were of little value.

From now on, when Qilins see pearls the size of pigeon eggs and the size of fists, how can they still be interested?

As for the soybean-sized ones, what kind of garbage is that?

"Okay, I should go."

"Ah? Handsome Great Emperor, are you leaving?"

"Aren't you staying with us for a few days?"

Brother Cheng said in his heart that after a few days, my changes will expire, and maybe I will reveal my secrets.

"No, no, I have other important things!"

"After a while, see you at the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference!"

"Okay ok..."

All the Qilin were immersed in the world of pearls, and after a few perfunctory words, no one came to see him off.

Just as he was about to leave, there was a sudden buzzing sound from above.

"Mysterious Turtle Great Emperor, leave slowly!"

Brother Cheng raised his head and took a closer look, and saw a giant Qilin with a head like white jade stepping down from the air.

His huge body is surrounded by auspicious clouds and auspicious energy, as if as long as he gets close to him, he can change his life by heaven-defying, which is extremely miraculous.

Compared with him, those previous Qilin Quasi Emperors were all one level lower.

Brother Cheng doesn't need to guess, this is the Yulin Great Emperor who is in charge of the 'Rule of Fortune'.

He couldn't help raising his guard secretly.

What if he is dissatisfied with the transaction just now, feels inappropriate, and asks to cancel it?

Do you still have to spit out so many demon spirits and fairy weapons and treasures by yourself?

Brother Cheng said it was absolutely impossible!

At that time, even if it's a big fight, you must take them all away!


The Yulin Great Emperor has just arrived, and it's unclear what happened.

Facing his 'ally', the attitude is still very polite.

"Xuangui Great Emperor, you come to my place, why didn't you say something in advance..."

He was only halfway through when he suddenly stopped.

Because he saw the giant pearls hanging around the necks of other Qilin.

Immediately, his eyes turned into copper bells, becoming extremely unbelievable.

"Where did you guys get these pearls?"

"How can it be so big?"

Those basketball-sized ones are nothing more than that, and Yulin Great Emperor himself has a few in his collection, which he always treasures.

During Closed Door Training, I couldn't help but take it out and play with it occasionally.

He had never seen one as big as a round table.

As for the size of the house, that has already broken through his cognition.

How can there be such a big and colorful pearl in the world?

This is impossible!

However, no matter whether he uses the immortal soul or the power of demon and rules to perceive and detect, the result is the same.

These pearls are real!

No blemishes, no imitations, much less a sleight of hand.

While stroking the pearl, Qi Yuan smiled and said, "Hey, I'm reporting to the Great Emperor, this is just sold to us by the handsome Great Emperor!"

"Who is the handsome Great Emperor?"

Yulin Great Emperor didn't react for a while.

Qi Meng and other Quasi Emperors hurried forward to explain the ins and outs.

Knowing that these pearls were just sold by the 'Xuangui Great Emperor', Yulin Great Emperor's eyes changed.

He turned around abruptly, looking directly at Brother Cheng with piercing eyes.

"Xuangui... Handsome Great Emperor, do you still have any emperor-grade pearls in stock?"

Brother Cheng almost sprayed water.

Originally thought that Qilin Great Emperor would be angry.

After all, he replaced a bunch of cultivation necessities with a bunch of unnecessary things.

In the end, he actually wanted to buy it?

How did he know that when Qilin Great Emperor saw these big pearls, he almost couldn't move.

In addition, there is a strong sense of injustice and anger.

The quality and size of the pearls of the Qilin family often also represent the status.

He is the Great Emperor, and the best pearls are only the size of Supreme.

And now the Quasi Emperor under his command actually has 'Tianzun-level' pearls, even 'Emperor-level' pearls as big as houses.

If they go out together in the future, what will happen to him as the Great Emperor?

Don't you want to be laughed out of your teeth?

How can I get along in the Qilin circle?

He must have it!

Not only must there be, but it must also be the largest 'Emperor Level'.

Even the Tianzun class can't show his identity!

But you are a Great Emperor, so you can't openly steal from your subordinates, that's too ugly.

Therefore, he could only ask Brother Cheng to buy it.

(end of this chapter)

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