Chapter 454 One Kill

"So overbearing?"

Brother Cheng was shocked.

In high-end battles, a small mistake may lead to a reversal of the situation.

What's more, there are continuous unexpected accidents that are not good for him.

It's really hard to win in this situation.

"What about the rules of blessing of the Yulin clan?"

Cang Ling said: "The rule of fortune is mainly applied to him, and every time he makes a move, it is very likely that there will be unexpected beneficial effects."

"Fuck, divine skill!"

It's no wonder that the Qilin tribe is so powerful, and they can occupy the first place in the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference every time.

Of course, there is a reason for the black-box operation, but blacksmithing also requires one's own strength, and they are indeed powerful enough.

"If you want to get rid of the influence of this disaster, you have to distance yourself, but this bubble battlefield is not conducive to distance."

"Either the heart of rules has a higher degree of integration than him, so the rules of disaster will not be able to shake you."

"However, Qisheng was born at about the same time as Cangji, and their degree of rule fusion is higher than most Quasi Emperor late stage."

Cang Ling knew very well that if any of the other Quasi Emperors present in this battle came over, they would not be sure of winning Qisheng.

Even Cangji Cangqiong and Qi Yuan of Qilin's own clan are no exception.

But if it were a freak like Brother Cheng, that would be another matter.

Even in the current unfavorable situation of testing the waters, he can still save himself from danger time and time again by relying on the original keel of the nine-pattern bloodline and the endless imprints of various rules.

Naturally, all the monsters below know how powerful the Mo Lin Clan is.

But as the battle continued, many monster races were also surprised.

"I thought the Canglong Great Emperor would lose in an instant, but I didn't expect him to last so long?"

"Yeah, if he hadn't met Qi Sheng with his strength, he would have been able to enter the 32nd place!"

"Quasi Emperor early stage, can have this level of combat power, worthy of being called the Great Emperor of a family!"

"That's right, in another five billion years, when he goes to battle next time, I'm afraid he will be truly unstoppable!"

The Sparrow Monsters, who were originally depressed, gradually cheered up.

He started to practice again and cheered for Brother Cheng loudly.

"The Canglong Great Emperor must win!"

"The Canglong Great Emperor is just playing with him!"

"Once the Great Emperor becomes serious, Qisheng will be wiped out..."

They were just exaggerating and exaggerating habitually, while other monster races shook their heads.


Facing Qisheng, who would dare not use all his strength?

And who knows, the sparrow monsters really hit the spot this time.

"He won't have a next term."

In the Great Hall on the top floor, the other demon emperors were paying close attention to the performance of their descendants, while the attention of the two Qilin Great Emperors was all on Brother Cheng.

Looking at the various means used by Brother Cheng, their expressions became more solemn.

"Why do I feel like he has more than one rule mark?"

"It shouldn't be. He probably has a special treasure, which magnifies the power of the main rule."

"Even if it's just the main rules of Dzogchen, isn't that too much?"

"This dog must not be left behind!"

"That's right, fortunately Qi Sheng was sent to fight this round."

They were not worried that Qisheng would not win.

Although Cheng Ge has various rules emerging one after another, he has not been injured yet, but over time, the qualitative changes caused by the rules of disaster will eventually destroy him.

They are waiting for that moment.

Even if the Azure Dragon Great Emperor is not killed this time, he must be completely abolished!

"You have so many main rules!"

Qisheng, who was fighting, didn't realize that every rule was the imprint of the heart of rules.

"Do you have a treasure that enhances the power of rules?"

"If you hand it over, I can give you a chance to admit defeat!"

He is now at ease, feeling that he has perfectly controlled the field, and even has the time to send a voice transmission to Brother Cheng.

At this time, Brother Cheng almost tried all kinds of rules and imprints.

I have basically experienced what kind of reaction will be in the face of the rules of disaster.

If they encounter other Qilin people suddenly in the future, they won't be so caught off guard.

It should be over, too.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

"I'll make you fall flat, and you won't even feel the pain."

"What did you say……"

Before Qisheng could get angry, Brother Cheng directly branded 49 rules at the same time.

The difference between the main rules of Dzogchen and the imprint of the heart of rules, apart from the fact that the latter is more powerful, is that the way of displaying them is different.

The main rules of Dzogchen are borrowed from the outside world, and it is not bad to be able to perform a few at the same time.

And the imprint of the heart of rules is equivalent to belonging to own.

It doesn't take much effort to use one brain at all.

Qisheng didn't even have any defenses.

Brother Cheng has been busy experimenting just now, so he didn't have the time to give him more love.

Let his mentality change from cautious at the beginning to contempt.

At this time, these rule imprints suddenly burst out, and he was caught off guard, and was hit head-on without any suspense.

The rule of 16 masters of Taoism can blind the mysterious sea, and now 49 Taoisms come out together, and the consequences are devastating.

His rule of calamity brand had only blocked seven paths before it completely collapsed.

The misfortune that permeated the venue was swept away like a wind and clouds.

The rest of the regular imprints drove straight in, together with the attack of the blood Talent of Cang Long's real body, they bombarded his huge monster body.

The sound of crackling is endless!

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud bang!

All the bones in Qisheng Yao's body were shattered immediately.

At the same time, under the impact of multiple brands and demonic powers, the wide Meridians in his body are like a dam that was suddenly washed away by a flood.

There are countless breaches.

Afterwards, it was washed away, leaving nothing behind!

The torrent eventually rushed all the way to his core Monster core area.

Blast that huge black Monster core into bursting residue.

In the previous fight against Quasi Emperor, Brother Cheng's Canglong Avatar did not go up with him. And at the last moment, he still took a little effort.

But this time, he tried his best.

Even all the heroic souls were sacrificed together.

Since the convention doesn't allow killing opponents, he just looted the Meridians Monster core and the ghost.

But this is no different from death.

After experiencing this round of baptism, Qisheng has become a weak shell.

Change to below the demon king. long dead.

Once the Monster core is shattered, no matter how powerful the two Qilin Great Emperors are, they will not be able to restore his strength.


Qisheng's huge demon body fell down and never moved again.

It still has breath.

However, there is nothing left of the monstrous Monster Qi before, and it looks almost like an untrained beast.

Without waiting for the bubbles to disappear, the two Qilin Great Emperors rushed in like crazy.

After checking Qisheng's status, Mo Lin Great Emperor almost fainted.

This is completely useless!

Too cruel!

Qisheng is the mainstay of the Molin clan, and he handles most of the clan's internal and external affairs.

It is Mo Lin Great Emperor's most powerful arm.

And now, that mainstay has collapsed.

"go to hell!"

The majestic Lord of the Tianbu no longer cared about the influence, and launched an attack on Brother Cheng in a rage.

(end of this chapter)

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