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Chapter 460 Two Combat Crazies

Chapter 460 Two Combat Crazies

After passing the sixth round, there are only two players left in this group who have not been eliminated.

In addition to Brother Cheng, there is also the Quasi Emperor late stage from the Deer Clan.

No one thinks that he can stop the progress of the Canglong Great Emperor.

In terms of strength, the Lu Clan didn't even rank in the top five of the fourth group.

Cheng Ge, Ao Yang, Tooth Mouse King, Qi Sheng, and Jinxian Chong are all stronger than him.

Even Xuanhai is sure to defeat him.

He was able to survive to the end of the fourth group, which was entirely due to luck.

Brother Cheng wasted all the strong ones, and he didn't encounter any strong ones along the way.

The two Qilin Great Emperors were well aware of this point.

The Quasi Emperor of the Deer Clan doesn't have much to stand out about.

This balanced style is useful to others, but facing Jiang Cheng, who has super offensive power, he might be dealt with in one blow.

There is no effect of delaying consumption at all.

This can't work...

In two more rounds, it will be the final battle for the top spot.

Without consuming Canglong Great Emperor, Qiyuan's chances of winning the first place in the end may be very difficult.

Not to mention revenge on him.

At this time, the competitions of the other groups also ended one after another.

In the first group, Qi Yuan and the eight-tailed Quasi Emperor of the fox tribe successfully joined forces. Anyway, this group has long been the back garden of the Qilin camp.

In the second group, Lin Ning, who had been assigned strong enemies all the way because he was born in the Phoenix clan, finally couldn't hold on and lost to Jinpeng Quasi Emperor.

In fact, she was able to enter the top 16, which was beyond Cheng's expectations.

After all, the main body is a human being, and when she incarnates as a dark phoenix, she can only be regarded as half a monster, and Innate is not enough.

It's not like Brother Cheng who got both the blood and the real keel.

As for fighting in human form, although she can display stronger strength, she doesn't have much advantage with her seventh-level fairy armor and eighth-level fairy sword.

If it wasn't for the top-notch Hidden Phoenix bloodline and purple Golden Devil body, it might be difficult to even enter the top 32.

And the biggest highlight of this round is still in the third group.

The three-eyed tiger's battle caused sparks to fly, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

And the battle of the ape clan was also fought in a dark environment, and the shock in the bubble even spread to the outside.

All the eyes of the audience were attracted by the two battles, and the cheers and cheers were deafening.

The Tiger Clan, the Ape Clan, and other groups frantically danced and waved their paws, and the heat wave followed one after another, creating an incomparably fierce and frenzied atmosphere.

Brother Cheng was extremely envious.

Alas, this is the atmosphere of the bloody battle.

Masculine, muscular, and sweaty, full of majestic breath.

I made a mistake, I should bring all the dragons from Canglong Valley this time.

Just being a sparrow demon cheerleader always feels like something is missing.

Not to mention those ordinary monster races, even the top Quasi Emperors such as Qiyuan, Yaowei, and Dapeng were also attracted by these two battles.

Gradually, the complexion became more and more dignified.

These two Quasi Emperors with a strong will to fight are likely to encounter them later.

This made them feel a strong threat.

In the Great Hall on the top floor, the eyes of the White Tiger Great Emperor and the Ancient Ape Great Emperor could not stop their satisfaction.

Kunpeng Great Emperor couldn't help being amazed.

"This tiger and ape, although the fusion of background and rules is not as good as those of the old Quasi Emperor, but the will to fight is too strong!"

Bingfeng Great Emperor nodded: "Ten percent of their strength, they can display twelve percent."

"That's right, it was born for fighting."

"No matter which term they are placed in, they are solid contenders for the top four."

The ancient ape Great Emperor laughed heartily: "I said it earlier, the monkey cubs of our clan go crazy at the sight of blood, and they are not comparable to those rats who surrender at every turn!"

The White Tiger Great Emperor said indifferently: "Cowardice to fight is a cowardly act. Even the newly born little tiger demons of our clan have the blood of fighting in their bones."

Earmouse Great Emperor wanted to hit someone when he heard it.

Azure Dragon Great Emperor wanted to run away.

It's okay for you to brag about it yourself, what kind of trouble are you going to make if you praise it?

In the second group competition, the Three-Eyed Tiger and the Ape Clan both won in the end, entering the quarterfinals.

Immediately afterwards, the seventh round of competition will begin.

However, before the bubbles rose, two Qilin Great Emperors flew into the arena.

"This conference, starting from the seventh round, will start a cross-group duel!"


All the monster races present were stunned. Is this a rule change?

In the past, each group played to the last one, leaving a total of four Quasi Emperors, and only then did cross-group duels begin.

Now there are only two left in each group, and we are about to start crossing groups?

There is also a reason for the Qilin family to change this way.

If the fourth group continues to compete normally, the Lu Clan will be completely unable to stop Brother Cheng, and will not be able to consume.

And the two fighting lunatics in the third group made them pay attention.

It's better to cross the group in advance and let these two lunatics consume Cangcheng!

Any Quasi Emperor who wants to pass these two levels will have to shed several layers of skin.

The group of demons below didn't know the purpose of this change, and it didn't seem to matter.

Although the demon emperors at the top level felt that it was outrageous to change the order from day to night, and it was too much to announce it without discussing it in advance.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't have much impact on them.

So, it is the default.

The barrier between the original four groups disappeared, and the eight players were gathered in the arena.

Brother Cheng originally wanted to go up to say hello, after all, the Three-Eyed Tiger is Pretend's old partner.

And the one from the ape clan was the Monkey King of the Sky Demon Realm back then, and he was also an acquaintance.

But thinking of the Tooth Mouse King's voluntary surrender, he suppressed this idea and decided to pretend not to know him.

Seeing that there were no Golden Dragon King and Tooth Mouse King among the Quasi Emperors who advanced in the eighth group, the Monkey King couldn't sit still.

He came directly to Brother Cheng, and said loudly: "I heard that both Jinlong Dage and Tooth Mouse King gave up the competition with you. Are you that strong?"

Brother Cheng smiled.

He deliberately provoked: "Yes, they are too scared by me to move, I hope you will not be so cowardly."


The fierceness in the blood-red eyes of the Fighting Monkey King became more and more obvious, almost becoming real.

He shook the stick in his hand and slammed it hard on the ground.

A loud noise startled the crowd of demons almost boiling, almost thinking that he was going to start a war ahead of time.

"Then you better hope you don't run into me."

"Otherwise, I will strip off your dragon scales."

The three-eyed tiger not far away is not like him.

He stared straight at Brother Cheng, his originally indifferent eyes gradually became puzzled, as if he had sensed a familiar aura, but he was not sure.

Brother Cheng's smile became more intense: "I like opponents like you the most. Only by fighting with all your strength is the respect for me."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The Monkey King laughed loudly: "You are very kind, I have begun to admire you, and I promise to make you bruised and bruised!"

Looking at this scene, the Great Emperor Great Emperor shook his head and smacked his lips: "Oh, that's what's wrong with this monkey boy, you have to provoke him if you have nothing to do!"

"I just want him to admit defeat, but I can't do it at all."

The corner of Azure Dragon Great Emperor's mouth twitched, what the hell are you talking about?

The two Qilin Great Emperors looked at each other and nodded secretly.


What I want is this kind of fighting madness!

Cangcheng, enjoy yourself.

The grouping for the seventh round was quickly determined, and Qi Yuan faced the weakest Deer Clan without any surprise.

Brother Cheng was immediately assigned to the lunatic Monkey King.

(end of this chapter)

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