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Chapter 518 I Am Very Familiar With Miao Yu

Chapter 518 I am very familiar with Miao Yu

Yi Kong also added from the side: "There is no way, Tianshu Pavilion's reputation is there, only they can make this business, and we can't find anyone else to exchange Monster World resources."

"But that's too much money, isn't it?"

"This is not bad. They have promoted us to the third-class VIP this time, and the discount is much higher than before."

"Third class? In other words, there are second class and first class?"

"This, indeed..."


Brother Cheng couldn't bear it anymore!

Although he didn't know what was going on with that distinguished guest, he wasn't first class?

What about the noodles?

Why don't you give the protagonist a set of the highest level?

Is there still Wang Fa?

He immediately rushed out of the palace with dissatisfaction, and killed Mofeng Quasi Emperor.

"Are you the person in charge of Tianshu Pavilion?"


This title made Mofeng Quasi Emperor startled, but when he saw the anxious and helpless Cang Jiyikong behind him, he knew who this was.

"You are the new Canglong Great Emperor, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"I'm sorry to meet you. Let me ask you, does the higher the VIP level of your Tianshu Pavilion, the higher the purchase discount?"


"Then why did you give us the third-class VIP in Canglong Valley?"


Mofeng Quasi Emperor was almost at a loss for words.

Why else?

You Canglong Valley can only be worthy of the third class.

It's just that this can't be said directly.

He could only say euphemistically: "Our Tianshu Pavilion is very strict in evaluating VIP levels, and usually evaluates and inspects a faction's influence, potential, strength, credibility, etc..."

Brother Cheng frowned: "You mean that our Canglong Valley is not strong enough?"

Mofeng Quasi Emperor really meant that.

There are currently only two first-class guests in Tianshu Pavilion, one is the Changming Palace and the other is the Nine Star Devil's Temple.

These two are Immortal World's strongest fairy gate and Devil World's strongest magic gate.

One can imagine how difficult this rating is.

Like the Qilin clan, there are two ancient demon emperors sitting in the town, dozens of Quasi Emperor clans, and they are only second-class VIPs.

Canglong Valley used to be only the fifth class, after all, there is no demon emperor sitting in the town, and it has been lonely for a long time.

This time, he was directly promoted to the third class because Brother Cheng's performance was too outstanding.

Killing an Immortal Emperor directly, and killing too many Quasi Emperors, is too shocking.

"A power with an Immortal Emperor is often ranked fourth among our VIPs!"

It's hard to say whether you are a demon emperor or not. We have directly raised Canglong Valley to the third level, which is considered very considerate.

Brother Cheng was almost at a loss for words.

He could only think of other ways.

Looking at the other two Quasi Emperors and a group of Tianshu Pavilion followers beside Mofeng Quasi Emperor, he had a flash of inspiration.

"By the way, I am very familiar with a big shot in your Tianshu Pavilion!"

"Oh? I don't know who it is?"

Mofeng Quasi Emperor felt very disapproving.

What's the use of you being familiar with a certain Quasi Emperor from Tianshu Pavilion? Our business is business, and favors are favors.

I'm still very familiar with Cangji, but whatever the price should be, we should still fight.

Brother Cheng said two words lightly: "Miao Yu!"

All the followers in Tianshu Pavilion were puzzled, they had never heard of this name.

But the expressions of Mo Feng and the other two Quasi Emperors changed.

In particular, Mofeng Quasi Emperor became extremely nervous as if he had heard something extraordinary.

Seeing their reaction, Brother Cheng knew that he was right.

Miao Yu was able to accompany her to the end in the Immortal Tree of Enlightenment, which is definitely not something Immortal King can do.

However, Quasi Emperor and Immortal Emperor cannot enter the Immortal Tree of Enlightenment.

Then this woman is a bit too special.

Such a special person must have a lot of status and voice in Tianshu Pavilion.

The Mofeng Quasi Emperor and the two Quasi Emperors looked at each other, and then asked in a deep voice, "Are you really familiar with Miao Yu?"


"How do you know her?"

"In Immortal World, I have met her several times in Immortal World."

"In Immortal World?"

Mofeng Quasi Emperor was silent for a moment, then frowned and said, "But as far as I know, she doesn't know you."

Brother Cheng directly yelled back: "You know what a fart, you weren't there at the time!"

Mofeng Quasi Emperor almost vomited blood from his anger, how can you speak like that?

If it weren't for his terrible record, he might have left in a huff.

"Okay, okay, you said you were acquainted with her, do you have evidence?"


Brother Cheng looked around, then quietly approached him, and said mysteriously in a low voice: "I didn't want to talk about this..."

"Actually, I have an unusual relationship with her. We have an affair!"

Plop, Ji Linghan, Lin Ning and other women who had been watching this side from a distance almost fell down.

"What has legs?" Mofeng Quasi Emperor didn't understand.

"It's that one..."

Brother Cheng gestured with his paw.



After Mofeng Quasi Emperor understood, his face changed wildly, and he flipped the table on the spot.

"What did you say?"

"You dare to insult her reputation, you are so brave, this deal is void!"

"From now on, I, Tianshu Pavilion, will never do business with you, Canglong Valley!"

He was furious, and turned around with a flick of his sleeves, which made Cang Ji Yikong very anxious.

"Brother Mofeng, calm down, the Great Emperor of my family is out of his mind, he likes to joke, don't take it seriously..."

The furious Mofeng Quasi Emperor directly interrupted them.

"This matter is not negotiable. He insulted someone who shouldn't be insulted!"

Brother Cheng is also annoyed, what the hell?

How are daddy and Miao Yu's tenth lover?

To say she has a leg is an understatement.

Is it your turn, a monster, to chirp?

"Fuck, if you don't believe me, you can find out by bringing her here and confronting her!"

"You deserve it too?"

Mofeng Quasi Emperor roared angrily: "Do you want to start a war with me, Tianshu Pavilion..."

"Wait a minute!"

An average-looking Quasi Emperor early stage woman beside him raised her hand.

Mofeng Quasi Emperor hurriedly said: "You don't have to..."

The woman shook her head, then waved her hand, and the multicolored light flashed away in the field.

Immediately, a fairy treasure that concealed his appearance was unloaded.

I saw that the woman's appearance had completely changed.

But under the blue hair, there is a delicate face that can't pick out any flaws at all.

The cold eyes look forward to shine, with an innate noble temperament.

Who else is it not Miao Yu?

She looked indifferently at Brother Cheng, who was in the body of a black dragon, and said indifferently: "I am Miao Yu, why don't I remember seeing you before?"

After she showed her true face, Mo Feng and another Quasi Emperor quietly stepped back two steps to show their respect.

Obviously, her status in Tianshu Pavilion is really high.

Brother Cheng saw that it was her, and clapped his paw in surprise: "Haha, so you are here, why didn't you say so earlier?"

"It's me!"

He was about to transform back into Jiang Cheng, but when he saw Ji Linghan and Lin Ning in the distance, he had no choice but to keep his dragon body.

Then secretly transmitted the voice to Miao Yu, who was covered with frost.

"I'm the head of Jiang. We both entered the Dao Immortal Tree together. Girl, you won't forget, right?"

"It seems that your status is really high, give us a mention of this VIP level!"

For him, reminiscing about the old days and having a leg are all empty, and he actually doesn't care at all.

It is the most practical to get more discounted prices.

"It turned out to be you?"

Miao Yu was shocked, and could no longer maintain that indifferent demeanor.

(end of this chapter)

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