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Chapter 623: The Beauty Saves The Hero

Chapter 623: The Beauty Saves the Hero

Brother Cheng didn't like to hear that.

What is a mere Extreme Profound Realm?

This girl regarded herself as an ant in her palm from beginning to end, and she almost laughed at him angrily.

Well, even if you look down on me, don't say it in front of me so bluntly, can't you hide it in your heart?

He curled his lips in displeasure, and snapped back: "Does he want to tell you that I'm pleasing to the eye?"

"What? You look pleasing to the eye?"

This nonsensical reason made Li Hanyu feel extremely absurd.

"Why does he look so pleasing to your eyes?"

"Because my brother is handsome and has a good temperament, can you refute that?"

Meili Li really couldn't refute.

Jiang Cheng was indeed the most handsome person she had ever seen in her life, beyond her perception of handsomeness.

But the problem is that the cultivation world is a place that looks at strength, not face.

This point is no exception in Immortal World or Xuanjie.

"Just because of this?"

"if not?"

"Then what does he look like?"

"He, he's handsome too."

Brother Cheng said without shame: "The level of handsome and handsome is on the same level as mine, and it is for this reason that he cherishes me!"

"Is there no other characteristic?"

"Not anymore, because he is too handsome, covering up all other features, so the last thing that can be remembered is the word handsome, which will never be forgotten for a long time."


Li Hanyu tried hard to suppress the urge to beat him up violently, after all, this is still an enemy camp, so you can't mess around.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we should leave here as soon as possible."


Brother Cheng was a little surprised.

"What are you afraid of when the enemies are all wiped out?"

This brother can open and hang after death, so since his debut, he has never known what vigilance is.

"The headquarters of the Black Profound Temple has been destroyed, but there are still nearly a thousand branches, and each branch has a digital branch master from the Seventh Stage to the Ninth Stage of the Earth Profound Realm. Don't be careless!"

After finishing speaking, Li Hanyu came to his side and forcibly grabbed his back by the collar.

Lift him up and fly with him.

Brother Cheng originally wanted to avoid it, but if he didn't want to expose his identity as another world demon, he could only play the weak image of the Extreme Profound Realm.

Therefore, he can only be forced to accept this humiliating posture that is detrimental to his style.

Of course, I still have to protest verbally: "I can fly myself!"

"Shut up, you're too slow!" The professional Xue Rakshasa Li beauty was very arbitrary.

So, Brother Cheng could only hug her flat belly tightly, and sniff the fragrance of her body by the way.

Suddenly, I felt that this posture was actually quite good.

Li Hanyu only seeks efficiency in her actions, and never cares about the worldly etiquette, but she didn't say anything.

Unfortunately, this pleasant process did not last long.

The two just flew to the gate of the temple when they bumped into a group of people head-on.

Before the Heixuan Temple captured Jiang Cheng, the headquarters sent a message, asking all the branches to come to watch the ceremony and celebrate.

And before the final temple was destroyed, Lord Heixuan Great Hall also pressed the distress signal of the mysterious weapon.

So the nearest branches have rushed over.

They didn't know that the entire headquarters was wiped out, and they didn't know that the 'another world demon' did it. They only knew that something happened, and they were in a hurry along the way.

Running into Li Hanyu head-on, he immediately regarded her as an enemy invading the headquarters.

After all, the Bai Xuan pattern on her forehead is very eye-catching.

"Of the Bai Xuan clan!"

"Foreign enemies have invaded the temple!"

Keng Keng Keng, the two sub-divisional masters who came first and the Mingxuan Realm deacon at the back all raised their weapons.

Li Hanyu's heart sank.

The two sub-Hallmasters are both Dixuan Ninth Stages like her, so they are very difficult to deal with.

She regretted staying in there for a while just now.

"Come down soon!"

She grabbed Jiang Xianzhe's back by the collar, forcibly 'stripped' her off her body, and threw her behind her.

"Sister, don't be so rough!"

Brother Cheng was very dissatisfied.

Immediately afterwards, Li Hanyu's voice transmission was heard.

"I will entangle them, you run away!"

Before he could react, the woman rushed into the enemy's formation first and launched a rush attack.

so great?

The beauty sacrificed her life to save the hero?

Brother Cheng was so stunned for a moment that he almost became an 'oil bottle'.


Li Hanyu's voice transmission came again with a strong murderous intent.

Looking from behind, you can see blood splashing.

The battles are brutal from the very beginning!

The beauty is too iron-blooded and strong, Brother Cheng can only run away obediently and obediently.

There is no way, he is still in the Extreme Profound Realm, if he uses profound energy to attack, the power will only be a drizzle.

Don't say help, but will add to the chaos.

Using Xianli can instantly kill the entire audience, but that would expose him as 'another world demon'.

"That's Jiang Cheng!"

"Zijin Xuanwen, catch him!"

The two sub-Hallmasters who were fighting Li Hanyu over there had the appearance of Brother Cheng in the message they received before, and they recognized it at a glance.

They resolutely wanted to give up on Li Hanyu and go all out to arrest Jiang Cheng.

The latter is far more valuable.

It's a pity that it couldn't be done.

Li Hanyu has gone mad.

The Xuan clan is mainly engaged in melee combat, and the attack power is mainly concentrated in a small area.

But at this time, with the soles of her feet as the center, the entire area has become a world of ice and snow.

The only access is in the direction of Brother Cheng, all other places are blocked!

This woman is worthy of being the first genius of the former Bai Xuan clan temple.

Facing the same Realm, one against two is still not a disadvantage.

In order to prevent Jiang Cheng from being pursued, she even surrounded all the other deacons within the attack range.

Brother Cheng didn't want to waste her efforts, so he could only fly to the distance with the fastest speed in the Extreme Profound Realm.

He was very helpless.

If Li Hanyu hadn't come, then these enemies would just wave their hands, so it wouldn't be so troublesome.

But now that the beauty insists on saving him, he can only cooperate.

After flying for a while, guessing that it was beyond Li Hanyu's range of perception, he restrained himself and sneaked back.

The area sealed off by ice and snow has collapsed.

The girl was fighting there alone, and brother Cheng was not hard-hearted.

Glancing at it from a distance, he couldn't help admiring it.

In just a short while, three deacons and seven or eight chief guards were already lying on the ground.

Jiang Cheng hasn't learned any profound skills yet, but based on Quasi Emperor's combat experience, it can be seen that this woman is more advanced than others.

Compared with the two branch masters, Li Hanyu not only has more pure and concentrated power, but also more concise and efficient in every form.

More importantly, she is not afraid of death.

Looking at her open and close fighting style, it is difficult to connect her with her original wonderful image.

Unfortunately, there are too many enemies.

This is the home ground of the Heixuan clan. Although some of the Heixuan people outside the temple were wiped out by the red sun before Cheng Ge, they still came here after hearing the news.

No matter how strong Li Hanyu is, it's impossible for Brother Cheng to go to the point of ignoring the numbers.

However, her strategic goal of creating opportunities for Jiang Cheng to escape has been achieved.

On the surface, she looked crazy, but she was very clear-headed, and she did not fight to the death beyond her capacity.

Before he was about to be defeated, he suddenly withdrew from the battle circle and broke out in the direction that Brother Cheng had come before.

The people in the lower branch hall immediately summoned the other branch halls to stop them, and at the same time divided the troops.

A team entered the interior of the temple to check the situation.

A team pursued Li Hanyu and Jiang Cheng.

But at this time, Li Meizi was not present, and Brother Cheng could finally make a bold move.

(end of this chapter)

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