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Chapter 630 He Is Your Lifelong Enemy

Chapter 630 He Is Your Lifelong Enemy

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Lord Great Hall frowned, and said in a deep voice: "You are still young, and you don't understand the horror of another world demons."

"I understand..."

The Immortal Emperor Devil Emperor that the buddies have dealt with can form a reinforced company.

Moreover, the another world demon you are worried about now is me.

Who else in this world can understand better than me?

"No, you don't understand!"

Great Hall mainly regarded him as a newcomer, and emphasized it with a more emphatic tone.

"Another world's demons are our natural enemies. They are powerful and ferocious. When they see us Xuan people, most of them will never die. They rarely live in peace."

Brother Cheng smiled and said, "Very rarely, that is to say, there are always exceptions!"

"There are exceptions. There are indeed a small number of another world demons who have worked hard to cultivate and stay behind closed doors. They have no interest in conquering the Xuanzu."

Lord Great Hall said slowly: "But that's only a very small number, and... the another world demon that appeared this time is obviously not among them!"

Before Jiang Cheng could refute, she continued: "The strength of this person far surpasses any other world demon in the past."

"And his cruel method of destroying the Black Profound Temple and strangling a large number of branch halls is even more cruel to the extreme."

"His degree of danger is even higher than that of all other world demons combined in history, and he can be called the level of extermination!"

Brother Cheng's mouth twitched when he heard that, is it really okay for you to slander like this in front of the person involved?

"Big sister, isn't the Heixuan clan the enemy of the Bai Xuan clan? We should thank him for helping to destroy the enemy!"

Seeing that he was still speaking for that another world demon, Lord Great Hall almost laughed angrily.

"You are so naive!"

"It's a good thing that the Heixuan clan has been exterminated, but the another world demon didn't kill them to help our Bai Xuan clan!"

She touched Brother Cheng's head, just like an old mother teaching her son the philosophy of life.

"There is a kind of people in this world who only enjoy killing, and their minds have long been distorted."

"This person should be that kind of demon. He probably doesn't treat our Xuan clan as human beings at all."

"This time he can destroy the Heixuan clan, and next time the butcher's knife may be swung on our Bai Xuan clan."

Finally, she warned earnestly: "Xiaocheng, you have to remember that another world demon cannot be trusted. Especially this person, he should be your lifelong enemy!"

I am my own lifelong enemy, is that okay?

Brother Cheng only felt that he couldn't laugh or cry.

He couldn't help sighing: "Then what should I do, I will draw my sword and kill him when I see him?"

"You child, talking nonsense again!"

The Lord of the Great Hall glared at him angrily: "You are no match for him right now. When you reach the upper level and become the Emperor Profound Realm in the future, maybe you will be able to fight him."

"But even at that time, when you meet this person, try not to provoke him, and avoid him if you can!"

"This person is too dangerous. It is a blessing to be able to survive in front of him."

"Is it that exaggerated? I think you are really worrying too much, big sister."

Brother Cheng said in his heart that he will reveal his identity in the future, so that you don't turn against me directly, it's better to get vaccinated.

"I don't think the another world demon this time has any malice towards the Bai Xuan clan."

"The two groups of chief guards from our family met him last time, didn't they all die? He is very tolerant and kind. We can definitely be friends with him."

"Still being friends..."

Master Great Hall shook his head and laughed, only thinking that this was the childish words of a child.

But then, she was surprised again.

"How do you know that the another world demon this time is the same person as the one my family met last time?"

Ah, I accidentally slipped my mouth.

There is no other way, Brother Cheng can only make mistakes and make them up.

"Well, he said it himself."

Lord Great Hall shook his head and laughed: "This child, how could you hear him?"

Brother Cheng smiled and said, "I talked to him."


The customer of the Great Hall couldn't meditate and adjust his breath, so he jumped up.

"You actually had contact with him, how is this possible?"

"Otherwise? The headquarters of the Black Profound Temple was completely destroyed, and I was the only one who survived. Isn't that enough proof?"


Lord Great Hall was startled.

In fact, it was Li Hanyu who forgot to tell her this detail, which made her not expect this abnormality.

"Yeah, why did he let you go alone? What did you guys say?"

Even Li Hanyu's eyes flashed a trace of curiosity.

In fact, she didn't believe Brother Cheng's nonsense about being sympathetic to each other because he was handsome.

"This, it's actually nothing."

Brother Cheng patted his chest triumphantly: "When he saw me, he was shocked as Deva."

"Surprised Deva?"

"That's right, he has admired my name for a long time. As soon as we met, he said that he had heard about my Talent, and he has been friends with me for a long time."

While talking, he also played role-playing, imitating the style of those senior bigwigs in his impression.

He arched his cupped hands towards the empty space in front of him: "Jiang Xiaoyou, I have been admiring you for a long time, I never thought that you are not only outstandingly talented, but also so handsome, it is really heartbreaking!"

Lord Great Hall is not stupid, it sounds absurd.

That is a super existence beyond the ceiling of this world, you are just a weak Extreme Profound Realm.

People will look up to you for a long time?

Have you been friends for a long time?

"You're not making up a lie, are you?"

"Every word I said is true, and you will understand when you have a chance in the future." Brother Cheng promised without blushing and patting his chest.

Anyway, that another world demon is myself, I said I have admired myself for a long time, is there any problem?

"Then what?" Lord Great Hall still didn't quite believe it.

But as the only surviving witness, Jiang Cheng's words are also of great reference value.

"Then I said, why did you, another world demon, look up to me for a long time, did you lie to me?"

This made Lord Great Hall nod, but then corrected him.

"You shouldn't have asked so directly at the time, especially when you called him another world demon in person. It would easily offend them. Next time you meet, be careful and be tactful."

Brother Cheng thought to himself, how could I be offended by myself?

But he still nodded to show that he received it: "Fortunately, he is not angry."

"Then what did he say?"

"He said that it was all people's misunderstanding of me. In fact, I am kind to people and don't like to kill."


Master Great Hall almost spit out a mouthful of water.

"He is still kind to others and doesn't like to kill?"

Come on, the Heixuan Clan above the Dongxuan Realm was almost wiped out by this person.

Can there be a more brutal demon than this?


Brother Cheng nodded: "I was also surprised at the time, so I said, you have killed so many people, and you don't like killing?"

"He said that it was because the Hexuan tribe took the initiative to provoke him, and they had a deep hatred with him, and they asked for it."

"The Heixuan tribe provoked him, how did they provoke him?" Lord Great Hall keenly found the point.

"He didn't say."

Brother Cheng continued: "I just asked him, what about you, the Bai Xuan clan, do you have any hatred?"

Master Great Hall asked tremblingly: "What did he... say?"

Both she and Li Hanyu were very concerned about this question, and both of them pricked up their ears at the same time.

That expression, as if waiting for the verdict of the fate of the ethnic group.

(end of this chapter)

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