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Chapter 632 Two Conditions

Chapter 632 Two Conditions

When the hall masters heard the big thing, they immediately showed concern.

"What else?"

"Could it be that he was planted by the Heixuan clan this time?"

"Do not!"

The Lord of the Great Hall shook his head: "It's the purple-gold profound pattern of the Great Sage, who actually has Supreme-level Cultivation Technique and profound art inheritance!"

She quickly said what she had heard.

"Is there such a miraculous thing?"

After learning that Li Hanyu learned the terrifying power of those two styles, all the palace masters couldn't sit still.

"Supreme-level profound art?"

"Unheard of!"

The Master of the Water Spirit Hall was about to leave the house immediately: "No, I have to go and see that child Han Yu."

The Lord of the Battle Spirit Palace followed immediately: "I'm going to have a look too..."

The other hall masters seemed to have made an appointment.

"I suddenly have something to go to the Sage's Palace."

As cultivators of the Sky Profound Realm, more powerful profound arts naturally have a fatal attraction for them.

Once mastered, the strength doubles.

Who doesn't want to become stronger?


The Great Hall Lord stopped them.

"We are a group of palace masters, how can we go to find a junior in the extreme profound realm to ask for profound arts?"

When she said this, everyone's expressions became a little unnatural.


Although Jiang Cheng is a great sage, they have always only treated him as a junior.

At first, he even wanted to take him as a disciple.

Think about the Master asking for advice from his apprentices, how much Losing face does that have?

"What's more, it is his unique profound art after all, and he has no obligation to pass it on to us."

In fact, it was because of these reasons that Bai Luozhen didn't mention this after reuniting with Jiang Cheng at the Heixuan Clan.

Dignified Master of the Great Hall, I can't bear this face.


Although everyone was not reconciled, they had to admit that it was such a reason.

"Then what to do?"

"That's right, that's a Supreme-level profound art, I'll regret it for the rest of my life if I miss it!"

"It's really itchy."

"Hey, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep in the future..."

While all the hall masters were discussing, the water spirit hall master sent a message to Li Hanyu from the sidelines.

A moment later, she triumphantly announced the good news.

"I just asked Han Yu to ask Jiang Xianzhi for his opinion. He said that the profound art he taught Han Yu can be taught to me by her."

Wipe, is there such an operation?

"Jiang Xianzi actually agrees that you can learn too?"

"It's really easy for someone in the court to handle things!"

The other hall masters cast envious and contemptuous looks at her.

"Hall Master, would you mind asking the Dharma protector in your own hall?"

The Master of the Water Spirit Hall chuckled: "What's so embarrassing, I cultivated the cold jade, just like my own daughter. I am willing, can you control it?"

"Where's the face?"

"Here's your face, take your time and get a headache!"

The Master of the Water Spirit Hall poked his own pretty, rosy face, twisted his waist, and walked out of the hall triumphantly.

The other hall masters are so angry!

Even Lord Great Hall wanted to drag her back and beat her up.

No way, we have to think of a way.

She also wants to learn.

On the other side, Li Hanyu, who had just consulted Brother Cheng, was quite surprised.

"Are you really willing to let the master of my Ice Spirit Palace learn the Immortal Thousand Flowers Sword Sutra?"

"Why, you don't want her to learn?"

"No, of course I want her to learn too."

"Isn't that all right?"

In fact, Brother Cheng's willingness to teach Li Hanyu meant that he didn't mind her passing it on to others.

This brother is so naked that he doesn't need to keep his broom handy.

Moreover, only a freak like him with a bunch of black patterns can learn the entire series of Immortal Thousand Blossoms Sword Classic.

At this moment, Li Hanyu's mysterious messenger rang again.

"Ah, Lord of the Great Hall!"

When Li Hanyu looked at the image opposite, his face immediately turned cold.

After a while, she asked Brother Cheng again.

"Master Great Hall and the other hall masters asked me to ask you if it is possible for each of the other halls to send a disciple to learn mystical arts from you."


Brother Cheng thought that you palace masters really know how to play, why don't you just come and learn by yourself, and you have to go through an extra set of procedures?

His first reaction was to refuse.

How could I have the time to teach so many people?

But thinking about it carefully, I owe them a big favor by being possessed here and there in the Bai Xuan Temple, and it's normal to return some gifts.

What's more, this "hijacking incident", Master Great Hall is really saving it as his own son.

Brother Cheng is not hard-hearted either.

After thinking about it again and again, he nodded: "Yes, but there are two conditions."

"What conditions?"

"The ones sent must be all beauties."

Anyway, you are the ones who want to send someone, so you can't blame me.

Li Hanyu's face remained unchanged, neither surprised nor contemptuous, as if this was an ordinary condition.

She nodded naturally: "What else?"

"The master of the Wood Spirit Palace cannot learn."

No matter how big-hearted Jiang Xianzhe is, he would never teach someone who clearly dislikes him.

"it is good."

On the other side, the hall masters looked at each other after hearing these two conditions.

Immediately afterwards, fierce cheers erupted.

Even Brother Cheng who was on the other side of the mysterious weapon was taken aback.

"Hahaha, what are these two conditions?"

"Jiang Sage is so generous!"

"Sure enough, the style of a sage has an incredible broad mind at a young age!"

"Yeah, it's really shameful for me to be honest."

"God bless my Baixuan Yi clan, bestow such a sage..."

At this moment, Brother Cheng began to conquer the hearts of all the palace masters.

Before that, the Palace Masters only valued his Talent.

But now, what they valued was him, and they really began to respect him as a great sage.

The only thing that made them laugh and cry was the condition that they must be beautiful.

"Hey, the great sage is good at everything, but... he's a bit too lustful."

In the past, they must have thought this kid was too shameful.

But now...

"Haha, young people can understand it!"

"That's right, it's normal to have a little hobby."

"It doesn't matter, I'm going back to the Fire Spirit Hall to pick someone!"

"My Guangming Palace's descendants are full of beauties, who should I choose?"

The candidates for this faction are actually quite uncertain.

First of all, it must be kept secret and must not be rumored, secondly, it must be absolutely loyal, and finally, it must have sufficient understanding.

After all, Supreme-level mystical arts are too important.

After thinking about it like this, the hall masters who were originally elated began to worry about gains and losses again.

"Choose slowly..."

The master of the Battle Spirit Hall intentionally said with sour envy: "Oh, there are very few women in my Battle Spirit Hall, so I don't have the opportunity for you to choose."

The Hall Master of Lei Ling said in a bad mood: "Don't be frightened, who doesn't know that you have a beautiful daughter?"

It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go to the great sage to learn profound arts, and those who are selected will change their destiny in this life.

Leaving this opportunity to his daughter is a field that does not let the fat and water flow to outsiders.

(end of this chapter)

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