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Chapter 642 Accidentally Shocked Again

Chapter 642 Accidentally Shocked Again

Head Jiang complained for a while, but in the end he could only choose to destroy the two dummies.

If you keep procrastinating, you will time out.

At that time he will be assessed as unqualified.

After going out, his compulsion will drop to the bottom.

It is more important to balance the two phases.

In order to keep his character, he could only reluctantly destroy two copies of himself.

Another breath blowing past.

The two dummies quickly collapsed and dissipated, and this wave passed so easily.

This time, there were finally signs of something boiling outside.

"Has the second wave passed?"

"This is considered qualified!"

"It's so rare to be able to achieve this step across eight small Realms."

They thought that brother Cheng inside had gone through a hard battle.

"I finally understand why the palace masters value him so much."

"Indeed, if I cross eight small Realms, I really can't win."

Most of the people who expected Brother Cheng to fail saw that he was really qualified. Although they were a little disappointed, they gradually became convinced.

Of course, there are still a small number of people who are stubborn.

"So what if you pass?"

"For a great sage, this is the most basic, right?"

"That's right, the great sage is on the same level as the Lord of the Great Hall, that's it? Do you think that's enough?"

"If the dignified sage can't get an excellent rating, it can only be said to be a joke."

Hearing their discussion, Ruan Lingyao, Zhuo Aoxin and other women secretly shook their heads.

You frogs in a well!

That person possesses Supreme-level mystic arts.

This mysterious technique is enough to destroy the enemy across a large Realm.

As long as he plays it well and passes the third wave, it is easy to get an excellent rating.

For this reason, before the assessment, the palace masters were not at all worried that Jiang Xian would fail the assessment.

There is nothing to worry about when there is no suspense.

It's a pity that they didn't know that they were sitting on the sidelines.

Brother Cheng's strength, even if the Bai Xuan Clan Temple arranges the highest level of Sky Profound Realm assessment, it is still free.

Looking at the four extremely mysterious Ninth Stage dummies who still looked exactly like himself on the opposite side of the third wave of assessment, Brother Cheng sighed.

His mind has calmed down.

He even took the time to observe the facial contours of the four dummies from different angles.

Find out how handsome you really are.

"Oh, what a masterpiece!"

After looking at the four dummies as a mirror for a while, he breathed out again full of reluctance.

Under the impact of that immortal power, the four dummies disintegrated and dissipated.

This is enough to make it difficult for 80% of the disciples of the temple, so they just passed it.


"He got excellent!"

"Fuck, how did this happen?"

"I remember that there should be four opponents in the third wave, and he can still win?"

"Niu Pi, you are indeed a great sage!"

"I'm done!"

This time, even the stubborn ones had nothing to say.

Excellent rating, they didn't get it themselves.

What's more, they were still playing in the same Realm as themselves in the assessment, and Jiang Xianzhe was playing in a Realm eight smaller than himself.

Even the geniuses of the gold and silver clan who were watching the excitement in the distance were a little surprised.

"This person's ability to leapfrog challenges is outstanding!"

"It's already a small miracle."

"The purple gold profound pattern is really so magical?"

"If he can cultivate to an extremely high Realm, he will really become the number one enemy of our clan."

"Hmph, you also said it's an if. People who haven't been promoted to a small Realm for more than half a year, what is there to worry about?"

"That's right, no matter how strong the Extreme Profound Realm is, it's only in the Extreme Profound Realm."

"Just a genius ant."

Brother Cheng couldn't hear the discussion outside.

At this time, he has ushered in the fourth wave of enemies, eight extremely mysterious Ninth Stages, and a dummy who still looks the same as him.

At this point in the assessment, it was already far out of routine.

Although the dummy's attack is dull, it is impossible for non-extreme fighting geniuses to defeat eight opponents of the same Realm.

But for Brother Cheng, this difficulty is not worth thinking about at all.

He just continued to admire his appearance from eight different angles with great interest.

I watched it with relish, and even lingered on it.

It wasn't until the time was about to run out that he breathed out again.

The turbulent celestial power permeated the assessment space, which would have caused the assessment spirit pattern to vibrate violently, but the range was controlled by him several times delicately.

Just brushed over the eight dummies.

Like a gust of wind blowing away fallen leaves, the eight dummies disintegrated and dissipated almost simultaneously.

This hurdle passed easily again.

"Perfect, perfect rating!"


"Isn't that a bit outrageous?"

"Challenge eight opponents who are eight Realms higher than me, and still win?"

"There must be a limit to leapfrog challenges, right?"

"With his strength, even if he crosses a big Realm, he can win a duel with the Second Stage of the Dongxuan Realm!"

This time, the geniuses of the gold and silver clan outside couldn't help being surprised.

Leapfrog challenges also have a limit.

Going through so many levels at once is too outrageous.

"Extreme Xuan Yi weight, can it display the combat power of Dongxuan Second Stage?"

"This purple-gold profound pattern looks even more magical than I imagined."

"If this person can cultivate to the Earth Profound Realm, then no one at this level can stop him."

"Fortunately, his Realm upgrade is extremely slow..."

"I hope he will remain in the Extreme Profound Realm all his life!"

With their 'beautiful' wishes, Brother Cheng also ushered in the final stage of the assessment.

16 extremely mysterious Ninth Stage dummies lined up and appeared in front of him in unison.

Still copied his appearance.

Brother Cheng planned to continue to 'look in the mirror' from more angles, but these dummies suddenly came towards him.

The difficulty of the last level is not just as simple as doubling the number of people.

The dummy in this level has to be much more flexible, and won't be in a daze like before, waiting for him to make a move before fighting back.

When Li Hanyu broke through to this stage, he went through a hard fight, but in the end he still fell short and was submerged under the tide of offensive.

Brother Cheng had no choice but to blow over again in one breath.

Then he became the only person who passed the test in the past tens of millions of years.

When the outside showed that the last wave had also passed, the discussion in the audience suddenly stopped.

Then it boiled again, and the pot exploded quickly!

"My God, have you passed the last level?"

"Surprised Deva, this is it!"

"Damn it, I was lucky enough to see the birth of the amazing Deva assessment rating?"

"Isn't this incredible?"

"Jiang Xianzhe fought by leapfrogging, how did he do it?"

"This is at least the fighting power of Dongxuan Fifth Stage, unbelievable!"

"Purple Gold Profound Pattern, well-deserved reputation!"

No one can understand.

Even Zhuo Aoxin, Ruan Lingyao and other women felt extremely incredible.

They knew that Brother Cheng knew Supreme-level mystic arts, but even with that kind of weapon, it's impossible to do such an exaggerated thing, right?

Originally, they expected that Jiang Xianzhi should be excellent, and it would be a miracle to get perfect.

What is the result now?

(end of this chapter)

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