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Chapter 814 The Significance Of The Water Gun

Chapter 814 The Significance of the Water Gun

When Jiang Cheng's name came out, it was as if the masters of the Yinxuan clan who were still yelling and killing had been given a body fixation spell.

Suddenly, everything froze in place.

Everyone's eyes widened involuntarily.

Yinfengdian, who was the leader, opened his mouth.

He wondered if he had heard it wrong.

"Who did you just say?"

"Ginger City."

Seeing their reaction, Miao Yu secretly wondered, could it be that they all know Jiang Cheng?

Is he so famous in the Yinxuan clan?

"Which Jiangcheng are you talking about?"

Yinfeng was extremely excited, but he didn't recognize each other impulsively.

What if it was a returning immortal who revealed the name of Jiang Xianzhe to Tianshu Pavilion?

What's more, there are many people with the same name and surname in the world.

The other Yinxuan clansmen couldn't wait to ask questions.

"Yes, which Jiang Cheng, tell me quickly!"

"If you dare to lie and pretend to be fake, we will never forgive you!"

Which Jiangcheng?

Miao Yu, Jiang Han and the others looked at each other, who else could there be?

He could only tentatively say, "Jiang Cheng, the head of the Feixian Sect."

"What Feixianmen?"

Yinfeng and the others, who were still extremely excited, frowned at the same time.

Brother Cheng didn't reveal his identity and sect in Immortal World when he was in Xuanjie, so they naturally didn't know about Feixianmen.

"Never heard of it."

"Looks like it's not the one we know."

Seeing their killing intent again, Jiang Han quickly shouted: "He is still the Great Emperor of the Canglong Clan!"

"Still haven't heard of it."

"What kind of Canglong clan, I have never heard of it."

The Xuan family is very exclusive, and they know very little about the Immortal World.

At most, they know that there is a Monster World in the Immortal World, but most of the Xuan people are too lazy to inquire about the ethnic groups in the Monster World.

"It seems that they are not talking about the same person."

"Bai is excited, they destroyed the sacred tree, they should be killed!"

The next moment, all the masters of the Yinxuan tribe once again sacrificed the Xuanwen.

Mo Feng was also anxious: "Jiang Cheng, that is the number one devil in the Six Realms, Jiexin Jiang Cheng, haven't you even heard of him?"

He couldn't help mentioning the 'scornful name' the enemy gave Brother Cheng.

However it still doesn't work.

"What mess?"

"So what if I haven't heard of it?"

"I think this is playing us, damn it!"

The Xueyang Devil Emperor on the side almost died laughing.

"Hahaha, are you Tianshu Pavilion crazy?"

"You actually used Jiang Cheng to suppress the Xuan people? Who gave you the inspiration?"

The other Quasi Emperors of the Holy Star Pavilion were also overjoyed, it was like beheading the officials of this dynasty with the sword of the previous dynasty, it was too ridiculous.

"Hahaha, that guy is domineering in the Immortal World, but this is the Mysterious World, people have never heard of him, okay?"

"You Tianshu Pavilion are really big dreamers. Do you really think that his name can be used anywhere?"

"It's understandable to go to the doctor in a hurry, hahaha..."

Seeing that the Yinxuan people were even more angry, Miao Yu and Jiang Hanmofeng were about to cry, what is this?

These people obviously knew about Jiang Cheng.

It's just that I can't tell his identity and deeds in the mysterious world, and I can't prove it, so I can't match up with the one the other party knows.

If I knew it before I set off, I should have talked with him more and asked more questions!

It's a pity that everyone thought he was bragging at that time and didn't take it seriously.

It's all right now, my intestines are green with regret.

In desperation, Miao Yu could only use his trump card—the water gun.

Seeing her holding up the water gun, she said anxiously: "This is the token he gave us. He said that he knew you, Lord Yinzhi of the Great Hall!"

Seeing the water gun, the blood-sun Devil Emperor laughed even louder.

"Miao Yu, what are you doing?"

"Bringing out such a rag, is it to humiliate the noble Yinxuan people?"

"What treasures have you never seen before?"

"Hallmaster Yinfeng, I think they are just humiliating you, and they must not let you off lightly..."

Those Yinxuan clansmen present also burst into anger.


"Stop talking nonsense to them!"

"She is just delaying time and trying to escape."

However, this time, Palace Master Yinfeng changed his face.

He suddenly yelled: "Shut up!"

"Everyone stop!"

He raised his trembling right hand high, but his eyes were always on the water gun, and he didn't deviate at all.

Those eyes were incomparably shocked, but at the same time, filled with deep doubts.

The other Yinxuan people had never seen this water gun, but he had.

That was millions of years ago, when the digital ancestors of the four clans suddenly returned collectively.

Among them are Bai Wuqi, the third Hall Master of the Bai Xuan Clan, Mu Wei, the second Great Hall Master of the Heixuan Clan, Jinhao, the fourth Great Hall Master of the Jinxuan Clan, and Ning Zhilin, the seventh Great Hall Master of the Yinxuan Clan.

Those are the generation of geniuses in the sky, and they have played an extremely critical role in the formation and development of the cultivation system of the four clans in the mysterious world.

Their return caused a sensation in the entire mysterious world, and countless people rushed to tell each other.

After his public appearance, Yinfeng, as an important figure of the Yinxuan clan, was summoned by several ancestors together with Jin Bo, Yinzhi, Heiyue Xinling and others.

While getting some reminders, he was also informed of the sad news of Jiang Xianzhe's disappearance.

In addition, there is another detail that impressed him.

That is, Bai Wuqi, the ancestor of the Bai Xuan clan, was always playing with a small toy when he was speaking.

As for the other ancestors, their gazes drifted to the inconspicuous little toy from time to time, looking extremely eager.

This detail was not only him, Yinzhi and others who were present at the time also noticed it.

Li Hanyu from the Bai Xuan family who was summoned as an exception at that time couldn't help asking questions directly.

But Bai Wuqi and the other ancestors didn't say it clearly, they only said that it was a treasure closely related to the fate of the mysterious world.

Afterwards, Yinfeng and Yinzhi speculated privately, but they really couldn't see anything special about it.

And now, he saw that little toy again.

It is exactly the same as the one in Bai Wuqi's hand back then!

"What is this thing for?"

He stared at Miao Yu firmly. This time, if he didn't check clearly, he would definitely not act without authorization.

"I have no idea."

"You don't know either? Then how did you get it?"

"Jiang Cheng gave it to me."

Fairy Miao could see the significance of the water gun from his eager eyes.

It seems that guy is not lying!

Jiangcheng, Jiangcheng again?

The heartbeat of Palace Master Yinfeng quickened again.

Could it be that the Jiang Cheng she was talking about was really the Jiang sage she knew?

"Follow me from Tianshu Pavilion, I will take you to meet the Lord of the Great Hall!"

Hearing this sentence, Miao Yu, Jiang Han Mofeng and others were ecstatic.


Still bring this?

The Xueyang Devil Emperor beside him was full of astonishment.

"This, Lord Yinfeng, is this a bit outrageous?"

"They destroyed your sacred tree, so there are still people like this?"

"Isn't it too much of a joke to rely on such a small gadget?"

He didn't want Tianshu Pavilion to encounter any turning point, he only hoped that Miao Yu would be killed here soon.

And those Yinxuan clan masters present also couldn't understand.

"Yinfeng, what happened?"

"Yeah, it's just such a thing, is it worthy of alarming the Lord Great Hall?"

(end of this chapter)

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