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Chapter 909 Lord Of One Realm

Chapter 909 Lord of One Realm

"Hmm, I really can't call it!"

Chao Guang only said this, trying to dispel the killing intent of this super master.

Maybe he didn't take himself seriously and let it go again.

Unexpectedly, this just aroused Brother Cheng's murderous intentions.

Keeping you is counting on you to continue shaking people to kill me.

You keep shaking!

As a result, you can't do it?

"Since I can't call anyone, what's the use of keeping you?"



Chao Guang was dumbfounded, and Gong Qing was also a little stunned.

The cultivator watching in the distance was even more confused.

What do you mean?

Before everyone could react, the ice sword flashed in Brother Cheng's hand.

Chao Guang fell down, and he was quite unhappy before his death.

He really wanted to sue, but I said that I would never call someone to kill you again. Could it be that this is also a mistake?

It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to say it.

"Senior killed well!"

Although she didn't understand Bai Cheng's brain circuit, Gong Qing still loudly agreed with this move.

At this time, the cultivators below also rushed over quickly.

Head Jiang thought they were going to avenge Tu Xing, but who would have thought that these people bowed down immediately.

"See Landlord!"

"See the new land master!"

"Congratulations to senior for becoming the new Master of One Realm!"

"Long live the new land master!"

The roar of the mountain and the tsunami made Brother Cheng look dumbfounded.

He didn't know much about the customs of the ice world, so in order to avoid making a fool of himself in public, he could only ask his own 'Military Advisor' Gong Qing via voice transmission.

"What's the situation? How did I become the new realm master?"

Gong Qing was taken aback for a moment, obviously she didn't expect that he didn't even understand the most basic common sense.

Could it be that he really just came out of the deep mountains and wild forests?

"After you kill the previous Landlord with your own hands, you will get his Landlord Mark and automatically become the new Landlord."

Only then did Brother Cheng realize that after killing Tu Xing, there was indeed something extra about him.

It's a bit like the effect after killing the earliest Iceman.

There is also something faintly calling him, and it is inside the city below.

Is that thing called the Landlord Mark?

"So what's the benefit of being a border master?"

"Each realm has an ice eye with the strongest original breath, and only the realm master who has obtained the mark of the realm master can sit in it."

Gong Qing patiently said: "Cultivate in the ice eyes, you can understand the origin at close range, and the speed of understanding the rules is faster than any other place."

"Because of this reason, the competition for the position of realm master has always been extremely fierce."

The Gong clan she belonged to was the previous land lord here.

It was only later replaced by Tu Xing.

"Is there such a good thing? Then I became the land master, why do they look very happy and have no intention of robbing?"

"It's because you are strong, and they know they can't beat you."

Gong Qing continued to explain: "In addition, a realm must also have a realm master, which is also good for them."

"Ah? Why is that?"

"Only when the realm master sits in the ice eye, can the original breath in the ice eye be activated to benefit all living beings in the realm."

"Moreover, the stronger the realm master is, the more active Bingyan's original aura will be!"

Can you improve your rule awareness Realm just by sitting?

This is quite tempting to Brother Cheng.

In that way, when you upgrade the Ice Profound Pattern by yourself, you can save a lot of immortal points.

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait.

So he waved his hand and said loudly: "I like this kind of thing that benefits everyone. Where is Bingyan?"

The group of cultivators below were overjoyed, and rushed to lead him one by one.

"Master, please!"

"Master Jing Kang, I am the head of the Ju family in the city..."

"Master, don't look at him, he looks familiar to me!"

This group of people actually flattered.

Gong Qing hurriedly stood in front of Brother Cheng, and said anxiously: "You can't accept the position of realm master, we need to get out of here quickly!"

Brother Cheng was taken aback, sister, what do you mean by this?

"Am I unworthy to be a land lord?"

"No, but if we continue to stay here, we will be killed!"

"You killed the Lord of One Realm without the acquiescence of Jin Chong, the lord of Tianhong, which is a provocation."

She quickly said: "And Tu Xing is still his right-hand man, his direct confidant. You will definitely make Jin Chong extremely angry if you kill him!"

"He will definitely gather other realm masters to take revenge, and it will be too late to leave by then!"

Back then, their palace family was the direct line of the previous lord, and because the former lord was killed by Jin Chong, they suffered together.

The water behind this is deep.

Jin Chong?

Brother Cheng felt as if he had heard of this name somewhere, but he didn't have much impression.

"Is he awesome?"

"He is the Fourth Stage middle stage of Emperor Realm! And he has the power to mobilize the deputy lord and the other 18 realm lords, let's go!"

Gong Qing is not optimistic about him.

Even though Jiang Cheng killed Tu Xing and his henchmen by himself, his fighting power was beyond her imagination.

But Tu Xing was just one of the lords after all.

It took so much effort for Jiang Cheng to kill one realm, but facing the other 18 realms joining forces, coupled with a more powerful lord, one can imagine the result.

However, Brother Cheng's brain circuit is destined to be different.

Hearing that someone would come to take revenge on him, he was too happy to be happy.

The Own Immortal Yuan point is pointing at these coming enemies.

"What are you talking about?"

"How can I lose the position of Realm Lord that I have gained by relying on my strength because I am afraid of revenge?"

"In this way, what face do I have to hang around outside? Wouldn't it be ridiculed if it was spread?"

"If I leave, how disappointed will the folks around me be without the Landlord?"

When he said that, the others also booed.

"The Landlord said it well!"

"The Landlord is heroic!"

"Worthy of being the new Landlord!"

Saying so, they actually thought this new Landlord was quite stupid.

Knowing that a powerful enemy is coming, they still stay where they are and wait to die.

But what does that matter to them?

Anyway, what they want is a realm master, and the stronger the better.

Even if Jin Chong brought people to take revenge, Jiang Cheng was the one who killed in the end, and had nothing to do with the locals.

When the time comes, they will just change to a new realm master.

Brother Cheng didn't think so far, his mind was all about getting something out of that ice eye, other things were not important.

Gong Qing looked at his back surrounded by the crowd, feeling angry and anxious.

She wanted to turn around and flee here several times, but in the end, she didn't know what her thoughts were, so she followed.

A group of people soon came to Bingyan.

It is said to be the very center of a realm, but it is actually just a very inconspicuous small ice cave.

The ice cave is only one foot deep, and you can see to the end at a glance.

There is no original breath fluctuation on the surface, which looks ordinary.

"Is that the thing?"

Brother Cheng felt a little out of place, and wondered if he would build a dragon couch inside to decorate the facade in the future, and then decorate the surroundings of the ice cave.

At least you have to keep up with the own cafe, right?

However, the others looked yearning.

Even Gong Qing's beautiful eyes showed excitement and excitement, after all, this is the place where their Gong clan once lived.

(end of this chapter)

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