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Chapter 930 Ice Pole Celestial

Chapter 930 Ice Pole Celestial

Jiang Cheng, who returned to the Lord's Mansion, was cheered like a hero.

Although changing a lord is a very common thing in the ice world, the cultivators like Tianhong leader have long been used to it.

But being targeted by so many foreign masters is still very depressing.

It feels like you can't resist, you can only accept it passively.

Now that Brother Cheng has won such a battle, he has helped Tianhong lead countless cultivators to fight fiercely, which is naturally very inspiring.

For a while, Brother Cheng's reputation skyrocketed.

In just three days, nearly one hundred thousand immortal yuan points were added to him.

After using up all the Silver Moon Ice Soul, his Realm rushed directly from the Emperor Realm Second Stage to the Third Stage late stage.

So far, his combat power has probably crossed the fifth stage of the imperial realm.

But Gong Qing was no longer surprised.

She has always been rational, but now she has begun to doubt whether common sense still applies to this person.

Brother Cheng felt refreshed after finishing his medicine 'training'.

After being busy pretending for the past few days, he finally remembered a very important thing.

I forgot about classmate Xiao Ji.

This brother slapped his head, feeling a little ashamed for no reason.

Wasn't the reason why I chose the Realm of Ice in the first place to find Ji Linghan who also cultivated the imprint of the rules of Ice?

"By the way, pass me an order."

"What order?"

Gong Qing had a wary face, always worried that he would make some ridiculous decision.

"Let them help me inquire about a woman named Ji Linghan. Once there is news about her, report it immediately."

"No matter who can provide her clues, I will have a big reward!"

At present, the only thing he can be sure of is that Ji Linghan has not died.

Because there was no reaction to the resurrection from the drop of blood she left behind.

"Okay, let's go!"

After speaking, he waved his hand and planned to continue to rest for a while.

In the end, Gong Qing didn't move, but looked at him strangely.

"Ji Linghan?"

"Well, what's the matter?"

"The Ji Linghan you're talking about, is it her?"

After finishing speaking, she took out a photo-taking fairy device and flipped through it, and found a person's image.

When Brother Cheng saw the familiar illusory image of the woman in the hall, he almost jumped up on the spot.

Because that was the girl Han he was thinking of.

"What the hell?"

He grabbed Gong Qing's shoulders and asked urgently: "You actually know her? Where is she? How did you know her? You still have her image? Could it be that she is in Tianhong collar?"

Gong Qing, who was grabbed by his shoulders, almost didn't know how to answer this series of questions.

She looked at Sect Leader Jiang's expression, feeling a little helpless.

It's like he's asking another well-known piece of common sense.

"The name Ji Linghan is known to at least 80% of the cultivators in the entire Ice Realm."

"The remaining 20% ​​are newcomers who have only appeared in the last few million years."

Brother Cheng can see the meaning in her helpless eyes - you don't even know her?

This surprised him even more.

"Is she famous?"

"Of course, in the entire ice world, there are not many people more famous than her."

"What's going on?" Cheng Ge was curious but didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He originally thought that looking for someone this time was aimless again, but he didn't expect that he would find his whereabouts just by asking casually.

"Four million years ago, Bingyuan Valley held a Heavenly Dao selection..."

With such a simple sentence, countless small question marks floated in his head.

Four million years ago?

At that time, I had already come to the ice world, and it was the time when the system restarted and fell asleep.

At that time, Ji Linghan had been here for seven million years.

"What Ice Yuan Valley?"

"You don't even know Ice Origin Valley?"

Brother Cheng curled his lips: "Should I know?"

Gong Qing looked helpless.

Even people who came out of deep mountains and wild forests should not even have heard of Bingyuan Valley.

Have you been cut off from the world since the day you were born?

Didn't come out until a while ago?

"Bing Yuangu is the Sacred Land of the entire ice world, you can understand it as the largest ice eye in the ice world."

"That is the closest place to the source, facing the core of the source. If you practice there, I am afraid that even a person with poor aptitude can become a master above the fifth stage of the emperor."

When mentioning that super paradise, Gong Qing made no secret of her envy and yearning.

Apparently, that was the supreme Sacred Land that she had dreamed about.

"The closest place to face the core of the source? The biggest ice eye? Is there such a good place? Then who is the one who got the Valley Master mark?"

Valley owner? mark?

Gong Qing was almost rolled her eyes by this humble address.

"No one could enter the earliest Bing Yuan Valley, because the repulsive force of the source is extremely strong, just like we can't get close to Bingyan without the mark."

"This situation continued until the appearance of Bingji Tianzun hundreds of billions of years ago."

Hundreds of billions of years ago?

Brother Cheng frowned, as if he had caught something.

Think about it carefully, isn't Immortal World also claimed to have been opened hundreds of billions of years ago?

Could it be that something major happened at that time?

Gong Qing continued: "Bingji Tianzun has become the first existence in the entire ice world to cultivate to the Ninth Stage of Emperor Realm!"

"Emperor Realm Ninth Stage?"

Brother Cheng calculated his current Realm of the Third Stage, and couldn't help expressing a little surprise.

How much more loot and cents do I have to get to get to that Realm?

It seems a little far away.


When it comes to this senior, Gong Qing, who is extremely selfish, also maintains some respect rarely.

"Relying on the powerful strength of Ninth Stage, Bingji Tianzun was the first to break into Bingyuan Valley, and thus opened a new era of ice realm cultivation."

"All of our current domain masters, lords, and land master marks are all made and distributed by Bingji Tianzun."

"Before then, lord-level ice eyes like Tianhong Ling couldn't enter the Emperor Realm Sixth Stage."

"And even if you enter, you can only practice alone, and you can't activate the original breath inside."

"Since having the lord's mark, even the First Stage of the Emperor Realm can step into and activate the source, benefiting one leader and one realm."

"It can be said that without him, the ice world would not be as strong as it is today."

Hearing what she said, Brother Cheng had to admit that this person is really awesome.

One person changes the world.

"and then?"

"Later, Bingji Tianzun successively produced 500 copies of the Tongtian Talisman, distributed them to 500 peerless geniuses, and led them to enter the Bingyuan Valley for cultivation."

"And these peerless geniuses later became the pinnacle powerhouses of the ice world, and together they formed the Sacred Land of the ice world called Ice Origin Valley."

The head of Jiang's family is also familiar with the way, and he knows that this is the strongest force in the world. Top organizations like Immortal World Immortal League and Devil World Temple.

"So they rely on such a small number of people to rule this huge world?"

"No." Gong Qing shook her head.

"Ice Yuan Valley did not rule the ice world. They have been living a penance life isolated from the outside world, never interfering with the grievances of the outside world, and do not need outside worship."

"Only when fighting other real worlds, they will appear briefly to defend the safety of the entire ice world."

"Some seniors among them have fallen in the previous real world wars tens of billions of years ago."

(end of this chapter)

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