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Chapter 937 Heavenly Dao Ice Ladder

Chapter 937 Heavenly Dao Ice Ladder

Head Jiang, who is in the center of the vortex, has no awareness of being famous in the ice world at this time.

He has come to the central area of ​​the ice world.

The world itself is an iceberg.

The center is the top of the mountain.

The Bingyuan Valley is a valley that is sunken down from the top of the mountain.

According to the normal law, the closer to the central area, the stronger the breath of the origin of ice must be.

However, to his surprise, the original aura here is very thin.

Especially in the area thousands of miles away from Bingyuan Valley, even the source of ice cannot be sensed.

And after approaching hundreds of miles, all the ice layers disappeared.

It just didn't melt into water, but became empty.

This is an extremely incredible thing in the ice world.

Brother Cheng was very surprised.

"what's going on?"

"Why is there such an abnormal thing?"

Gong Qing had already expected it.

"This is the principle of prosperity and decline. The source of ice is right in the center, causing the source of breath to be too strong."

"Instead, everything around it was squeezed out, and a special blank area was finally formed."

"This is the reason for the formation of the low-lying area of ​​Bingyuan Valley."

Brother Cheng nodded: "So that's the case."

Looking at the bustling figures in front of him, he became curious again.

"Since there is no original breath here, why are there so many people rushing here?"

Gong Qing didn't know much about this either.

Although she is smart, she was just a small cultivator in the second stage of the emperor's realm in a remote area under Tianhong's seat.

The vision is only so far away, and there are many things that she can't touch at all.

"Maybe... They are also like you, wanting to enter Bingyuan Valley in a whimsical way?"

She just uttered this guess, and then overturned it herself.


"I remember that Bingyuan Valley is inaccessible. Unless you reach the Ninth Stage of the Emperor Realm, otherwise you will be swallowed by the too powerful original aura, and you will die in the end!"

The only person in history who successfully broke in was the Bingji Tianzun who reached the Ninth Stage of the Emperor Realm.

In addition, it is the 500 people who got the Tongtian Talisman he made.

As for others who want to force their way in?

It's not that no one has tried it, but after trying it, all of them died without exception.

It stands to reason that no matter how whimsical a person is, he should weigh his own life.

Why are there so many people around this barren place?

Gong Qing was worried that the person next to her would do crazy things again, so she hurriedly gave him science education in advance.

"Sixty billion years ago, there was an Emperor Realm Eighth Stage who was unwilling to enter the Bingyuan Valley, so he chose to force his way."

"In the end, under the witness of countless people, the senior was swallowed by the origin of ice to nothing left."

"The failure of the Eighth Stage also made all the ice cultivators lose their minds."

Now you know how dangerous it is?

Don't you think your life is harder than Eighth Stage?

"Oh, really?"

Not only was Brother Cheng not frightened, but he laughed out loud.

Alas, I thought it would be difficult to get in.

It's fine if you can die.

It seems that I have already stepped into Bingyuan Valley with one foot in advance.

"Aren't you going to give up your mind?"

Gong Qing wished she could grab him.

"Even if you are really the Sixth Stage or even the Seventh Stage of the Emperor Realm, it's useless!"

Brother Cheng looked disapproving.

"We've all come here, not to mention there are so many people here, there must be a reason, let's go and see first!"

The two flew forward all the way.

Hundreds of feet away from Bingyuan Valley, they saw layers of steps made of ice and snow out of thin air.

In the void closest to Ice Origin Valley, the ice ladder is floating out of thin air, shining with pure white light, looking extremely sacred.

There are only 128 ice ladders in total, leading to the unknown void far ahead.

Each first-level ladder is not far apart, and ordinary people can pass.

For the cultivator, such a ladder can reach the top in less than a second.

However, at this time, thousands of cultivators from all over the world just stood around outside the ice ladder.

"It's so lively, what happened?"

Brother Cheng came here in high spirits.

"Competition? Climbing the ladder?"

What he asked was Own's accompanying military advisor, but the military advisor Gong also had a confused look on his face.

Again, her starting point is too low, no matter how smart she is, she can't know many things in advance.

Like this ice ladder.

Brother Cheng pulled over a cultivator in the crowd very familiarly.

"Brother, what is this doing? What is this ladder for?"

The Ice Race man looked back at him.

"You've come here all the time, but you still don't know that this is the Heavenly Dao ice ladder?"

"This is a test set by Bingji Tianzun himself three million years ago."

"As long as you can walk to the end of the ice ladder, you can directly enter Ice Origin Valley!"

Brother Cheng didn't react yet, but Gong Qing exclaimed.

"What, there is such a thing?"

She had never heard of it.

"Then in the past three million years, many people should have entered Bingyuan Valley, right?"

"Why didn't such a big thing spread?"

Another Human Cultivator next to him turned back and spread his hands: "Who told you that many people entered? In the past three million years, no one has succeeded, okay?"

"Are there any successful ones?"

This time, not only Gong Qing, but even Brother Cheng was surprised.

That ice ladder doesn't look that high either.

Just jump up there, right?

At this moment, the crowd in front of them started to clamor, and a middle-aged man with dark black ice all over his body slowly walked towards the ice ladder.

"Yu Bai!"

"It's Yu Bai!"

Hearing this name, Gong Qing couldn't help feeling a little excited.

She also knew that Brother Cheng was 'ignorant', so she quickly turned her head to popularize science for him.

"This Yu Bai is not inferior to Wei Shan in terms of talent, and he is also one of the peerless geniuses who have risen in the past 200 million years."

"Now it's the Sixth Stage middle stage of Emperor Realm!"

To be honest, this is indeed a peerless genius.

You know, if the Immortal World wants to break through to the Immortal Emperor Devil Emperor, even if the Talent has a good chance, it will take 100 to 200 million years.

And that's just Emperor Realm First Stage.

It took 200 million years to reach the Emperor Realm Sixth Stage, and it was only possible to realize the real world with its own origin.

Seeing her adoring little eyes, Brother Cheng curled his lips sourly.

You are my exclusive military adviser, shouldn't you just worship me and only have me in your eyes?

"Why is he called Yu Bai when he looks so dark? At first glance, he is not a decent person with a bright future."

That is to say, everyone else is paying attention to the field, otherwise someone will definitely retort.

The onlookers were still very excited.

"Is this the third time Yu Bai has stepped on the ice ladder?"

"Haha, where can he go this time?"

"Last time Yu Bai reached level 48, this time at least breakthrough 50!"

"Level 50, that's a very remarkable achievement."

"Yeah, it can be ranked among the top twenty in the entire ice world!"

"Look, he stepped on it!"

The crowd erupted in a burst of enthusiastic shouts.

As if this is something grand.

(end of this chapter)

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