Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 1028: : Then hold a banquet

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Obviously he is a god, but kneeling on the ground in such a pleased look does not give people any sense of disobedience.

This is also the characteristic of the gods of this world.

In the long years, everything seemed to become irrelevant, and even sealed his own divine power, happily enjoying the happiness that belongs to mortals.

"In that case, let's... hold a banquet." Silently raised his hand, "right here, I want to summon all the gods in this world, right now!"

His words seemed to be conveyed to the ears of every **** with a certain peculiar power.

With unquestionable, undefeated orders.

After a moment of silence, the world was completely plunged into a certain kind of noise.

"Okay, it's terrible, Bell." A certain loli shivered while holding her thigh, tears and snot pouring out together.

"Master Hestia..." Bell is still just an adventurer novice, but he also feels distressed by the fear of his own lord, and can't help saying, "In this case, let's not go, the big deal, the big deal, run away. "

"Impossible." Hestia was crying, while preparing his dress, "It will definitely die, just bang like that, and then there will be no gods."

"How come..." Bell clenched his fist and showed an expression of disbelief.

Gods will not die, this is common sense in the mainland.

Even if he died, he would just return to the heavens, and even if he didn't, he would be reborn after a thousand or ten thousand years.

But at this time, Hestia was obviously not referring to that kind of death, but the real...death!

But what can he do.

He is just a rookie adventurer, facing this kind of existence that even the gods can fear, he can't do anything at all!

In short, under the silent order, one after another gods began to approach the residence of the Loki family.

There is a big courtyard here.

Loki couldn't help but suspect that the reason why this adult came to her was because of her yard.

"Is the dungeon of your world actually a place that even the gods can't find out?" Silent sat on the main seat that belonged to Loki, his deep gaze seemed to penetrate into the ground, and the layers went down. Underground maze.

"It's true." Luo base station nodded inadequately. "Before we descended to the world, the underground city already existed, and that place seemed to hate our gods very much. Once there are gods, things will happen. The change."

It is also no secret that the underground city rejects the gods.

"Interesting." The corners of the silent mouth raised, "That's just the wreckage of the world. In fact, you should be aware of it. Why fighting a monster can be transformed into a gift from the gods? The nature of the power of the two is the same."

"So that's it." A surprised look flashed across Loki's face.

"Huh?" The silence was a little surprised, "You don't know."

"This..." Loki sneered, "I really didn't pay much attention."

"...It seems that you are really lazy." Silent shook his head, raised one leg and pressed it on the other, so he stroked the Feiju in his arms, leaning back against the luxurious throne, "Although your **** status is only part of the rules, it does involve the truth of the world, and you are barely qualified to do something for me."

Rocky couldn't help but shiver.

Do something?

What do you do?

She looked at it as if she had begun to close her eyes and meditate, and said she did not dare to ask.

One after another, gods arrived here one after another.

Although they were all dressed in banquet dresses, there was no banquet atmosphere at all, and every **** who rushed could feel the deterrence from silence.

Not as strong as Loki felt before.

However, it is also sufficient to prove the identity and essence of silence.

There is no doubt that this personality is exactly above the gods...Father God.

The gods only dared to stand upright, lower their heads slightly, silent and respectful, which made Loki’s family members who only dared to shrink in the corners to be amazed-when will they see you? Such an honest look of the gods.

However, among the gods, there is no lack of people with courage.

This repressed silence was finally broken by a certain god.

The goddess with snow-white skin, unparalleled beauty, and seductive smile, swaying Miaoman's figure, approached the silence little by little, then knelt down, and whispered in a soft, sweet and greasy voice:

"My Father God."

Shameless bitch!

For a moment, I don't know how many gods attacked this goddess viciously in their hearts.

The **** of beauty Freya.

She also has a full reputation among the gods, but this reputation is not good, because as long as it is everything she likes, she will grab it without any means, but the amazing charm is a decision even among the gods. So there is no moment of miss.

Silently glanced at stunner who exudes charm from all over her body. Even if an ordinary man glances at her, he will be completely dominated by this charm. Even a **** cannot hold on for long. .

But it's a pity.

"Your cleverness is used in the wrong place, Freya." said quietly and calmly.

As the price of making his eyebrows slightly frowned, Freya's entire figure popped and crawled to the ground. The charm of her body that always teases the nerves of others, disappears without a trace at this moment, like a beauty falling. Entering the stinking ditch, no matter how beautiful he is, he can't hide the mess at the moment.

And Freya is also aware of her own changes.

She showed a look of horror.

"Personally, I am indeed your Father God."

Silently stretched out his fingers and gently touched Freya's slippery cheeks, but it was like a snake's kiss from a poisonous snake, causing Freya to tremble violently, even if she lowered her eyesight, she couldn't hide the panic.

the reason is simple.

She was deprived.

As the priesthood of the **** of beauty, the natural "charm" power has been mercilessly deprived, and now Freya does not even know if he can be counted as a **** of beauty, or... can it be counted as a **** of beauty? A god.

Even so, Silence still maintained a calm expression.

"You should feel fortunate that I am an easy-to-get "father" in most cases, but the premise is that you don't try to stand in front of me with malice or other thoughts, and act against you. Punishment, Freya, I temporarily deprived you of your deity. Maybe you should learn how to deal with things after losing your deity."


Freya responded in a low voice. At this moment, she didn't even dare to show her aggrieved expression.

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