Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 199: : China-Ninja exam 3

  Icarus just didn't speak at all.

   But, this big snake pill gave her... the same feeling as those who ordered her to slaughter humans in the past.

   She doesn't like it very much...

   "Everyone's happy things are different." Silently looked at Icarus in front of him, laughing, "For people like Da She Wan, will Icarus hate them?"


   Icarus hugged his big watermelon and shook his head.

  She didn't want to hate anyone.

"You just don't want to be ordered to do the kind of things that will make you unhappy." Silence stood up, holding her face and looking at her eyes, "But, you don't think about stopping others, do you? ?"

   "...if." Icarus raised his head and said softly, "If it doesn't hurt the owner..."

   "There is such a time, just wait for Icarus to protect me." Silence couldn't help pinching this lovely face.

   "However, the owner is stronger than Icarus." Icarus tilted his head and seemed a little disappointed.

   "Then protect yourself." Silent smiling eyes narrowed, "That is protecting my heart."

  Icarus seemed to stay for a while.

   The face turned a little red.

   She had never heard anything like this.

  Can't help but want to get a little closer to his master.


   was blocked by the big watermelon in his arms.

"Hahaha." Silently looking at the big watermelon sandwiched between them, I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Although Icarus didn't know what the master was laughing, he felt that she was laughing at her, so she lowered her head. Head, it looks a little wronged.

  Because it is Sanwu, Icarus's occasional emotional expression will make people more touched.

"Tomorrow, let's go and see the stories of the guests together." Silence finally rubbed the top of Icarus's head and said with expectation, "These guests, most of them have their own pursuits, and these pursuits will undoubtedly happen. Collision, but...maybe collide, it will gradually merge."

   In a sense.

   Silence actually does something similar to what Dashe Wan wants to do.

  He created a stage that will not die.

  Even if you fight, you can even get revenge.

   Even if it is dead, but if the conflict can be resolved, there will be no regrets, just like the current Bai He Naruto.

   Silence, but several times I saw the two of them, shopping together, eating ramen, and became a good friend.

   as stated in the original book.

   If it is not an enemy.

   They should be able to be very good friends.

  Icarus nodded thoughtfully.

Compared with the rest of the artificial angels, although she seems to be a bit dumb, and even not enough to understand human nature, it is not that Icarus cannot understand, but is afraid to understand that she was ordered to kill so many people as weapons, The more you understand, the more painful you are.


   Now silently is her spiritual backing.

  If one day, she can completely accept her past.

   That represents the success of the Silent True Queen Training Program.

   glanced silently at the watermelon in Icarus' arms, thought for a moment, held out his finger, and tapped on it.

  Invisible ripples spread throughout the body of the watermelon in an instant, or from the inside out.

"I fixed its state." Silence faced Icarus' puzzled eyes and explained with a smile, "The watermelon will be bad after a long time. Now, it will not be bad, but occasionally You can also put it down, I don’t have time to touch your head.”

  After listening to Icarus, carefully placed the watermelon on a special cushion.

  Try to get away from your eyes.

   Then he was quickly attracted by Yuju's tumbling body, his eyes kept staring at her.


   Fei Ju jumped up, raised her small round face, and looked at Icarus with vigilance.

  The silence didn't disturb their daily troubles. They sat at the table and turned on the system, thinking about what to buy for dinner.


   On the next day, the third highly anticipated Ninoku test finally began.

   as a rare large-scale event in the world.

   The whole venue can be said to be full of people.

  In addition to the ordinary residents of Muye, many ninjas, and many country dignitaries, although this time the big country Ninja Village only Muye and Shayin Ninja Village participated, but the dignitaries in other countries still like to join in the lively.

   Silence and Icarus are also in the stands.

   VIP venues with a wide perspective.

  Because of a little magic, no one seemed to notice the situation of the two of them.

   looked around in silence.

   Fengying and Huoying are still sitting on the grandstand. Tsunato, as the dean of the medical hospital, stays at the entrance below. Some surprises are that Zilai is also beside him.

   Also, Uchiha Itachi and dried persimmon.

   glanced silently and found that both of them were using disguise to disguise, and then sat in an obscure corner of the venue.

   really is a bold artist.

   With this lineup on the spot, even if they are found, even they can't bear it.

"Master..." Icarus seemed to be somewhat unaccustomed to pulling the sleeves of silence and glancing at the excited crowd around asked in a low voice, "Why would they So happy?"

"Icarus, the primal desire for violence flows in the human blood." Silence grabbed Icarus' palm and placed it on his lap, seeming to appease her, and then laughed, "Just Most people use reason and emotion to restrain themselves. This is the difference between humans and other carnivores."

   "Will you be happy because of violence?" Icarus seemed to understand it, and then whispered, "So do artificial angels... There are many people who enjoy violence."

  After all, they were made as weapons.

   There will be so few violent elements, and it is normal.

   "But you also have reason and emotion." Silent laughed.

  Icarus seemed to want to say something, but suddenly a huge cheer broke out at the scene.

  Because, the first game has already started.

  Lu Wan against his future daughter-in-law.

   "Look." Silence leaned into Icarus' ear and said, "Is there a person who hates violence?"

   There are some negative deer **** in the scene, which are in sharp contrast to the motivated Temari.

  If anyone said that they would be husband and wife at this time, no one would believe it.

   One is lazy, one is hot. .

Although Silence has seen the animation, it is naturally different from the scene, so it is also relishing to watch, and Icarus clutched the palm of silence tightly, I don’t know if it is the atmosphere of the scene, or brought it to the lazy party , Just as intently.

   Suddenly there was a feeling of taking my sister to the movies.

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