Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 205: : Start the stage of fate.

The words of Zhicun Tuanzang not only made Luo Sha's face blue.


   Even the ape flying sun cut, some face flushed.


  , being Huo Ying, was accused by himself in front of the whole village. This was the first time, but he couldn't find any reason to refute.


   Could it be said.


   It's not time to fight the war with the village of Shayin, so forget it.


   "Lord Fengying." Ape Feizhi could only stare at Luo Sha, "This thing, is it true?"


  He now can only hope Luo Sha can be smarter and immediately denies.


   The reason is easy to say.


   Luo Sha didn't bring many people at all.


   can then use this as a reason to postpone the matter because of misunderstandings and not to commit other people's tricks.


   And Luo Sha, this time is very angry.


   Zhicun Tuanzang is basically pointing at his nose and scolding. As a majestic wind and shadow, if he endures, what prestige is facing the people in the village.


   "What do you want, Konoha?" Luo Sha Shen Sheng asked.


  He originally intended to give Konoha a warning with his own strength.


  Kiye really wants to deceive people too much, so he can only fight one game.


   "Humph." Shimura Tuanzang snorted again and raised his hand, "Bring it."


   Suddenly, there were a few people who were drowned in blood and looked tortured and looked like they were people in the village of Shayinren.


   This time, even those ninjas in the village of Shayin Ninja, are extremely angry.


   Ape Fei-Chan's eyelids jumped a bit, and he also looked at Shimura Tuanzang angrily.


  Does this guy really want to provoke a war between Konoha and Asahi Ninja Village?


   He really wanted to be right.


During this period, Zhicun Tuanzang bought 1,200 second-level royal cans from Silence. The reason why he didn’t buy third-level jars was because Silent thought he hadn’t considered what kind of king he would do, no. There will definitely be objects of fate.


   But so many second-level jars really opened his eyes.


  He realized.


  I want to defeat the ape flying sun cut, and even defeat the remaining Naruto candidates, two points are indispensable, respectively, the image of the glorious shore, and the huge contribution to Konoha.


   The former means that he can no longer do those things on the bright side that seem to be bad for the village.


   The latter means that he needs war!


   The act of Shayinren Village gave him this great opportunity!


"Although I was revoked by you as a Naruto consultant, some of my subordinates still trust me." Zhicun Tuanzang looked astonished. "They risked their lives and found the plot of Shayinren Village, but You don’t believe their information, and you don’t want to start. The old man can only grab a few spies from the village of Shayinren and use torture to interrogate!"


   Ape Fei-Chan opened his eyes wide, and his old blood was almost uncontrollable.


   When did he receive such information?


   But looking at Zhicun Tuanzang, he knew that if he said it at this time, no one would believe it.


   After all, the dark part is his direct force.


  Who can believe that there will be roots in the dark part that only obey Tuanzang?


   This black pot.


   He agreed.


"Before this thing was done, Tuan Zang asked us." Mito Menyan came up and looked at Fengyingying Luosha. He seemed a little sighed. "We didn't agree with it at first, but Tuan Zang said, if we check If there is no such thing, he is willing to take all responsibility for his allies, even if he is guilty of death, he will be able to stop a disaster this time. It really depends on Tuanzang!"


   Thanks for death?


   The silent watching movie almost laughed out loud.


  Shimura Tuanzang controls one of the ultimate pupil skills of the Uchiha clan, Izanagi, which can restore all near-death injuries.


   If he didn't find out, he would mutilate himself.


   What's more, he was afraid that he had already been prepared. The two people he caught should have been asked by hypnosis in advance.


   It seems that this 10,000-year-old pot shadow has really grown a little, and it knows how to dump pots for others.


   The silence is a little comforting.


   He glanced at Luo Sha, who was no longer declining, and Fei Rijian, who was no longer aging. Everyone seemed to get what he wanted.




   Their fate conflicts with each other, who can laugh to the end?


   A bag of seeds appeared in silent hands.


At this time, Luo Sha, looking at the awe-inspiring Zhicun Tuanzang, looked at the apparently targeted Ape Feizhi, and seemed to finally understand that there was a disagreement within Konoha. While wanting war, Don't want war.


   But he didn't want war!


"Enough!" Luo Sha made up his mind. The Fengying robe on his body was windless. He looked at Tuan Zang in front of him and said with a sullen face, "If we really want war, where is my army in the village of Shayin Ninja?" Where is the big snake pill you said? It’s you who didn’t have the chance to hurt the ninjas in my village and really tear up the covenant. It’s you who wants to provoke war!”


   That's right, Luo Sha's intention to die is not admitted.


   is like Yunyin Village.


   Anyway, he didn't really do it.


   It is also true that the army was not brought.


   As for the big snake pill.


   didn't even know where to go, and couldn't find anyone.


   "Duanzang, there may be misunderstandings here." Ape Fei-Chan also said, "Maybe it is other people's tricks. At least now, Feng Ying does not have a plan for war. Let's sit down and discuss it in detail."


   He actually believed 70% to 80% of this matter.


   However, it is really not the right time to fight against the village of Shayin.


   And Mitomon Yan and Xiaochun, who were in bed, also showed some hesitation.


   Things may be true.


   But looking at Luo Sha like this, it seems that after the incident is revealed, he is not going to continue. If so, is there still war?


"Even if it fails this time, there will definitely be the next time!" Zhicun Tuanzang raised his hand, pointing at Luo Sha, and said firmly, "As an ally, from the moment when I came up with the idea of ​​shooting at me, Konoha Trustworthy, not to mention, to destroy my wooden leaves, there is no need for an army at all. You may be enough."


  After this sentence was finished, Ape Feijian also changed his face slightly.


   He almost forgot.


   Luosha is also a can opener, and the current form of war basically only focuses on can openers.


   only needs to win in the stage of fate, the army really does not matter.


  The people who don't know the looked at each other one by one, wondering if they had heard it wrong.


  Destroy Konoha, is it enough?


   Even my Elaine looked at his father inconceivably. Was he really so powerful?


   And Luo Sha's complexion was ugly.


  He already guessed what this person was going to do.


"Sun cut." Shimura Tuanzang looked at Ape Fei Sun cut, his face that had been gloomy at the moment, but at the moment it was a look of distress, "The existence has said that all of us are destined for our own destiny Struggling constantly, until now, do you still think there is a possibility of peace? If you don’t fight, the only thing waiting for us is destruction, so—”


  He took out his badge from his arms.


   lifted high.


   "We have no choice! Only start the stage of our destiny!"

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