Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 216: : 1 real monster

The scene in front of me was not only unbelievable, but also a kind of chill that emerged from the bottom of my heart.

Right in front of them, companions who died in a terrible appearance.

Into this kind of monster-like existence.

Even, can they attack them?

"Big, the reason why Da She Wan defected." A ninja suddenly shivered and said, "It seems that the villagers in the village have done various terrible experiments."

This sentence has brought many people's memories back to a few years ago.

Big Snake Pill, which was originally respected by the villagers, was exploded. It was an out-and-out murderous demon, and even tortured the villagers for his evil ninjutsu experiments.

Is it...

This is the kind of evil experiment that year?

For a time, I looked at the big snake ball with a heavy, cold and trembling breath.

With so many of them, no one dared step forward.

Only the ninja who first attacked looked at his companion who had just sacrificed.

And at this time-

"That wasn't ninjutsu at all." Sasuke suddenly said, even his voice seemed to have a shudder, "This man... has no heartbeat, no blood flow, how to look like a dead person. ."

"Yes." Ning Ci also opened his eyes. "And this one he controlled... has also been sacrificed, just a corpse."

"What?" There was a sudden uproar around.

However, there are also many members of the Japanese family, who opened their eyes at this moment.

Then, all the expressions of horror all over his face.

"Yes, he is obviously a dead man!"

"No, there is Chakra flow."

"Is it a puppet?"

"Not like, did not see the Chakra line!"

The sounds around him suddenly became noisy, and at this time, the flat wood suddenly gave up the stalemate and greeted the former companion in front of him suddenly. Into the other party's heart.

"Dazhi!" a ninja exclaimed.

But it was too late, and the ninja who tried to avenge his companion died in the hands of his companion.

"One more good material." Da She Wan is still the soft smile, holding out his hand, the same scene reappears, and after a while, the fresh corpse stood up again staggeringly.

The weird scene made everyone open their mouths and had a feeling of wanting to take a breath.

What a terrible ninjutsu this is.

Sasuke and Ningji looked at each other.

Both found the same answer from the other person's eyes.

"You guys." Sasuke pointed the long sword in his hand to the big snake pill, and his face was as thick as water. "What kind of evil jars did I buy to get such power."

"That kind of cold power is different from Chakra, and there is that weird energy flow." Ning Ci also put on an attacking posture, "There is no doubt that it is a skill."

Compared to the rest of the ninja.

They are, after all, people who have seen the magic of the jar.

It is very clear that people who have opened the jar cannot be treated with common sense.

Therefore, although he is also alert to the other party's means, he is not frightened by the unknown.

At most... a little disgusting.

The rest of the ninjas watched both children keep this calm, and at the same time a little ashamed, they were keenly aware of the meaning in the words of these two people.

"Do you know anything?"

"What an evil jar?"

"Ningci, if you have information, please share it. This traitor's method is a little weird."

Fear returns to fear, but the companions are by their side, and the villagers and even their loved ones are behind them.

No one will simply flinch.

Ning Ci's face was awkward. This is not something that can be explained clearly in a few words, not to mention, they only know where the power of the other party comes from, but they don't know what this power is and what its nature is.

Da She Wan turned his head.

Even the two "corpses" around him turned their heads together.

Skill · Eye of Fear.

In an instant.

No one can move.

Not because of external forces, but simply because the inner heart can’t resist the fear, just like being watched by the **** of death, everyone can see the deep entanglement from the man in front of him, like the cold and cold in the cemetery in the middle of the night, And... his own death.

These elite ninjas were trembling and terrified.

Can't help but feel extremely ridiculous for what he just thought.

They actually wanted to win such monsters by virtue of the number.

Not human anymore.

A real monster!

Just looking, it brings deep despair to people, just like falling into the abyss in the dark, only to feel that the body is falling continuously, sooner or later it will hit the hard ground and usher in cruel death.

"Think well, taste your taste."

The hoarse words of Da She Wan, like the snake words that the fangs have touched his ears, some people even shed tears, crying because of fear, like a fragile child, but no one laughed at them.

Even Sasuke and others who are facing away from Da She Wan.

You can also feel the fear of dying.

Very strong... very strong!

This guy, I don't know how many cans I opened!

While Sasuke and others were thinking about countermeasures.

Da She Wan sighed.


Along with this sigh, that kind of unspeakable fear faded like All ninjas, whether they are forbearance or forbearance, are all the same paralyzed and sweat is like a waterfall Gushing from the body.

But his face was sober for the rest of his life.

They finally had a feeling beyond death.

But the next words of Da She Wan gave them a creepy feeling.

"You have to kill all my teachers and Muye's seniors first to become dead bodies." Da She Wan's hoarse and low voice seemed to be talking to herself, "If you turn all of you into dead bodies now, that one Sir, but he will be angry."

The meaning in this sentence can't be more obvious.

He wanted to kill Naruto, and even the top of Konoha!

This is to destroy the entire Konoha!

A firm-willed patient, shivering voice asked:

"A demon like you would be afraid of others... who is that person?"

Although it is a bit too weak to say so, they do not think that Naruto will be an opponent of this monster.

Hope to save Konoha.

Maybe it was in the "Mr." in the mouth of Da She Wan.

"I still have the courage to speak?" Da She Wan's cold eyes shifted to this person. "Is the heir to the will of fire? Interesting, just use you as an experiment."

Look at the so-called will, the level of undead resistance that can resist.


A roaring sound came suddenly.

Naruto seems to have endured to the limit, he clenched his fists tightly:

"Isn't your goal me? Have the ability to fight against the stage!"

If it weren't for the Zhongren test, all the money would be spent.

Now Naruto has come to the stage of fate.

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