Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 235: : You better come in person

   has to say that there is an angel who is very cute in every way, and it always makes people happy.

   Plus the shaggy face that rubbed the silent face.

   Silence felt that his smile could not stop.


   The work is still to be done.

   gathered his mood, silenced through a remote survey and looked at the location of Uchiha Itachi and dried persimmon.

   They are quickly rushing somewhere in the woods.

This world is not big, it can be regarded as a planet much smaller than the earth, and the population is even more sparse. Except for a few cities, a large number of places are naturally grown dense forests. Basically, the jungle rush is every A required course for ninjas.

   "Let's go." said silently.

   at the moment.

There was no communication between Uchiha Itachi and dried persimmon.

  Because they are in their minds, they communicate with the leader of Xiao organization.

  Xiao has mastered a ninjutsu of remote induction communication, and it is the ring that everyone wears that works.

   Dried persimmon shark detailed and chief, that is, the man who calls himself Payne tells everything he saw in Konoha.

   was silent for a long time.

   Then came the voice.

   "Uchiha Itachi, are you sure that you have no illusion?"

   It's no wonder that Payne asked, this kind of thing is really too incredible.

  Incomparably tyrannical force, destroyed the entire Konoha battle, mysterious man.

   Even after Konoha was destroyed, the original restoration was restored.

   If Uchiha Itachi is not there.

  Nagato is basically certain that this is a kind of illusion.

   "This possibility is not ruled out," Uchiha Itachi said, "but that must be far beyond the illusion ability of writing chakra, because I didn't notice any problems."


   Payne's body, long door, has frowned at this time.

   He still felt incredible.

   But in the end, it just said:

   "You come back first, and then come back and tell in detail everything you see, including any details."

   After all, this kind of call can only make contact within a short time.

To save time.

  Just dried persimmon shark, just described it briefly.

   "Good." Uchiha Itachi said calmly.

In his eyes without any fluctuations, he was actually thinking about whether he still had the need to stay in Xiao organization. Zhicun Tuanzang seemed to be dead. Three generations of Naruto had also been seriously injured. Xiao organization’s current strength is not at all in Konoha. opponent.

at this time.

   a voice, but suddenly appeared in the minds of several of them.

   "Why not, let me explain it myself."


   The long gate in Yuren Village, the pupil suddenly shrank.

how can that be!

   This inductive communication between them is a kind of occult technique that uses psychicism, and there is no possibility of being invaded from the root.

   And Uchiha Itachi and the dried persimmon shrew stopped suddenly.

  Because, in the trees in front of them, a smiling man in a suit and a beautiful woman in a dress with a pair of pink wings on her back looked at them quietly.

   seems to have been waiting for a long time.

   was the man at that time!

   Even the expression of the dried persimmon shark is unprecedentedly dignified.

   Even the silence in front of me is just a smile.

  But everyone who saw such a scene with their own eyes, when facing him, would have an uncontrollable timidity, just like a civilian seeing a high emperor. Even if the other party is gentle, he can't eliminate his inner fear.


  Dried persimmon is a real ninja who regards tasks as everything, so he still sends the news back in the first time.

   "That man is right in front of us."

   "Is it right in front of you?"

  Changmen thought about it, and Pene, who was controlled by him, acted immediately, and even with Xiao Nan, came in the direction of Uchiha Itachi and others.

   is not near.

   However, it is necessary to investigate clearly, and can only hope that the dried persimmon shark and Uchiha Itachi can hold back for a while.

   "Yes, that's the man, and his female companion." The dried persimmon shark is already sweating a little while holding the palm muscle.

  He is now completely the worst result of sacrifice to calm himself.

Even those who are as strong as monsters, such as the big snake ball, are respectful of the man in front of him, plus the strength shown by the previous card, the dried persimmon feels that once it fights, it will be killed in an instant. Not surprising.

   "No need to be nervous."

   The silent voice rang again in the minds of four people, including Xiao Nan.

   He just said mildly:

   "Most of the time, I will not deal with possible customers, long door, if you really want to see me, please come in person."

   "...Who are you!?" The shock inside Nagato was already unparalleled.

  Since Yahiko's death, he has always appeared in front of everyone with Yahiko's body, alias Penn.

   Not many people know his true identity at all.

   is now directly spoken by this mysterious existence, even the sentence behind...

  He knows Payne's secret?

   Did the person who claimed to be Uchiha spot tell him?

  Various speculations emerged in the heart of Nagato, and he had a situation that was completely beyond his control.

   even controlled Payne six, speeding up.

"Since you don't want to come in person Then you wait." Silence seemed to cross the space, seeing through the long door. The tone said regretfully, then he gently said Lift your finger.

   In the eyes of Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Shark instantly alert.


   Silence snapped his fingers like a band commander.

   accompanied by this last voice.

  Nagato found that he and Uchiha Itachi were completely disconnected.

   can't even sense their position and status at all.

   It's almost... as if it were dead.

  In an instant?

   "Xiao Nan, you are away from a certain distance, don't lean too close." Nagato said, controlling the Penn Heavenly Path, and said to Xiao Nan who was rushing by.

   "Okay." Xiao Nan also had some concerns in his eyes, but still slowed down.

   She is the body, if it is really so dangerous, let Payne try first.

   and the other side.

  Dried persimmons and Uchiha Itachi can't take care of the communication disconnection.

   They are turning their heads and looking at the strange scene around them.

   That's right.

Everything around    seemed to stop.

  Birds flying in mid-air, flying leaves, even branches pressed by the breeze, and fine dust.

   This looks like a fantasy scene.

  In the eyes of Uchiha Itachi's pair of writing wheels, it is a real reality.

   "Just avoid being disturbed."

   The silent figure appeared in front of them in an instant.


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