Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 246: : Even this power

  Shen Luo Tian Zheng, this power is not only used for defense.

   With Chakra's input.

   The range and strength of the repulsive force will also have a terrifying increase.

   At least in the early stage of Naruto.

   This is an unsolvable, but also a few tricks enough to change the entire terrain, and even destroy the entire leaf in one go.

   Take it out, it is absolutely shocking level.

   Even Uchiha Itachi felt a slight change in his face when he felt that terror power was falling from the sky, and he took advantage of the soil escape as soon as possible and took the dried persimmon shark to hide deep in the ground.

  Start from the center.

   Invisible force field, destroying a large area of ​​forest little by little.

  Like a random destruction portrait with a pen, the bare ground appeared extremely uncoordinated in a green map.

   The visual effect is quite shocking.

   However, for silence, this degree is just a drizzle.

   He is more interested in that Nagato actually decided to defeat him?

   This is also the first person in this world who has this idea.

   But understandable.

With the wish of Nagato, it is impossible to achieve without defeating everyone in this world, because what he wants is despair, but where there is hope for defeating him, the so-called painful end of the war is a joke.

   That will only breed more painful hatred.

  That said.

   Silence is not ready to actually play, he is a bit like the devil's mentality about the warrior, more curiously, where Nagato can go towards this goal.

after all.

   He had to face the increasingly powerful can openers first. This is a more desperate path destined to impossible.

   At this moment——

  Under the power of Chao Shenra Tianzheng, the entire terrain has been completely changed.

   Large ground traces appeared bare in the forest.

  If it rains.

   In this forest, there might be one more beautiful lake.

  Dried persimmon shark and Uchiha Itachi got out of the mud, and they looked at this scene with a shocking expression on their faces.

too strong.

   is almost as destructive as the sandstorm they belonged to, but Luosha gained strength from the gentleman, and Penn caused such damage in only a few seconds!

   This is the strength of the leader of Xiao organization.

   Payne Heaven, slowly falling from high altitude.

   cast such ninjutsu, and he still didn't seem to change his expression.

   "How, this power."

   Payne Heaven's tone seemed extremely relaxed.

  Although the long door as the main body is already breathless, the two people in front of them are invisible.

   "If it is the ninja world in the past, perhaps the leader can already be called the strongest in the contemporary era." Uchiha Itachi raised his head and looked at Payne Heavenly Dao for a moment, and then said, "But now, it is not necessarily the case."

   "Even this kind of power?" Payne opened his hands like he was showing everything around him.

   "Even this kind of power!" Uchiha Itachi added a few more words and repeated the same words again.

   But the meaning of the words is completely different from Nagato.

  Dried persimmon also nodded and said:

   "The leader, although he does not want to hit you, but it is difficult to imagine the existence of the adult without personal experience."

   Payne's trick really exceeds the skills they developed.

   Put in the jar, it will be a purple epic skill.


   What they experience is not only the skills that Nagato sees, but also the knowledge, objects, and power of another world, which is enough to represent the authenticity of the words spoken by the silence.

   For that gentleman.

   They are just fish in a small fish tank, even if it is a shark?

   They simply don't know how terrible creatures there are in that real ocean.

  Nangmen's fist has been clenched tightly.

   He is not stupid.

  The attitudes of Uchiha Itachi and the dried persimmon shark are enough to show that even such power is still not enough in their eyes.

  Although he still has a star burst.

   But the level is the same.

  Nagato remembered the dragon that stretched for thousands of kilometers in the village of Shayinren.

   pressure keeps coming up.

   "Let's go." Nagato finally controlled Penn Heavenly Road, "Go back to the headquarters first. In the future, all tasks will be suspended. I will call everyone back until I have enough information to investigate."

  He is now eager to discuss with Uchiha Spot.

   If the man is really Uchiha spot.

   As a legendary character, maybe there is a way.

   But before that.

  He wants to be optimistic about the members of these Xiao organizations, including the rest. After all, collecting tail beasts still needs their strength.

   Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Shark had no opinion. On the bright side, it seemed to be shocked by Payne.

But in fact.

   They just cherish their own purposes and do not want to leave the Xiao organization.

   And the sky at this time.

   "Let's go, let's go back." Silent raised his head and looked at the moon, then smiled at Icarus, "This is really a fulfilling day."

   Fei Ju, who had closed her eyes on her shoulders, opened her half sleepy eyes after hearing it, and made a weak voice.


   is like urging silence to hurry up.

   She is really sleepy.

   After all, I spent all day on silent shoulders, eating dried fish, and had little activity.

It's almost a Silent for a moment, I took them back to my small room, and then I hugged Fei Ju into her own den with some distress, and covered her small The quilt was washed for a while, and I fell asleep comfortably.

   And in this night.

   The whole world, I don’t know how many people, sleepless all night.

  Each member of the Xiao organization who suddenly received the emergency message.

  The big and small village that holds an emergency meeting.

   There is also Da She Wan who is discussing the next plan.

   Even Konoha as the center of the vortex.

   The same, always brightly lit.

   The world has undergone tremendous changes. It may be an opportunity or a disaster. However, everyone cannot escape and can only face it.

   In the middle of the night.

  Somewhere in Yuren Village, Payne Heaven sits high and looks at the village covered by rain in front of him.

   Let the rain soak his body.

The same is true of Xiao Nan behind him.

  The two people coincidentally did not use any cover, just bathed in rain, remembering the same person.


   "Whenever this happens, I will feel that the three of us are still together." Nagato whispered as he looked at his hands.

   His consciousness, Yahiko's body, and Xiao Nan.

  Xiaonan hesitated.

   still said: "The news from Muye, their fourth-generation Naruto, Bo Feng Shui Men, seems to be resurrected."


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