Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 250: :Lemon extract brings soil online

   is facing everyone's ambiguous sight at the moment.

   Kakashi had something overwhelmed.

  Rylin, instead, responded to everyone with a big smile. Although she said that she had removed the oil on her face, it looked a little different and was not recognized by anyone, but she recognized a lot of people.

   This wooden leaf is a little strange to her. At the moment, it is overlapping with the wooden leaf in memory.

   can't help but have a feeling of being alive.


   glanced at the silence that seemed to be chatting with Icarus.

   is the man who gave her a chance to be resurrected.

   silently noticed her sight.

As if she knew what she was thinking, she responded with a smile and said, "I only gave one chance to resurrect you, Kakashi who paid the price for it... although he said he wanted Resurrect those with soil first."

   The last sentence was spoken casually.

   But Nobara was not angry.

"Kakashi is such a person." She looked at Kakashi, who was surrounded by everyone, making her smile brighter. She suddenly pulled Kakashi's wrist and ran out of the crowd without forgetting. Waving back, "We still have things, let's go first."

   "Gee, the girl now is so bold."

   "Not really."

   "Speaking of that, Kakashi was very popular since he was a child, after all, he is strong and handsome."

   "But I didn't expect it, Kakashi turned out to like girls of that age..."

   These neighborhood aunts and uncles who like gossip are all gratified expressions. After all, they grew up watching Kakashi, and his efforts to protect the village are seen by everyone.

   Naturally hope Kakashi can find his own happiness.

   And what they don't know is.

  The words he said were punctured like a needle stick in a person's ear.

   Silent eyes, looking at the alley not far away.

over there.

   suppressed a trembling and strong chakra.

   is the hidden soil hidden there.

  He was looking up at the entire Konoha from a high place, trying to determine where he was investigating. Then, he saw Kakashi and Lynn, coming out of the same apartment.

   The moment I saw Nohara Lynn.

   He couldn't believe his eyes.

   However, after shaking and approaching.

  He was very sure.

   This familiar Chakra, this smiling girl, is his Lin!

   At that moment, his emotions were unprecedentedly intense.

   A cloud of paste in my mind.

  Lin was also resurrected? Why live with Kakashi? Is Kakashi the person who killed her? Lynn, forgive Kakashi?

  All kinds of problems spring up.

  I want to rush out regardless of the soil, but when facing Lin's smile, my body froze.

   You face what those people say.

Lin, who did not deny, and the smile on Lin’s face, let the earthy mood be like rolling between magma and frost, and the scene where Lin pulled Kakashi’s hand away, let the earthy The whole head roared.


  U Zhibo suppressed his terrible breath with soil, and looked at the backs of the two people, and his heart was full of holes, as if he had been pricked again.

   He didn't understand.

   Kakashi, the man mercilessly killed his own companion for the so-called village.

   can still face Lin with peace of mind.

  Even Lin didn't blame him.

"For the village, even killing a companion is justified, even if it is killed by a companion, there is no blame. Such a world... fundamentally, it can't bring happiness to Lin." Uchiha's voice with a hoarse voice, tone It's like a evil spirit who was tortured in hell.

   Silently listened to the words full of despair and hatred.

   sighed in my heart.

   He is pushing this scene, just want to see, whether the love of the soil with Lin is more possessive of Lin, or the part that hopes that Lin can be happy.

   If it is the former, it may be able to take Lin away, if it is the latter, it may leave silently, or even silently guard Lin.

   The two possibilities, the corresponding jars, are completely different.

   But did not expect.

   The one that hates the earth most is this one in his eyes, which can kill the companion's world for the task.

  Kakashi killed Lin, he would still be loved by Lin, and for Lin's sake, he would desperately destroy the wooden leaves and kill the teacher's love, but he would not get Lin's approval.

  This is wrong in his mind.

   Such a world, such a Lin, cannot be happy.

   will only get hurt again when he doesn't know when.

   This is why.

  Earth would like to go to the eye of the moon to find the false Lin.

   Like Uchiha, he thinks the real world is wrong.


   See clearly in silence.

In the earthy mind, there are two ideas constantly surrounding.

   One kind is to continue to promote the plan of the Eye of the Moon, and then he can live with the false Lin in the false world forever.

   Another way is to work hard to make the real Lin in front of him understand that only he can bring her real happiness, Kakashi can't.

   However, Yi Lin's kindness.

To be able to accept him who killed his teacher and even hit the understands the darkness of this world, understands the cruelty of the village, understands Kakashi and Mu Ye is not worth her love at all.

   This difficulty is extremely great!


   Uchiha took soil and looked at Lin's back, looked back at her, and watched her waving.

  He loved Lin, right in front of him.

   False...after all, it is not as real as it is.

   The expression of silence is a little weird.


   The wish with earth is not to **** Lin, but to change Lin, let Lin also blacken together, and then throw him into his arms?

  What kind of jar must it be?

   has a headache.

Silence did not get its expected result, with a little sadness, walked to the front of Lin and Kakashi waiting for them. Under the influence of telepathy, the silence in the eyes of the earth and Icarus are a pair of irrelevant. People.


  It's like ordinary, four people dating between two couples.

The four people continued to hang out. Lin seemed to be very high in nature. She looked around. From time to time, she took Kakashi to stay in a shop, or greeted the villagers who approached him inquiries. Kakashi's explanation was in a hurry.

   Silent interest is not so good.

  Because a lemon essence followed.

   The feeling of great sourness and envy and jealousy can be felt even if the power of telepathy is recovered by silence.



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