Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 260: : Don't ignore the weak

   They didn't think that Wave Fengshuimen thought of the solution, but it turned out to be the same thing.

   Even the silent expression has some weirdness.

   This is a bit witty.

"Here, everyone who buys cans, have heard Mr. Silence say that cans can fulfill anyone's wish." Bo Feng Shui Men's eyes looked at everyone, and then said, "But everyone's wish is Differently, the realization of the wish, from another point of view, means-a panacea."

  The words of the jar all-purpose, once come out.

  Everyone understands what the wave Fengshuimen just said.

   But unexpected.

   They found that they seemed unable to find a reason to refute.

   And think about it carefully.

   This sentence still has some truth.

"Yeah." Tsunade clapped his palms. "If anyone's wish is to stop Xienren from going to the battlefield? As long as this wish has reached a certain level, he should be able to purchase cans to solve these two problems. There must be some jars."

  Thinking according to Tsunade is much simpler.

By now.

  The mystery and power of the jar has already penetrated into the hearts of the people, and no one can guarantee that the jar does not have the ability to realize this wish.

"The reason why I propose this measure is that, according to this trend, when the weak face the can opener, they may not even have the opportunity to escape." Bo Fengshui Men said, "The reverse is also true. We only need one open The canner, it is possible to kill all the cannon fodder of the other party. For a long time... in this world, only the can opener might be alive."

   This naturally has some alarmist taste.

   However, Xiaochun and Mitomonitis were silent during the night.

  The direction of their thinking is only for the benefit of Konoha.

   It is better to be able to reduce sacrifices.

   "If there is no opinion, then we will ask Mr. Silence to come and ask." Bo Feng Shui Men said, and then looked at Tsuna.


  Tsunade suddenly felt a little optimistic about this as the Huo Ying of his juniors.

   took out the badge at this time.

  Under everyone's attention, directly connected to the silent side.

   Then expressed to Icarus the application to see silence.

   Silence thought for a while, too lazy to let Icarus respond again, and after a while, his figure appeared for a moment and appeared directly in the meeting room.

   is just a person.

   instantly attracted everyone's attention, but he didn't care, and he simply pulled an unmanned chair and sat down.

   "It seems that it is not just Tsunabe who wants to see me." The smile on Silent's face was also a little sleepy.

"Yes, sir."

  Bao Fengshuimen's attitude was very correct, and then he expressed his thoughts.

   asked respectfully again:

   "I don't know, can Mr.'s jar solve these two problems?"

   "You already know the answer, don't you?" Silently looked at the wave Feng Shui gate, smiled slightly, "As long as the price can be paid, and good luck, there is no problem that can't be solved."

  Honestly, the fact that Wave Feng Shui Men proposed made silence a little unexpected.

   However, he was also aware of it.

   This is equivalent to saying that give him a reason to directly intervene in this world system.

   "Can it really be solved?" Tsunebu couldn't help but ask, "What series of jars?"

"Tangshou." Silently glanced at Shougangshou, but didn't answer directly, but said with a smile, "You can't remember, I said when I first came to Muye, your village, or this world, very funny."

   Everyone else looked at Tsuna.

   "Well." Tsuneo nodded, recalling that time, "I remember, you said, there are too many people in our eager to change their destiny."

"Normally, I don't stay in a world for too long, and there are not so many guests in a world." Silence leaned on the chair, hands crossed in front of him, and the sound seemed to be brought up An inexplicable sense of mystery.

  Some people couldn't even hold their breath and listened very seriously.

Until now.

   They still do not know the idea and purpose of the mysterious businessman in front of him and the huge chamber of commerce behind it.

   But by the way.

   This again seems to determine their world and their own future.

   "But this is not necessarily lucky for you." Silence added.

   "What does this mean?" Tsunade's brow furrowed.

"literal meaning."

   looked silently at the people whose expressions suddenly became serious, and there was no change in the smile on their faces.

   He continued:

   "The essence of the jar is to give people who are unwilling to fate, an opportunity to change their own destiny, whether he is ordinary or not, weak or not, so I give you a piece of advice-don't ignore the weak in your eyes."

   In fact, for the benefit of silence.

   The measures of the Feng Shui Gate are unfavorable.

   Silence reduces the casualties through the stage of fate, but it does not mean that he hopes to concentrate the fighting in this world on a few people.

   That will cause some of these few people to concentrate all resources of the entire world and grow rapidly.

  If these people reach the full level in a short time.

   Then the game of this world is over.

   has no follow-up benefits.

For a plan, it is undoubtedly a failure. Silence does not want to harvest one world after another. After plundering resources and running, it is contrary to his professional philosophy. He is eager to establish a sustainability The large multi-element chamber of commerce that creates profits.

   So the more members, the better.

   After all, the main income of a game is not from a few local tyrants, but a large number of ordinary krypton players.

   "Mr. mean..."

   Wave Feng Shui Men's eyes were a little cautious. From this sentence, he was keenly aware that there seemed to be some information behind the chamber of commerce that they did not know.

   "It is not yet time, everything is unknown, and you may be directly defeated by the fate of the rest of the members."

Silent but shook his head, he didn’t seem to want to talk any more, he just laughed, “In short, to replace the role of ordinary ninjas on the battlefield, you don’t really need to ask me at all – large-scale perception ability, avatar ability, long-range puppet, grub ability , Almost all can be achieved, with the strengthening of your strength, let's act flexibly. The ordinary ninjas now have little effect."

   Actually don't say it now.

  In the four battles of the original book alone, the silence did not reveal the usefulness of those ordinary ninjas. Thousands of people could not compare with the naruto of Naruto.

   And the wave Feng Shui Gate has realized the meaning of the phrase silence.

  Now ordinary ninja?

   Means that the future may not have much effect?

   "As for the funds." Silent and looked at Tsunate, "You should know, isn't there in the series of jars purchased by Tuizang?"



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