Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 265: : Do not understand according to meditation

  When I was watching this animation, Silence didn't pay much attention to Zhao Meiming.

the reason is simple.

   Too few plays.

   first appeared in the late stage of the story, even though the words and deeds showed an excellent aspect, but relatively speaking, it is still not enough to make a deep impression.

   However, after this, most netizens seem to have dug out this treasure woman from Huo Ying.

   Beautiful face, hot body, dignified, gentle, always with a smile on her face, and has a little woman's side, and most importantly, there is no official CP.

   Therefore, compared with Zhengxi, the impression of silence on her is more from the creation of those same people.

   The first feeling at this time...not bad.

   "I don't know where she can lead Wuyin Ninja Village." Silently said to herself, then continued to pay attention.

   For those who pay more attention to them, silence is still more looking forward to, can choose the right power system in a suitable reality.

   Now, wait and see.

   At this moment, Zhao Meiming obviously didn't know that she was being peeped.

She glanced at the people behind her, clapped her hands, attracted everyone's eyes, and then said with a smile: "It's almost time to Muye Village, you guys have to get up, this is our Wuyinren Village This is the first exchange with other villages in the past ten years."

   More than ten years ago, because the fourth generation of water shadow was brought to the soil and controlled by illusion.

  The village of Wuyin Ninja has always been in a period of terror in the "Home of Blood Mist".

   And ended this period, it was the one who was in front of me.

  The rest of the mission was all looking at her with longing and admiration.

"But..." a shy teenager with blue hair, the owner, seemed to say less confidently, "Master Zhaomeiming, we did not get a reply from Muye, and heard that Muye happened yesterday That incredible thing..."

   Although the stage of fate only happened yesterday.

   However, because the incident is too big.

  In the case of using special abilities to transmit information, these of them have already known for a long time.

   One by one, there are some concerns.

   "Nagajuro, I believe in your ability." Zhao Meiming didn't explain much, just smiled and gave a simple encouragement.

   "Yes!" The young man seemed to be agitated, determined in secret that he must protect Master Zhaomeiming.

  However, although the smile on the face gives a feeling of peace of mind, when Zhao Meiming turned her head, the pupil that was not covered by long brown curly hair seemed to have some obvious worries.

   The situation of Konoha is obviously very simple.

  The resurrected fourth-generation Naruto, the terrible battle in intelligence, and the unknown man who seems to dominate everything behind him.

  If the information in the intelligence is true.

   Then, the road ahead is completely unknown.

Unable to estimate.

However, it is precisely because of this that the Wuyin Ninja Village, which has just come out from the blood fog era, will be the first and the first to send a powerful mission to investigate, and Zhao Meiming keenly perceives this series of information Unusual.

   Crisis...there are opportunities.

Gathered his emotions and moved on towards Muye Village, let Zhao Meiming feel a little relieved that before he arrived in Muye, he had already met the welcoming staff who had been waiting here. It seemed that his attitude was kind. , Treat them with etiquette, in line with the level of Ninja village messengers of the same level.

   It seems that Konoha did not have the power to completely ignore Wuyin Ninja Village.

  Thought like Meiming.

   What she didn't know was that it was only because of the words left by a man in the morning.

   In a word, a group of people in Wuyin Ninja Village were greeted to Muye, there was no big welcome meeting, no deliberate cover-up, and they were led all the way to the Huoying Office Building in Muye, waiting somewhere in the meeting room.

   "In intelligence, Konoha was destroyed in yesterday's battle, and he recovered as much as possible after the battle." Nagajuro whispered, "but there is really no trace of it."

   Just this way, they didn't really just walk by.

   observed the situation of this village seriously.

  Aside from the enviable prosperous scene, no signs of destruction were found.

   "No." Zhao Meiming shook her head gently, "You only saw the appearance, but you should also notice other things, such as the atmosphere between people."

   "Atmosphere?" Nagajuro was surprised.

   "Yes, because I have experienced it, I can easily see that the people on the street are full of the atmosphere of the rest of the life after the disaster." Zhao Meiming recalled everything she just saw in her mind.

  Parents are holding their children tightly.

   No one's crookedness beside the lover.

   Neighborhoods are more friendly.

   Everyone showed a deeper relationship than normal, just like the current Wuyin Ninja Village, because they almost lost everything, so they cherish it even more.

   "Yes, it is the rest of the life." The voice of a young man suddenly sounded.

   All people, including Zhao Meiming, were taken aback.

   is a man who doesn't know when to come in and appears in the seat in front of them.

   blond hair, handsome face, gentle expression, and robe on his body.

   Even though I haven't seen it before, everyone still recognizes the identity of this man.

"It's worthy of a golden glitter." Zhao Meiming's face had a mature and charming smile. "When I was very young, I heard about the name of Lord Huoying on the battlefield. It really is the same as the rumor. trace."

  Although the smile is charming, Zhao Meiming's palm is already a sweat.

   Even the rumor of the flying thunder god.

   didn't wait until the opening, she could notice it.

   "This is not the technique of flying thunder gods." Bo Feng Shui Men seemed to know what the other party was thinking.

   "Who...sir?" Zhao Meiming's slender eyes narrowed slightly.

   "You should know." The smile on the face of Bo Feng Shui Gate was slightly deep.

   Zhao Meiming of course knew that there was a trace of a man behind the incredible war of Muye yesterday and the resurrection of Huo Ying who was supposed to die for more than ten years.

   But what she didn't quite understand was.

   The other party directly brought the topic to the man so simple.

   Resurrection, to get power.

   For any village, it should be the information that they try to hide.

   Zhao Meiming was a little unthinkable.


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