Start Selling Jars from Naruto

Chapter 267: : Wait until you are qualified

Neither the feng shui gate nor the gang hand, from their standpoint, do not want powerful can openers to appear in the remaining villages.

They are all people who have experienced war.

Deeply understand how fragile the peace is from village to village.

Although it is impossible to prevent silence, it is not possible to actively recommend.

However, Zhao Meiming really has a feeling of vomiting blood.

Don't want to say, don't say that at the beginning!

Obviously you are the first to talk about it, and then you don’t talk about it half by half.

"Go, take you to your residence."

Gang hand turned around, really didn't say anything more, Zhao Meiming's chest undulated and took a few deep breaths before he suppressed the impulse in his heart.

Keep up with everyone around you.

The residence that Muye arranged for them is the family land of the Qianshou family.

Because of the complicated situation inside Wuyin Ninja Village, Fengshui Gate did not want to relax its vigilance against these people, and the Qianshou tribe was more empty, and the strong man staring at Gangshou was obviously a suitable choice.

Tsunade originally disagreed.

But the task bonus is a bit much.

So Zizizi agreed.

And this way came along, Zhao Meiming had a different feeling than before, because most people along the way would say hello to Tsunade, and Tsunade also responded with a smile.

Such a scene.

Zhao Mei Ming has not seen it in Wuyin Ren Village for many years.

"Really a peaceful village." She could not help whispering.

It seems that Tsunade heard this sentence, turned his head, and seemed to ask casually, "Speaking of it, what's going on with your Shuiying lord?"

The fourth generation of water shadow is also the current water shadow, citrus yakura.

Even when Tsunade wandered outside Konoha, he heard the name of this water shadow. Of course, it is not a good reputation. Under the management of the other party, Wuyin Ninja Village once became synonymous with blood and terror, even Excellent ninjas have defected.

The peach land before fighting against Kakashi and others is no longer cut, just to overthrow the water shadow and has been preparing funds.

But recent intelligence shows.

He seems to have been overthrown.

And the core character is the one who is behind Meimei, except that there is no news of the fourth generation of Shuiying's death, nor of the fifth generation of Shuiying.

"Master Shuiying retired to the second line due to physical reasons. At present, the village is managed by the elders. Therefore, the policy is different from the past." Zhao Meiming said simply.

Wuyin Ninja Village wants to change its image again.

Naturally, policies must be changed.

Such things cannot be concealed.

Gang Shou glanced at her again, and in those beautiful eyes, she had the same color as the wave Feng Shui Gate.

The determination to develop the village.

I could not help sighing in my heart, because of her understanding of silence, I was afraid that such a person would be my favorite.

After waiting for the place, Tsunade shouted silently to entertain, and was ready to leave directly.

She couldn't really be with her.

After all, the person who came was not Shuiying.

"Master Gangshou." Zhao Meiming suddenly shouted Gangshou, with a smile on her face, "I have a request, I hope Master Gangshou can agree."

"What request?" Tsuneo turned around.

"We in Wuyin Ninja Village have not passed through with the Ninja Village outside for many years, and we don't know much about the strength of the rest of Ninja Village." Zhao Meiming looked at Tsunade with a deeper smile, "If Master Tsunade allows it, Please discuss with me."

The rest of them looked at Zhao Meiming in amazement.

Especially mute.

No one here knows the strength of Tsunato better than she is now. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the first person in Muye today.

Her own strength is not weak, and she still buys the most jars.

"Do you want to learn from me?"

Tsunade's expression was like seeing something interesting.

"Just deepen understanding." Zhao Meiming nodded.

She wanted to verify another piece of information in the intelligence.

In yesterday's battle.

The combatants of Muye showed great strength.

However, such simple information alone cannot really judge how strong it is, and the traitor of Fengying and Muye alone, Da She Wan, can fight against the entire Muye, according to Meimei’s “extremely strong” information "The two words are still somewhat skeptical.

"Although Lord Tsunade is a senior." Zhao Meiming bite heavily on the word senior, and then chuckled softly, "But if Konoha has my information, you should know that I am Ninja The only person in history who has two types of blood inheritance limits is not weak."

The rest of the messengers from Wuyin Ninja Village were stunned.

All are with a glorious expression.

Because it is not weak, it is low-key.

Zhao Mei Ming is almost the most powerful person in Wuyin Ninja Village now. The unprecedented two blood succession limits make her even have the power to suppress the fourth-generation water shadow who is a pillar of man.

In contrast, the record of one of the three ninjas, Princess Konoha, seems to be insufficient to take the shot.

However, what makes Zhao Meiming unexpected is.

Facing the provocative actions she deliberately made.

Tsunae just smiled casually.

"It's really an excellent younger generation." She looked at Zhao Meiming's eyes as if the adults were looking at the ignorant children. "However, the gap between you and me is too great now, I don't want to be If you think you're bullying ordinary people, if you really want to fight, wait until you have the qualifications."

According to Meimei's smile, there are some subtle changes.

It's too natural.

If you just talk to each other and put pressure on the other party, it's no problem to say more arrogant words.

However, Tsunade's expression was too natural, she did not deliberately underestimate her, but really thought so.

"Master Zhaomeiming is not an ordinary person!" Nagajuro was a little angry, he blushed, and even shouted towards Tsunamu regardless of his timid personality, "Even the seniors of Ninja, I will not allow you to be like this. The insult saved the hero of Wuyin Ninja Village!"

The remaining members of the mission also looked at Tsunade angrily.

Hero, this is the status of Zhaomeiming in Wuyin Village.

Save them from a **** and hopeless world.


Zhao Meiming whispered him didn't seem to be angry, but looked at the sound of Nagajuro, and asked curiously, "Is he your brother?"


Zhao Meiming reached out and subconsciously protected Nagajuro behind him.

She really regards Nagjuro as a younger brother with excellent talent and always unconfident.

"Good boy, but my brother is more adorable."

A smile appeared on Gangshou's face, and Meiyujian seemed quite happy, and then stretched out his palm.

Squeeze tightly.


The air in the fist suddenly made a sound like being pinched and burst.


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